Yakday Peterborough 2017

I felt sorry for @Edelweiss she started so far from the cube and had a genestealer blocking the way and then the zombies turned up, even so at least half her gang made it to the cube but none made it into the mayors ride :(

@Edelweiss was used to it by that point. Yakday was an equal opportunities event, however the only female to take part was the only pit-slave to die in the THUNDERCUBE, was soundly thrashed in each game she played and then was victimised in the Grand Finale! No mercy, and not a chivalrous gent amongst us :ROFLMAO:
@Edelweiss was used to it by that point. Yakday was an equal opportunities event, however the only female to take part was the only pit-slave to die in the THUNDERCUBE, was soundly thrashed in each game she played and then was victimised in the Grand Finale! No mercy, and not a chivalrous gent amongst us :ROFLMAO:
@Edelweiss, sorry dude, we have never met an Escher in real life before! :LOL:
I just assumed you were the voice over lady.........

We did what needed to be done.........or so we thought........

...............my bad!
I have the fartiest little tag on it since did it literally last second haha. Speaking of tags, really lookibg forward to seeing the new tag for the new pitslave champion on the wall.

It kinda makes sense to have copies in case of a hive quake!
....or if the captain does some renovations! (Please let no one let clockwork see the THUNDERCUBE! He will drag me before the terrain troll council for crimes against polystyrene! ......I'm already under caution)

And there is certainly honour amongst pitslaves, in this shot, the captains suvailance drone captures a sparing match between the butcher and the elda, post grand final...

A light bout before retiring to the champions chamber!
In remembrance of the unrivalled grenade tossing skills of @Stoof .... (y)

Alnitak wakes with a start. The van Saar leader sits bolt upright in bed. A thin film of sweat clings to his brow.

He can't shake the scene. It has tainted his dreams for the past two nights now.

Such vivid imaginings: Alnitak opens the door on the gang’s local brewhouse only to find a grenade - tossed by some manic-eyed, Escher bar wench - skittering in slow motion across the floor to rest against the toe of his boot. He turns to look forlornly into the eyes of the two Upstart Crew gangers that flank him. All three gulp in unison. Ka-Boom! He sits bolt upright in bed.

Alnitak grips the railing around the lowest tier of the Thundercube and roars his support for Borris. The champion Pit Slave pulls the head off his latest victim and - gripping it by the hair - thrusts the bleeding trophy aloft. Alnitak turns to look at the two gangers standing next to him but rather than celebrating the winnings they had just made, both are waxen with horror. He turns back to find Borris is no longer Borris but rather some manic-eyed, Escher Ogryn - slabs of muscle rippling beneath leopard-print - and the hand thrusts not a head but a grenade which spins in slow motion towards them. It lands at their feet. Ka-boom! Alnitak sits bolt upright in bed.

He briefly considers trying to get more sleep but thinks better of it. He wipes the sweat from his brow and climbs to his feet. As he reaches out and grips the door handle he stops suddenly. His mind cruelly imagines that he’ll open the door from his quarters and discover a grenade rolling down the hall towards him.

Forget such nonsense he thinks. We survived that tricksy Escher juve. We've come through the worst of it. Besides, there have been whisperings that a massive stash of Wild Snake has been stockpiled downhive. He decides to wake the gang and go find it. Life, he thinks with unwavering confidence, can only get better.
The THUNDERCUBE! Is all about equality......
Equal opportunities to get butchered by Borris! :p

Borris was one of my favourite characters of the whole weekend, I made a fair few creds betting on him, but lost a fortune backing him against Pit the elda.
The THUNDERCUBE!(it just auto corrects it that way now) was, I thought, a great success. Everyone round one table, jeering and cheering others dice rolls, legendary characters being born and lots of laughs, I did terrible but really enjoyed the whole thing. Id buy a ticket to the THUNDERCUBE!.....but only if @Edelweiss isn't fighting, she has a habit of killing spectators. :D
The THUNDERCUBE! Is all about equality......
Equal opportunities to get butchered by Borris! :p

Borris was one of my favourite characters of the whole weekend, I made a fair few creds betting on him, but lost a fortune backing him against Pit the elda.
The THUNDERCUBE!(it just auto corrects it that way now) was, I thought, a great success. Everyone round one table, jeering and cheering others dice rolls, legendary characters being born and lots of laughs, I did terrible but really enjoyed the whole thing. Id buy a ticket to the THUNDERCUBE!.....but only if @Edelweiss isn't fighting, she has a habit of killing spectators. :D

A good deal of the competitors looked suspiciously like the mole rats........

Gang: Starting Rating: End Rating: Games Played: Difference:
'Eavy Krew. 1584. 2284. 5. 691
Emperor's Chosen Bretheren. 1509. 2050. 6. 541
Copperheads. 1425. 2013. 5. 588
Sonia's Slicers. 1432. 1940. 4. 508
The Upstart Crew. 1476. 1794. 3. 318
Sanguine Veritas. 1429. 1649. 2. 220
The Iron Slags. 1517. 1629. 2. 112
Sump Dogs. 1304. 1614. 4. 310
Steel Roses. 1372. 1479. 2. 107
Molerats. 1412. 1438. 5. 26
The Cpt. & Crew of the Crumpet. 1509. 1406. 4. -103
Rogue 9. 1109. 1394. 4. 285

Congratulations @BreakEven with the highest rating with the goliath/ork poser Gang the 'Eavy Krew!
Your prize is a bottle of Wild Snake whisky, from the mayors personal stash, and a Pringles tube on steroids.......

(Disclaimer: the mayor just likes the townsfolk to think he has expensive taste, he is actually on a poor mans budget)

And also congratulations/commiserations to @Yaksam, with the lowest rating of the weekend you have received the prize of the Mayor's hat!
He loved that hat, but as he made haste and stuck his head out of the tank hatch to watch an arena full of zombies burn as a very charred and angry Genestealer chased him.........it flew off his head!
After taking it off a disgruntled scavvy and dusting it off, it now belongs to you mate, hope you enjoy it!

The biggest badass of the weekend, and the recipient of The Big Bad Ass Trophy of Badassery goes to.......
@Adam D with his gang The Upstart Crew!

Notable badass', in order of badass'd'ness:
@Resmire with Sanguine Veritas and....
@CaptainDangerous with The Captain and crew of the I.S.S. Crumpet
(...................................yessssssss! *epic fist clench*

Not content with just one award each, both @Yaksam with Rogue 9 and @Adam D with The Upstart Crew have both been invited to imaginary Tea with the Hatter Himself! There's as much tea and cake as you like but whatever you do.....don't drink the frobscottle!

He'll meet you at the gate......

And last but not at all least....
The one everyone's waiting for....


The Most Favourite Gang Award, given to the Yak with the most votes as chosen by all the participants of Yakday Peterborough, goes to.......

NED NOODLE! With the Molerats and with an overwhelming count of 7 votes!
Congratulations mate! Along with your name on the trophy you will also receive the most generous prize of $20 store credit plus free shipping from our benevolent friend and fellow Yakker @Mad Robot!
As a note, not only were you voted on your most outstanding minis, more than a couple people had expressed that your possitive nature and friendly easygoing character were enough for you to win! Well done good sir! :)

And notable mentions (all with 1 vote each) and in no particular order:
@radulykan, @MancInventor, @Adam D, @Edelweiss and @Jlove

Well done all!

Thank you all so much for attending the event, although I didn't get to talk with you all as much as I would have liked, it was a great honour for me to meet you all! I really hope it has been as much fun for you as it has for me! :)

Be sure to write up all your Gangs exploits of the weekend, and share those great moments, thrills and spills with the rest of the tribe! (There has been some pretty amazing accounts already!)

And before I go (Mrs dangerous has Indulged me with a suprise trip to Northumberland!) I just want to say, without these two people in particular, I certainly wouldn't have had the strength or willpower to achieve what has taken place this weekend!
I hope they don't mind me saying so, but if everyone could say a big thank you to members @Llewy and @radulykan i would really appreciate it!
Without llewy I feel and fear there wouldn't have been anything! As only a true friend would, he picked me up, dusted me off and completely kicked my arse into gear! From the very bottom of my heart, thank you.
And radulykan, never before have I put so much faith in a blind gamble with meeting a stranger, and never before have I been so rewarded! What I needed for the weekend was a solid, no nonsense character who would keep me in the right direction and keep my head above water, and I can honestly say, there could be non better than you! Your patience and cool demeaner have got me through the weekend and We may have met as strangers but we parted as good friends and this is a happy memory I will hold dear for the rest of my gaming days! Thank you mate!

And one very last thing I would like to ask of the whole tribe!
If you liked what you saw, if you enjoyed the battles, seeing the minis, getting to see your fellow Yakmen in person, please do the captain a very special favour and go on trip advisor and give a top rate review of The Marriott Hotel Peterborough!
If you attended at the weekend, tell them how good their facilities were, how accommodating the staff are and how great the tea and coffee stand was! (The massive jar of cookies was a really nice touch I feel!)
Let them know how much of a good time you had!
And let them know that the tribe is strong!
I really feel that this venue is a place that the tribe could call home!
If we can show them that we are group worthy of such a venue I really feel we would be rewarded ten fold!

And in particular make it known that function room organisers Nicole and Pat really made the weekend!
They really went that extra mile......extra 5 mile infact, to make our event go from good to outstanding!

I am really keen to do this all again and in a week or two (once Iv caught my breath) I will start a new thread and we can start all over again! :D
If you would like to come up with ideas, things you would like to see, things you would have changed. Make a note of them and we can discuss them once we have finished regaling our victories and lamenting our loses!
For now, just bask in the glory of your yak adventure!
Let your gangers sing the songs of their people and count out their I'll gotten gains!



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Is there anyone here in the SW United States? Let's do a Yakday USA
Next year we'll definitely run one or two. We'll try and do a west and east coast.

Well this all looks fantastic, who wants to organize a Melbourne YakDay?

Would be fantastic to get an Aussie TribeMeet going next time as well.
This is so amazing!!!!
I couldn't have imagined the response the big campaign would have had! It has been great seeing all the action from around the world and Is so very inspirational and humbling! (In particular I was like :eek: when I saw Yakday Tokyo!)
I couldn't have hoped or wished or thought it could have been any better, but it does!!
Brilliant stuff tribe!

We have plans over here (UK) to be running two different events and there is a member who is keen as mustard to get it going!
We will have to sort the details out before making a proper announcement but how does a great northern tribe meetup sound to all?
We were thinking that if they were 6months apart then it would give people enough leeway to attend both, if they so chose, and it also means that it would be fair on travelling on all members!
Watch out for new threads in the coming weeks! :)

Also Iv noticed I have left out the wittering Bulls from the results page! :oops: I'm so sorry mancinventor but I'm still packing stuff away and as soon as your sheet turns up I'll be sure to post it!

And an honourable mention that I forgot to include last night,
And on a personal note,
Thank you so much to @Kommissar Shriken
Although he couldn't make it across the continent, he was a huge help in coming up with the concept for the grand finale! He continues to be a great friend and I would really struggle without his constant help and support! :D
And radulykan, never before have I put so much faith in a blind gamble with meeting a stranger, and never before have I been so rewarded! What I needed for the weekend was a solid, no nonsense character who would keep me in the right direction and keep my head above water, and I can honestly say, there could be non better than you! Your patience and cool demeaner have got me through the weekend and We may have met as strangers but we parted as good friends and this is a happy memory I will hold dear for the rest of my gaming days! Thank you mate!

You shot me right in the feels mate, big hugs
I have to say the same, meeting some weirdo off the internet could have ended with a front page murder story but it didn't, internet relationships do work!
It was great to meet you and a joy to watch your enthusiasm just keep bubbling over, every time somebody said something necromunda related I could see fireworks go off in your brain, sparking more ideas for future yakdays and things to add to the never ending projects list.
I am not an excitable chap but your energy for the tribe was infectious, it kept me up til two am each night and got me up at 7am each morning, I haven't enjoyed myself like that in too long, just completely geeking out with like minded gents (and a lady!) for two and a half days was great, if I had the cash and time off work I'd do it all again this weekend lol.
I want to say thank you for all the work and energy you put in, the crap you had to sort out and the immense weight of expectation you carried on your shoulders, it was a truly Herculean effort that turned a bunch of strangers from the internet into a tribe of gangers who will follow you to wherever the next yakday takes us
Doffs cap
O captain, my captain
And because I know you like the smileys
Thank you so much everyone! :D
Winning anything at yakday was the last thing on my mind when I hoped to attend.(which was evident with the performance of my pitslaves :p)
I can assure you the prize will be used to make something special for future tribe meets. It was a pleasure to spend sometime in the hive with all you guys. :D
Watch out for @Yaksam lifting this trophy in the not to distant future. I wish I was as good as him when I was that age, mad skills! (y)
Everyone's minis look stunning and it's a real honour to been voted for amongst this crowd.
Im just sad I couldn't be at the awards ceremony to have my picture taken with that lovely trophy(no doubt inspired by the inspirational tribe legend @ClockworkOrange) so instead here's a treasured picture of me with
The man!
The legend!
The Captain!

Hope you don't mind Cap.
Thanks :D
Abit of a noodles eye view of yakday! :p


The molerats arrive at the THUNDERCUBE! Bursting through the front gate, intent on destroying this newly constructed insult to there slave brothers, never mind the desecration of a mass ratskins burial sump. But the Captains men are waiting. o_O


Moleman man takes the yellow entrance(naturally!) with the professor and his crab-bot scanning the area for "danger" :cautious:


Meanwhile, more molerats take the red entrance and are confronted by more of the captains men, armed exclusively with frags. :eek:


The pitslaves in the centre come under heavy fire and theirs pitslave bodies everywhere, but that's what the THUNDERCUBE was built for! :mad:


Finally Moleman and the Captains eyes meet, as the Captains men gun down the professors advancing crab-bot. It's on!....:sneaky:
Will the Captain defend his interests in the thundercube or will Moleman and the molerats demolish this pit of sin!...

Probably not as Moleman and the molerats were later seen enjoying the festivities as punters at the thundercube.


Along with @Stoof's(top fella) massive Moira! :eek:


Out there amongst the maze of pipes, bulkheads and gantries are @radulykan's(legend) copperheads. :cautious: Trust me, their out there. Waiting to ambush the molerats and steal the loot.
The sneaky buggers! :p



The molerats face @BreakEven's (top guy) suspiciously ork like gangers on @Adam D's(another true gent) amazing board, expertly painted. (y)


Everyone busy gaming. Class! :D
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Thanks to all for making my Sunday awesome. I can think of no better way to spend a day than hanging out with some cool people, having 'munda laughs and eating (collectively) several feet of Subway. It was great to meet you all and I am definitely up for doing this again. Here are my memoirs of the day, told through the eyes of my current in game avatar - Chief Buddug:

+++ The recollections of Chief Buddug - found on the back of a 'Second Best' label and recorded by Field Archivist Quintus Mallus of the Ordo Xenos +++

Me and the girls was pretty stoked when we heard about the Yak tribe, what had been pestering the good folk of Peterborough. The Iron Slags had made quite a name for ourselves round the local holes around Tunnel's End, but some of the crew was starting to mutter about moving on to bigger and better things. Just aint no glamour in scragging muties and scavvies these days.

So I got the girls together. There were eleven of us then. I was in charge of course. Then there was Grug and Blodwen, the heavies; the sisters, Mona and Rhona and then Bronwen, Olwenna and Agharad, all good dependable girls. Mona knew this girl Nesta, who seems like a bit of a loose cannon, but I put her up against Grug in a fist fight and she actually held her own, so I let her tag along. Then there was little Haf and Dilys, who just sort of showed up. Lastly I hired the services of a Ratskin tracker by the name of Scabies. I figured if we were going up against Ratskins, we'd better have some local know how. Last thing they'd expect. But I don't think Scabies could track his way out of a bottle of wildsnake. He went and got us lost twice on the way there and other gangs had already made their mark by the time we showed up.

Well I didn't waste any time. The Iron Slags were in town and them scum suckers were going to know about it. We hit a gang of Ratskins called the Withering Bull Tribe and grabbed their stash. Blodwen toasted their fungus beer still with her sun gun for good measure. It was like shooting rats in a sludge tank. It wasn't till we got back to the hideout that we realised Scabies wasn't with us. Bronwen wanted to go back for him. Too soft by far I say. I didn't feel too good about it when we heard the screams though.

I was feeling flush after scragging the Ratskins and nicking their stash and couldn't believe it when I found a genuine Mung Vase at the trading post! I managed to get the seller down from fifty creds to thirty. He didn't even know what he had!

We found out there was some Van Saars around, the 'Upstart Crew', and sussed out where their hideout was. It seemed like easy prey. For all their fancy gear, Van Saars can't fight once you get up close and personal, that's what my Ma always said. The plan was simple. Catch them in their hideout and rush them. Scrag 'em all in the guts before then can start shootin'. Well them Van Saars must have had Escher mothers or something, 'cause they fought like ripperjacks. Olwenna bought it and the rest of us barely made it out of there alive. We needed creds bad so I sold the Mung Vase. Only no trader would touch it. Best I could get was one measly scum suckin' cred. To make matters worse, we lost our last two creds betting on Pit the Elder in the Thundercube. Later I found out the trader I sold that vase to had skipped town.

We were pretty desperate now, so when the local guilders put the word out that there was some Balvenie in the Thunderdome that needed fetching we jumped at the chance. I didn't know what Balvenie was but it sounded impressive. If I'd thought about it the whole thing smelled like a trap from the start but we weren't going to let those other gangs get their hands on our loot. As luck would have it, Grug found a tunnel that led right under the cube. It was too small for all of us, so Mona, Rona and Nesta went ahead and the rest of stood guard on the surface.

'Course all the other gangs showed up. Including those Van Sarrs and the Ratskins we'd given a scragging before. The Iron Slags was the first in the cube and didn't we suffer for it. I took a heavy stubber round in the shoulder and it nocked me off balance. Looking back, it was probably that what saved me 'cos by the time I got back in the fight it was a blood bath. I saw Nesta, screaming like a banshee as she charged up a ladder at the Ratskins, only for a shotgun blast to throw her right back down the ladder. Mona and Rhona were pinned down or bleeding out. We were surrounded on all sides and it looked bad. I'm not proud to say, I got out of there while I still could.

That's when I heard the siren. For a little while there was nothing and then I smelt them, long before I saw them. A terrible stink. And the flies came off them in clouds. And then there they were, Olwenna and Scabies and thousands of others, staring at me with dead eyes, shambling at me. Then the whole place was filled with light and sound. I'd never been more happy to hear an engine roar. It was an armoured car, sent by the guilders. They had a couple of Arbites with them and those bastards weren't letting anyone on board unless they had had some of the Balvenie. Well I was getting on that truck. I must have ran through a dust storm of bullets to get a crate and then back again to get out of there. There was already a Ratskin in the truck and a Van Saar followed soon after. We were just too tired to exchange the customary insults.

When I looked behind me, the scene in the cube made a title fight look like a stroll in the spire. Some psycho had set light to the crates and they were blowing up, setting light to everything else. Those...things...were in the cube and tearing apart some of my sisters with their teeth and nails. Then this thing came out of nowhere. All bony and hunched over with a weird loping run. Nothing seemed to put it down. It scythed through the dead and the living with those long talons. It came the truck and I screamed at the driver to drive. The the truck took off and I hit my head and everything went black...

+++ ENDS +++

Right...I'm off to find a pit slave model. Pit the Younga is going to be king of the cube.
I think this is the final territory standings before everyone got eaten by zombies:


I hear Moira felt sorry for the magnificent Boris after his ignominious defeat at the hands of some young whipper-snapper. She was a big fan of his hammering action :confused:

We should have had a one-off Moira Vs Genestealer encounter, I recon she might have showed it who's boss - after all, it's just an overgrown cockroach... Maybe next time! :LOL:

I have some big polystyrene sheets at home, I think they could easily become The Hand of the Sororitas pub - anyone for a game of Brewhouse Bash?