Competition YakComp 41 ‘Beastmaster’

YakComp 41 ‘Beastmaster’ (pick upto 3)

  • @Stoof ’pigeon handler’

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • @Raven Morpheus ’squig herder’

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • @trollmeat ’Stingray & Steve the Sumpkroc’

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • @Hawkins44 ’Officer Pauk Dunbar on his iron steed’

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • @Tiny ‘K'kaw the Destroyer and his loyal companion Gurk the Indistractable’

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • @Punktaku ‘It’s not like I’ll have to use it again anytime soon anyway’

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • @Biggle_Bear ‘The Gentleman Esquire returns... WITH PETS!’

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • @Blackbeard 'Scruffy the beastmaster and the spiders from near mars'

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • @Ben_S ’almost certainly be the only one’

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • @Greenthumb ‘a ridiculous hat always helps’

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • @Lyndon ‘facing off against some big toads’

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • @MedMos "Who's a good boy?"

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • @Sobek ’Ms. "Scrutinator Primus Servalen”’

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • @The Tailor ’ a bullet to the knee’

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • @MancInventor ’Nessus Swarmcaller’

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • @rustedchrome ’me 10 years ago’

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • @Resmire "is that a rat or is that a beard"

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • @SuboptimusPrime ’A shore party xeno beast handler and his Froggymoths’

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • @CaptainDangerous ’Dr Puke and his collection’

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • @almic85 ’what bases?’

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Officer, without number, head turner, troll burner
Staff member
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Tribe Council
Oct 30, 2016
Durham, uk
Yakcomp 41: Beastmaster - Pets. A luxury to some, a weapon to others. Build and paint a warrior with a faithful fuzzy/scaly/silvery companion.

A bonus Yak point* should be awarded for each additional pack member. Even more Yak points** for including the hunted quarry, be it animal or hapless mook.

Happy 2022 Yaks! And welcome to a new year of YakComps!

The comp doesn’t start proper until the beginning of Febuary, but I’d like to ask our current champion @SuboptimusPrime, and the first four yaks to submit their entries for comp 40, @Ben_S, @Punktaku, @Stoof and @Sump Duck, to submit a theme for Comp 41!
The theme can be anything yaks like, including previously done themes, and the voting tribe can pick their favourite for the coming battle!
Yaks May, if they are really struggling, pass on their vote, which will go to the next yak on the list.
When three yaks have made their choice, the remaining two have 24 hrs (BCT) before a poll will be made.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

The deadline for this comp will be midnight BCT (British Captain’s Time) on Tuesday the 8th 15th of March 2022.
Any yak wishing to enter merely has to state their interest in joining in and provide a link to their work in progress thread!

The Yak with the most votes will become the new YakComp Champion, Win $15 store credit from the ever generous @Mad Robot! They will also win a rather striking 1st place red banner, AND will have an automatic theme suggestion for the next YakComp!

Good Luck Tribesmen!

*bonus yak points are worth 0
** extra bonus yak points are worth double bonus yak points!


3rd place @Hawkins44

2nd place @Greenthumb

1st place @MancInventor
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@Punktaku : make a dice rolling tower disguised as scenery for the game system of your choice

@Stoof :
“Pop, pop, pop music"
Make a model inspired by music - it could be the physical embodiment of some lyrics, the band itself touring grungy underhive bars, or a lone minstrel trying to convince a party that "combat flute" is a valid and useful skill set to take dungeon crawling.

@Ben_S :
Size doesn't matter.
Make something for any of our usual games (Necromunda, Mordheim, etc) that's either smaller or larger than usual for what it is.

@SuboptimusPrime : Beastmaster - Pets. A luxury to some, a weapon to others. Build and paint a warrior with a faithful fuzzy/scaly/silvery companion.

@Sump Duck :
"Stranger than Fiction"
Build and paint something inspired by a work of fiction. A figure inspired by a fictional character, some terrain inspired by a fictional world or place, a diorama inspired by your favourite fictional moment, the whole of literature and cinema is at your finger tips.

Final entries (1/2)


@Raven Morpheus








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Rather than just the winner of last comp picking a theme, the first four yaks to complete, also get a chance to put an idea forward!
Once I get 3 themes in, the remaining 2 yaks have a short time to get their ideas in, then I’ll create a poll, and any yak can vote for what they want to see!

hopefully it goes to plan, and we get started on the 1st of feb!
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I think it might be easier to make this just a choosing a theme thread and have the actual comp 41 in a new thread - if only because I don't know whether you can have two polls in a single thread.

Anyway, here's my proposed theme:

Size doesn't matter.
Make something for any of our usual games (Necromunda, Mordheim, etc) that's either smaller or larger than usual for what it is.

Edit: That's three proposals, so I take it the 24 hour (BCT) countdown starts now...
Erhm...wha? Whassat? Entry? Okay, real talk: I was fully convinced I'd gotten away from that responsibility with that "the first 4 people to submit an entry for Comp 40 decide the next comp theme" thing, because I was WAY out of that timeframe. Oh cog, this is a bit of a pickle now, is it not? Uh. Uhm...gimme an hour or two...
Some of these fit, better than others, project ideas that had been rattling around in the back of my brain-socket for quite some time. Will us plebs get to vote? …if so, will it just be for one, multiple, or a ranked voting system?

Thread name “Yakcomp 41” made me think we were ready to go, perhaps add the ”: TBA (Begins 1st Feb)”?

*time to crawl back into my cave
I'm not sure how long we'll have to vote on themes, but it looks like we'll have some thinking time before the comp actually starts. (I don't currently have ideas for any of them, even mine.)
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