Yakcomp Brainstorming Thread

I would like to re-suggest one of my older topics. This one is about physical power and controlled use of uncontrolled violence.
Me smash, Me kill! - Make a person, or a beast, with a very apparent disbalance between the volume of brain matter, and muscle tissue.

Otherwise: Sump Bazaar

Make a model or a collection of models representing a merchant, cart, street stall, small shop, restaurant, even a shady-looking van selling 100% real Vouise Luitton bags. Anything, where scummers can spend their hard-earned credits for whatever will make their pointless existance more pleasant for the moment.

Also: Sometimes, you have no other option...

Build and paint a warrior who uses an mundane item that had never been meant to hurt someone as a weapon. The more bizzare the better.
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some ideas...

- all about the base- lets see some custom bases, built ye olde fashioned way, for a model of your choice

- growth and development- build the same character as they rise through the ranks of the gang/warband/etc. (ie the same character as juve/ganger/leader)

- archaeotech- convert a model featuring an item or weapon of otherworldly power- perhaps its an alien weapon, or even a refurbished piece of machinery (like terrain or vehicle), or maybe its a firearm in a fantasy setting (remember chaos champions with guns?)

- fish out of water- what if someone who really didn't belong in the underhive suddenly found themselves there, down on their luck perhaps? hunting a treasure or a big bounty?

- classic terrain component- roll something up on the old gang territories chart and build it, for the gang of your choice- add a story to it if you like!
For Mad Legs Jakob!

Build a fighter with extensive bionics - Perhaps, like Mad Legs, both legs replaced with a spider like apparatus, or a sketchy back alley head replacement. Perhaps very fancy peglegs and hooks for Mordheim, frostgrave characters etc.

Mad Legs Jakob was an Orlock ganger of a friend of mine. I think he had good BS advances. He suffered a leg wound in both legs, and with some campaign jiggery-pokery/not entirely honest post battle bookkeeping, ended up with two bionic legs. He decided the legs would be spidery like the baddie from Wild Wild West, it being the hot new movie at the time. Hence, Mad Legs! The model was just an original plastic ganger with some spider legs made from cocktail sticks (classic!).
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Cantina Band:

Pretty simple and inspired by the Goff Rockers - make a pop/rock/metal/idol/brass etc band for your chosen faction in your chosen game system.

Should give a good opportunity to model some fun or crazy stuff and possibly even useable if there are rules (like musician, noise marines etc).

I can see Escher Idols (of death), Gorkamorka (or other vehicle based games) with Doofwagons, Fantasy Command teams, Blood Bowl half time entertainment etc.
Other 'Mundas
What do the gangs in other hives (and other hives worlds) look like? Ninja gangs? Ripperskins? Alternate Spyrer rigs?

For Mordheimers, what other "gold rush" events have happened? The plunder of Lizardmen temples? Close combat deep within forgotten mines?

Gorkas and Morkas, what about planets other than Angelis? Maybe taking inspiration from @grobbo's Der Gulch jungle idea?
make an 'emmisary/overlord/house agent' for your gang

make a 'morale officer' for your gang (coach, priest, bartender, divisio integritas, favorite prostitute, servo-pony, a scowling mascot or grandmother, ...)

make a 'lugger' to accompany your gang while exploring (and carry the loot)

make a gangthemed 'prize fighter' (pit fighter) for your gang

make a gang totem (praying chapel, workshop, barrel of second best, tortured prisoner, a game computer with pacman, radioactive barrel, security station, shrine to the 'allfather')

Also running around with the idea to convert mad d'onne and dog but I'm still waiting on my current shipment of plastic crack

edited: unrelated, added bartender, prostitute, servo-pony and grandmother
and gang totem
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"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto." - take a character/characters from books, movies or TV shows and place them in the Underhive. Some idiot in a blue box comes to mind..

"Let me introduce myself." - You. As a character. Well.. most of you ARE characters.. I mean you as a mini. A "mini-me" if you will.

"Cute and fluffy!" - make a gang pet or mascot.
Time Flies

A two-model entry. Build a character as a young hopeful starting out in life... and how they've ended up.

Gang-fighting Juve armed with nothing but a knife and a willingness to kill... to a captain of the Imperial Fists.
Up-and coming bar owner showing vid casts of the THUNDERCUBE... to THUNDERCUBE side show fighter after failing to pay his comission.

Build and paint a character who comes from different universe, franchise or fandom, who somehow happened to find themselves living in the Underhive.

A Star Trek redshirt accidentally beamed into the Underhive would be a great theme idea.
- growth and development- build the same character as they rise through the ranks of the gang/warband/etc. (ie the same character as juve/ganger/leader)

Time Flies

A two-model entry. Build a character as a young hopeful starting out in life... and how they've ended up.

FYI, something along these lines was done before:

It was almost ten years ago, so definitely no problem revisiting such an idea.
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