When Duke Maldred embarked on the grail quest he returned in an unusually short time. Even more amazing than this was the fact that he claimed to have brought back the actual chalice of the Lady of the Lake. He claimed that this was a portent of his kingship.
Many knights came to Mousillon to see the Holy Grail and compete in the tournaments held by Sir Maldred. To the overall winner of each tourney Maldred granted the right to sup from the sacred cup at a banquet held at the close of the day. In this way Grail Knights were made in the service of Maldred and not of the Lady of the Lake.
The legitimate Grail Knights and the Fay Enchantress denounced Maldred and his cup as false. They lay siege to the city and eventually it crumbled from within. The mystery surrounding the demise of Maldred and his fair city of Mousillon has been the cause of much speculation in the years since it fell into ruin. The damsels of the lady have called his chalice the "black grail" and it has been commonly known as the false grail. Nevertheless, so impressive was the display of Maldred and Malfluer that many believe it may have been the true grail and that Duke Maldred and his fair wife did not perish but live on in the land of the fey and will return to save Bretonnia in her darkest hour.
Now the rumors of another great chaos invasion have spread throughout the land. Indeed raids on villages in the north have already begun. Times like this will always bring new cults and the cult of Maldred has risen again. Prophets of Maldred visit the courts of Dukes and preach in the halls of the Barons. They rally questing knights to their cause and lead them into the city of Mousillon in search of Maldred's grail. They claim that when it is found and a new army of Grail Knights assembles in Mousillon that Duke Maldred will return to take his place at the front of the army and lead them to victory over the invading hordes.
Many knights came to Mousillon to see the Holy Grail and compete in the tournaments held by Sir Maldred. To the overall winner of each tourney Maldred granted the right to sup from the sacred cup at a banquet held at the close of the day. In this way Grail Knights were made in the service of Maldred and not of the Lady of the Lake.
The legitimate Grail Knights and the Fay Enchantress denounced Maldred and his cup as false. They lay siege to the city and eventually it crumbled from within. The mystery surrounding the demise of Maldred and his fair city of Mousillon has been the cause of much speculation in the years since it fell into ruin. The damsels of the lady have called his chalice the "black grail" and it has been commonly known as the false grail. Nevertheless, so impressive was the display of Maldred and Malfluer that many believe it may have been the true grail and that Duke Maldred and his fair wife did not perish but live on in the land of the fey and will return to save Bretonnia in her darkest hour.
Now the rumors of another great chaos invasion have spread throughout the land. Indeed raids on villages in the north have already begun. Times like this will always bring new cults and the cult of Maldred has risen again. Prophets of Maldred visit the courts of Dukes and preach in the halls of the Barons. They rally questing knights to their cause and lead them into the city of Mousillon in search of Maldred's grail. They claim that when it is found and a new army of Grail Knights assembles in Mousillon that Duke Maldred will return to take his place at the front of the army and lead them to victory over the invading hordes.