Yakcomp Brainstorming Thread

Old-style. Paint something as a homage to the good ol' days of the 1990s, whether it be an actual old model (original to Necromunda, GoMo, or Mordheim) or a newer model in an old style.

EDIT: Looking back, I realise this has been done (#20) - but maybe that adds to the retro revival?
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Just the right size - Make a terrain piece that sits on an A4 / US Legal size base as close to exact size as you can. Also works for many other base
Or how about 12" by 12"? Then twelve of these bad boys could make a disjointed, topsyturby board.
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"They are masters of the secret arts" create unparalleled practitioners of a mysterious skill. A chaos sorcerer, a gunfu desperado, an adept of the administratum cracking centuries old mistakes in the imperial double entry book keeping system.
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“Eat it. It’s nutritious” make a scenery piece to feed your gang. Algae farm, mushroom grotto, giant rat farm, corpse starch plant, giant bank of vending machines, etc.

I didn’t reread the whole thread to see if this was already suggested (maybe even by me) so please forgive me if it’s already here. (Darn it!!! Post #9)
Monty Blindsnake: transpose a favorite Monty Python skit/movie into the game of your choice. Vorpal Rabbits in Necromunda? Knights of Ni and some shrubbery in Mordheim? Maybe the Spanish Inquisition? Mr. Creosote sitting in a underhive tavern?
Monty Blindsnake: transpose a favorite Monty Python skit/movie into the game of your choice. Vorpal Rabbits in Necromunda? Knights of Ni and some shrubbery in Mordheim? Maybe the Spanish Inquisition? Mr. Creosote sitting in a underhive tavern?

To play Devil’s Avocado, perhaps make it a more generalised Pun or Comedy theme, with Monty Python as examples.... ‘cos not everyone will have any favourites from a show they have never seen or don’t like :D
Outside the final frontier.

Anything as long as it's a part of setting that isn't the main focus of the game.
Such as the ash wastes (outside) the spire, eye of Selene, other hives etc.

Below the digga pyramids or on board the mutie crashed ship.

Khemri or lustria.

Either way it's (insert game name here) Jim but not as we know it.