Eternal Campaign Ruleset

N17 Eternal Campaign Ruleset 2.0.0

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Lovely work! I will adapt this wholesale, and introduce it to my gaming club, possibly adding bonus XP and/or income for underdogs. With this its finally possible to combine casual or epic campaign play with the current rules, without one's head getting caved in by the need of house rules or heavy arbiter efforts.
Great work, which I'll shamelessly adapt for our upcoming campaign in Berlin! Hats off to John Compton and his gaming group!
John Compton
John Compton
Thanks for the kind review!
This is a brilliant resource, very helpful for developing my own campaign ideas - the return of income, the multiple starting territories, focusing on character development - brings back good mechanics from 1995 and 2nd/NCE without abandoning the strengths of the third edition.
John Compton
John Compton
Thanks so much!
Great resource, does a lot to bring N17 more in line with NCE. Looking forward to further developments.
John Compton
John Compton
Thank you for the review!