YakTribe Christmas Exchange 2021! Roll up, roll up, get yer names in!

Wow! Someone is very organized! This turned up this week. Thanks very much! I can't wait to see what's inside.

Now you get to think "what's in that box?" for the next 47 days. Fun fun fun!

Everyone not quite as organised as that participant, you have 8 days to the agreed dispatch date!
How do all the tiny posters get printed then? Says the man whose hasn’t printed any himself…
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Yeah but honestly who really has colour ink in their printer?

"Cyan cartridge empty, printing black"... don't mind if I do.
I do... I got a set of six from the big A in 2019 and they’re still going strong! Cost me £8. Still have the yellow as previous had ink in (does anyone’s yellow run out first?).

Of course, not “official” brand but meh, they don’t even make my printer any more so I’m not fussed on warranty.
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Is sender information on packages standard pretty much everywhere? Should I let MrsMos pick up the mail for a while, to avoid spoilers?
It is here, but I tend not to actually read it. It depends whether you do so normally or not.
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It also depends how many members you'd be able to identify from their address. Though don't senders usually get identified in the big reveal anyway?
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YakWrap is still good in greyscale as far as I'm concerned. Model is built and primed, will be sent before the deadline (needed to get my Castigator finished before this weekend for a game so it took a bit of a backseat).