Forest Goblins Lustria

Forest Goblins Lustria 1.0

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Forest Goblins are presumably the result of a lost expedition of Goblins that somehow tunneled their way to Lustria ages ago. They have completely adapted to their surroundings, learning stealth and camouflage to evade their Lizardmen and Amazon neighbors. They resist the invading warbands as best they can, while continuing their constant fighting with the Lizardmen. Gold motivates the Forest Goblins as it does any warband, albeit for different reasons. It is worthless to them as currency, but as the only abundant metallic resource, it is valuable nonetheless. Instead of using gold to buy weapons and armor, Forest Goblins actually coat their stone equipment with the metal. This has led unscrupulous leaders to send their henchmen into certain ambush, only to arrive later to collect the arrowheads and spear points from the remains of their former employees.

Forest Goblins are able to create poisons with a precision surpassing even the Dark Elves. Their natural surroundings harbor any number of poisonous creatures, including the gigantic spiders they are rumored to prod into. Coating their weapons with deadly venom, the Goblins are capable of felling any foe, no matter how large. Led by their Chieftain (usually the Goblin with the loudest voice), the Forest Goblins appear from nowhere and strike with feral ferocity before receding into the trees, leaving only their victims’ injuries as the only proof they were ever there.
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