Just sent across my £ for this. I got back into the country last night.
It's ace that you can make it man, I hear-tell from folks in these parts that you are a legend of sorts.... but what kind of legend are you pray-tell.....?Confirming two days and sending money over shortly.
It's ace that you can make it man, I hear-tell from folks in these parts that you are a legend of sorts.... but what kind of legend are you pray-tell.....?
I have paid as a gift. Sent a card with my nick' on it. That's right ... right?
Anyway, now I know when i'm coming i'll look at what is available and sign up.
Can I sign up for everything?
Ok. I'll work on my gang today. It will be Orlocks just to represent. Though Arry is retired and his son is already engaged in a campaign.
Might have to work out backstory a whole new bastard. A different animal ...
Retired eh?, sounds familiar.... perhaps he has made his home amongst the geriatric pit-fighters of "The Purple Pendulum Pit Fighting Club" (Line-dancing on Thursdays, Countdown "TV club" on Wednesdays and Grox Meatloaf "feast night"
on Fridays!!) soft-food only, visiting hours are between 10AM & 4PM. please respect the residents privacy and try to ignore the feint scent of Lavender and Piss.....
That's right! He was last seen trundling north on his heavily modified rocking chair, stashed with all the humbugs and worthers he could carry and stinking of olbus oil.
He was muttering something like "screw that lord pendulous, he can maintain he's own equipment, he has no respect for he's elders. Besides, molemans putting together a proper crew, I'll go offer my services to a decent outfit instead of those purple pendulum cowboys!"
@Jaws - you may have noted that one of my Pit Slaves has your "handle" / name.... if it's lack of a gang to use that's putting you off I can lend you some fully-painted Pit Slaves in a natty Khornate colour scheme or Cawdor in "Inquisition Casual-wear" or an Enforcer gang (in "police brutality blue") or even some Delaques....?
Aye, I have a goliath gang that can be borrowed... or some orlocks... or some van saar...
All, we are now dangerously close to capping out the event! We have 13 players on Saturday and a potential 10 on Sunday.
This is awesome, BUT means we probably need to be thinking about setting up 6 tables not 5.
So, does anyone else have a terrain set they can easily bring with them?
I think I've already counted your card stuff!
We can use the ruins, or any other Tanelorn terrain for that matter. That's how we expand the Necromunda stuff to 3 tables in times of need - this may be one of them! They're ok if put around the edge but not suitable for being in the centre of the action.