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N17 Battle Report - Dominion Campaign 1.0

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This is indended to be printed out and kept at hand when going out to play a game for our ongoing Dominion campaign. I figured out it might help others, too!

Sources available for anyone interested.

Feedback welcome: this is a first draft that will probably need to be refined. Later might become a fillable PDF..? Or an additionnal module in the campaign manager?
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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Good work Dabbk, thx! It's not clear at the Bottle Result, if you have to circle the one who bottled or cross out the one who stayed but that's some minor point!
Yes exactly what we need!
Might be cool if it included our report format.
Thx for the great work!
yeah, I think this pdf has all/more info, so filling out the expected template shouldnt be an issue from it. And also maybe we can keep all the added info on the thread reports, as it doesnt hurt, I guess?
Let's try it out and see! oh and i can send u the source if you want to play around with it :)