Officer, without number, head turner, troll burner
Staff member
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Tribe Council
Yakcomp 38: "Secret Society”
Across the Imperium, the most holy god emperor of man is worshiped for the most holy god emperor that he is! ...but in the underhive... some say he has four arms and purple skin, some say he collects skulls and has a nice chair, and the most depraved believe he has beady black eyes and a plume of bright orange hair!?!
You have six weeks to make and paint a citizen of the underhive, be it a ganger or a civilian, but they must show signs of some sort of belief in something! (It doesn’t necisarily have to be a god)
Yaks have 6 weeks to create, make and paint their entry, which must use at least 3 colours and be suitably based.
Bonus yak points* will be awarded how successfully their entry hides their beliefs.
Even more Bonus yak points** for including a ‘place of worship’
The deadline for this comp will be midnight BST on Sunday the 26th of September 2021.
Any yak wishing to enter merely has to state their interest in joining in and provide a link to their work in progress thread!
The Yak with the most votes will become the new YakComp Champion, Win $15 store credit from the ever generous @Mad Robot! They will also win a rather striking 1st place red banner, AND will (Usually) have the ultimate power of selecting the theme for the next YakComp!
This time however, you will have to be happy with the bragging rights, and who knows, I might make an imaginary hat for ya!?
Good Luck Tribesmen!
*bonus yak points are worth 0
** extra bonus yak points are worth double bonus yak points!

1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
Official rules:
Ideas thread/previous comps:
Across the Imperium, the most holy god emperor of man is worshiped for the most holy god emperor that he is! ...but in the underhive... some say he has four arms and purple skin, some say he collects skulls and has a nice chair, and the most depraved believe he has beady black eyes and a plume of bright orange hair!?!
You have six weeks to make and paint a citizen of the underhive, be it a ganger or a civilian, but they must show signs of some sort of belief in something! (It doesn’t necisarily have to be a god)
Yaks have 6 weeks to create, make and paint their entry, which must use at least 3 colours and be suitably based.
Bonus yak points* will be awarded how successfully their entry hides their beliefs.
Even more Bonus yak points** for including a ‘place of worship’
The deadline for this comp will be midnight BST on Sunday the 26th of September 2021.
Any yak wishing to enter merely has to state their interest in joining in and provide a link to their work in progress thread!
The Yak with the most votes will become the new YakComp Champion, Win $15 store credit from the ever generous @Mad Robot! They will also win a rather striking 1st place red banner, AND will (Usually) have the ultimate power of selecting the theme for the next YakComp!
This time however, you will have to be happy with the bragging rights, and who knows, I might make an imaginary hat for ya!?
Good Luck Tribesmen!
*bonus yak points are worth 0
** extra bonus yak points are worth double bonus yak points!

1st Place:
@Casus ’The Ghostraven Tribe and their precious Scrap Totem, complete with glowing (LED) crystal Ghost Skull
2nd Place:
@MedMos ‘A chance meeting in the ruins’
3rd Place:
@julezwr ’Disciple of The Cult of the Sump Mother’
Official rules:

YakTribe Competition Rules
Edited by Stoof 08/06/23 YakTribes Monthly Competition Rules Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you for the support for the first one, I was very surprised at the turnout and all the entries were excellent. There were some Rules and Regulations laid out in the first competition - We haven't...

Ideas thread/previous comps:

Yakcomp Brainstorming Thread
Yakcomp Brainstorming Thread Share your Ideas, no-matter how outer Yak they may be, and hopefully one day they might be selected! All previous comps: (Many many thanks to @dabbk for compiling these!) Yakcomp 39: "Secret Society” Across the Imperium, the most holy god emperor of man is...


Competition - YakComp Leaderboard
YakComp Leaderboard Username - 1st places - 2nd places - 3rd places - total number of entries - national flag (upon request) Last Edit - @Stoof added comp 54. Premiership @MedMos - 6 3 6 24 🇩🇰 @ClockworkOrange - 5 1 1 14 🇬🇧 @Casus - 4 1 0 8 🇨🇦 @Kommissar Shriken - 3 4 0 14 @Tiny - 3 2 1 10...

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