Design Notes
Yes, I know. Nipponese in Mordheim are pretty unlikely. However, the idea got into my head and I had to write them up. Feel free to use the band to play my Defend the Village! Scenario with for a real Seven Samurai flavor.
Some people may ask "where are the Ninjas?" I did consider adding 0-1 Ninja as a hero, but realised that he would never be a real member of the warband, always an outsider. I will be working on a Ninja Assassin hired sword, and that would be the appropriate way to add one to this warband. I think there may be other Ninja hired swords/dramatis personae around; feel free to use them with this warband.
Like Knights, the Samurai are primarily mounted warriors (although more pragmatic about dismounting) so I have included horses as a starting option. Some people may object to treating the Dai-sho as a single weapons choice, but Samurai have to have the two swords, and it was common for them to also carry a spear or naginata. Full war equipment would be: Dai-sho, Horse, Helmet, Heavy Armour, Longbow, Spear.