Gaz Er Unga Og

Gaz Er Unga Og 1.0

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Gaz Er Unga Og is also leading a lonely life. Unlike Im Abav Yub, she has not made a choice on her own. Gaz Er Unga Og was once the apprentice of her tribe's shaman. She very much admired to try various spells and accidentally killed her chief with such an experiment. For this, she was driven off her tribe.

Her reputation made her too feared for any tribe to take her into camp, and so she lives on her own. She collected lots of knowledge and is counted as the most educated Albion native ever living, but still many fear her, for the past as well as for her knowledge. Gaz Er Unga Og is seldom seen with other natives - her contacts are as small as inevitable. From time to time, her knowledge is sought by other native women, but generally Gaz Er Unga Og keeps to herself.

Only the arrival of outlanders attracted her attention; even if she is not educated in civilised terms, she knows them to be of interest, using things strange to her and magics other than those known to her. So Gaz Er Unga Og is never far from outlanders, what makes her only more suspect in the eyes of the Albion natives.
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