Moon of the Mad Magos Campaign

Moon of the Mad Magos Campaign

Power 45 Sustenance 40 Salvage 51

Factorum Run-Off


Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Gunk Tank



Underhive Shrine

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market



Drinking Hole

Scrap Reprocessing Plant


Power 15 Sustenance 55 Salvage 45

Factorum Run-Off


Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod


Fungi Farm

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market




Black Market


Gunk Tank

Power 5 Sustenance 11 Salvage 20

Ghost Town


Isotopic Fuel Rod

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market

Black Market



Bullet Hall

Drinking Hole

Corpse Yard

Scrap Reprocessing Plant

Fungi Farm

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Underhive Shrine

Gunk Tank

Power 59 Sustenance 159 Salvage 70

Ghost Town


Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Gunk Tank

Scrap Mine

Doc Clinic

Fungi Farm


Corpse Yard

Scrap Market


Power 22 Sustenance 7 Salvage 22



Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Doc Clinic

Scrap Mine

Walls and Gates

Drinking Hole

Power 58 Sustenance 50 Salvage 65



Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Scrap Mine

Power 8 Sustenance 45 Salvage 8

Edge of the Hive


Water Still

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market

Doc Clinic

Fungi Farm



Drinking Hole

Scrap Reprocessing Plant



Power 38 Sustenance 29 Salvage 18

Ghost Town


Water Still

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market


Isotopic Fuel Rod


Drinking Hole

Bullet Hall

Fungi Farm

Power 0 Sustenance 0 Salvage 30




Power 86 Sustenance 108 Salvage 81

Ghost Town


Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Scrap Mine

Fungi Farm

Scrap Market

Underhive Shrine


Black Market


Power 0 Sustenance 0 Salvage 0




Power 5 Sustenance 6 Salvage 5

Factorum Run-Off


Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Scrap Mine

Scrap Market

Doc Clinic


Scrap Reprocessing Plant


Power 56 Sustenance 58 Salvage 132



Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Power 0 Sustenance 0 Salvage 0




Power 20 Sustenance 20 Salvage 18




Power 61 Sustenance 89 Salvage 5

Ghost Town


Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Doc Clinic


Gunk Tank

Corpse Yard

Fungi Farm



Isotopic Fuel Rod

Underhive Shrine

Power 36 Sustenance 69 Salvage 7

The Depths


Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Scrap Mine


Walls and Gates








Power 10 Sustenance 10 Salvage 0

The Depths


Isotopic Fuel Rod

Water Still

Power 22 Sustenance 24 Salvage 83



Isotopic Fuel Rod


Underhive Shrine


Water Still

Power 10 Sustenance 26 Salvage 14

Edge of the Hive


Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Doc Clinic

Walls and Gates



Power 10 Sustenance 15 Salvage 24

Ghost Town


Scrap Mine

Water Still

Isotopic Fuel Rod

Battle Stealth Attack
The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 2,735Laboratory X 3,785
Lab X were attacker and victorious. A series of unfortunate sentry rolls and some jammy application of the infiltrate skill earned Laboratory X their victory.
Battle Settlement Raid
Roxxon Radicals 2,165The Ashhole Soldiers 3,025
Ashhole were defender and victorious. Special shout-out to Pet "Grease Monkey" Rivet, who is the only fighter to have killed a murder cyborg! A powerful harpoon shot and a lucky 6 yanked the murder cyborg backwards into a chasm, destroying it once and for all.
Battle Market Mayhem
The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 2,735Henschel's Renegades 2,670
Henschel's were the attacker and victorious. The murder cyborg has blasting charges and a hand flamer but couldn't find an opening to use any of them before getting horribly appendaged by the Orlock mutated ogryn.
Battle Market Mayhem
The Ashhole Soldiers 2,875Luna Wardens 2,710
Ashhole Soldiers were the defenders and victorious. A long and brutal game, doubly so by the murder cyborg being a simple juve with two autopistols holding down the centre of the board.
Battle Gunk Tank
Laboratory X 3,055Henschel's Renegades 2,985
A tie-break for the Scavenger triumph that went to Laboratory X by a single gunk token. In the opening activation, Lab X fired on the Orlock ogryn, revealing it to be the cyborg assassin! Things never recovered for the orlock gang after that, as they were forced to battle on two fronts. Some atrocious bad luck for the Orlock gang secured a narrow victory for Laboratory X.
Battle Stealth Attack
Aerial Systems 2,960The White Noise Boyz 1,595
White Noise Boyz were the attacker and victorious. The Delaque gang picked the Assassination objective and targeted the Van Saar's rad cannon champion, and a lucky deployment roll meant he was separated from the rest of the Van Saar gang. In the opening moves, the Delaque psychic potato was revealed to be the murder cyborg, and all of Aerial System's firepower went into trying to kill it off for the rep reward. It wasn't enough, as despite the Delaque's nacht-ghul being bested by an autopistol in close combat, the White Noise Boys brought down the target champion with a humble shotgun, securing them the vicotry.
Battle Stealth Attack
Aerial Systems 3,170Steel Mongrels 2,275
Aerial systems were the defender and victorious. An arc-welder-wielding murder cyborg caused headaches for both gangs - rapid fire and reckless is a hell of a combination! Sadly we lost Puppy too, he worked so hard to make it through to the end...

Week 7: They look like us now

The plan of the mad Magos is revealed. The finest fighters of Helicon have been replaced with gene-hanced replicas of themselves. Perfect Skitarii infiltrators with subdermal implants, lightning reactions, and the memories of all those who have died and been reclaimed by the moon. They can’t be reasoned with, they don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever… until you are dead.

All scenarios contain a Murder Cyborg hidden among the fighters. 

Additionally, the strange devices previously ransacked by gangs turned out to be atmospheric stabilisers. The Badzone effects from the previous week are still in effect. You may permanently eliminate these effects from your settlement by removing a Xenoculum, Archeotech Device or Malefic Artifact from your gang list.

More information, as always, on the ol' blogaroo.

by robskib, 1y
Battle Market Mayhem
Roxxon Radicals 1,780Aerial Systems 2,930
Roxxon Radicals were defenders and victorious. Finally, a mirror match between our two Van Saar gangs! Despite Aerial Systems having over 700 credits more in gang rating, they couldn't bring it to bear. Their melta, plasma, and rad weapons were all banned by the market superintendent, and they lost their spider-rig Arkeotek in turn one to a brutal attack from a bounty hunter. They proceeded to have awful luck with the Critters rolls in the end phase, rolling a statistically improbably amount of 1s and their own leader getting stickbugged by turn four. The Aerial Systems bottled out, leaving Roxxon as the victors.
Battle Stealth Attack
Hornblowers 1,975Steel Mongrels 2,225
Steel Mongrels were the attacker and victorious. A stealth mission ended early with the storm-welder prospect being spotted almost immediately, then flesh wounding nearly every Hornblower in the stronghold. The labyrinth badzone prevented either gang from splitting up too much, and the war of attrition slowly went in favour of the tougher and more numerous goliath gang. Victory to the Steel Mongrels.
Battle Stealth Attack
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,515Luna Wardens 2,555
Threat Level Midnight were the attacker and victorious. Turns out, to get ahead in stealth missions, just get a Delaque brute with over 7 versatile attacks to tear sentries apart in melee combat! Their Nacht Ghuls started play on the far corner of the map, securing the Ransack objective and getting halfway back across the board before the Wardens could even raise the alarm. A few last minute reinforcements from the wardens helped slow one of the Nacht Ghuls down before it reached the board edge, but it wasn't enough. Victory to Threat Level Midnight.
Battle Settlement Raid
The Ashhole Soldiers 2,695Laboratory X 3,015
Ashold Soldiers were the defenders and victorious. A bloody game that started with the Soldiers deploying only 7 fighters, and being the last gang standing with 2 left on the board.
Battle Settlement Raid
Aerial Systems 2,485The White Noise Boyz 1,610
Aerial Systems were the defender and victorious. A strong response from Aeriel Systems meant the White Noise Boyz couldn't gain enough ground to bring their weapons to bear. Several turns of ineffective assaults from the psychic potato and one of the Boyz took a melta gun to the face and learned a valuable lesson. Victory to the Aerial Systems!
Battle Settlement Raid
Steel Mongrels 2,130Ye Goode Boyez 1,575
A draw by run-out clock! A close-fought match with plenty of blaze from the Goode Boyez, as their autoguns simply couldn't pierce the skin of the Toughness 7 Goliaths...
Battle Settlement Raid
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,515Laboratory X 2,905
Lab X was defender and was victorious. Threat Level Midnight managed to steal 70 credits until a gang of 'rats' gladly ate my their ganger before he could make it to the other end with a nacht ghul watching...
Battle Stealth Attack
Roxxon Radicals 1,775Luna Wardens 2,555
Roxxon were attackers and victorious. A few incredibly lucky smoke clouds from some spore plants kept the Roxxon fighters safe from the withering hail of Warden boltgun fire.
Battle Settlement Raid
The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 2,535Luna Wardens 2,555
The Blessed Order were defenders and victorious. In the opening move, the Blessed Order threw a blessed Shard Grenade that took the Luna Warden's star player out of action. The kept getting bogged down by tech-scavengers and couldn't make it across the board in time before running out of fighters.
Battle Market Mayhem
The Crépuscule du soir 2,770The Ashhole Soldiers 2,525
Ashhole were attackers and victorious. It was a fairly brutal affair and came down to the wire. Highlights was 3 Ashhole Soldiers taken out of action only to roll 1,1 for them all.

Other highlights included John 'Giant' Hans Suffering a hand injury!
Battle Market Mayhem
Laboratory X 3,785Luna Wardens 2,710
Lab X were defenders and victorious
Battle Mining Expedition
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,345The White Noise Boyz 1,530
A dome jungle scenario, and Threat Level Midnight scooped all four mining sites

Week 5: What Are They?

The dead are dug up and settlers go missing in the night. Reports of grotesque things moving in the dark and dragging away bodies of the recently fallen.

This spooky weekly event also heralds the beginning of the second half of the campaign, the Expansion Phase. Gangs can now play the Settlement Raid, Sneak Attack and Market Mayhem scenarios

More information as always on the blog post.

by robskib, 1y
Battle Training Day (Meat for the Grinder
The Crépuscule du soir 2,770Hive Noon - Gauntwood 2,180Hornblowers 1,995The Ashhole Soldiers 2,525Laboratory X 2,570Henschel's Renegades 2,810
18 rookies, 11 different weapons to battle with, 6 random effects, 3 pairs of coloured buttons, two identical board layouts and two juvies crowned Champions of the Magos.
It was great fun with plenty of stray blasting charges, heavy rock cutter murdering, and 5-dimensional chess. Rotate the board!
Congrats to the Hornblowers and Laboratory X for their Ascension to championdom. Long may they reign!


A brief respite. Machines grind to a halt, and the ground ticks like cooling metal.

No normal games can be played this week. At the beginning of Downtime, every gang completes the following sequence:

  1. Recover fighters. All fighters currently in Recovery are automatically cleared for return.
  2. Captives are returned. All captive fighters are automatically returned to their gangs, while their former captors receive half their value in credits (rounding up to the nearest 5).
  3. Promotion. Any Juve or Prospect with five or more Advancements is automatically promoted to Champion. Change their fighter type accordingly
  4. Recruitment. All gangs get 250 credits to spend on new fighters and/or Hangers On. Any credits not spent immediately are lost. Gangs may supplement with credits from their stash.
  5. Maintenance. Gangs may remove up to three Structures in their settlement, gaining half their value in Materials back. The gang may then build three new Structures. Note that any Structure that is a prerequisite to another they already own cannot be scrapped.

A special one-off game will be held on Wednesday 1st March, 7pm, with the lowliest of fighters from each gang. More info on the blog post.

by robskib, 1y
Battle Gunk Tank
Roxxon Radicals 1,390Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,675The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,730Steel Mongrels 1,705
No winners, just survivors. An epic 4-way game racing to gather gunk from a downed arvus lighter. Cut short once again by timing, all parties were able to secure a single piece of gunk before it became too late to continue. More four-way games in future needed!
Battle The Big Score
The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,730Ye Goode Boyez 1,575
Another game cut short, but ye Goode Boyez managed to steal two loot caskets in as many turns, securing them a victory by one casket.
Battle Mining Expedition
The Ashhole Soldiers 1,910Laboratory X 2,260
A solid draw!
Battle Mining Expedition
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,675The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,730
Mining Expedition but with a twist - the prospecting sites were ghast deposits! Plenty of juves getting high on their own supply, with one Hive Noon fighter getting a psychic power but his commitment to mining superceded his capacity to try it out. The speed and volume of Cawdor juves won out in the end, with the Blessed Order winning 3:1.
Battle Mining Expedition
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,115The White Noise Boyz 1,285
A memorable moment was when the delaque Nacht-Ghul charges an Enforcer ganger, he swings the Shivver Sword three times and somehow misses every one (rolled three 1’s when a 2+ was needed).
Battle The Big Score
Roxxon Radicals 1,470Laboratory X 2,000
3:0 for Laboratory X. The Radicals tried a last-minute flash bang to prevent a loss but it was in vain. Their plan to grab all three loot tokens in one turn backfired, as a cheeky Slaaneshi double-activation snatched victory for Lab X, and despite having three tokens in their possession, Roxxon hadn't got any over the line in time.
Battle Gunk Tank
Aerial Systems 1,940Luna Wardens 1,740
Battle The Big Score
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,675Ye Goode Boyez 1,575
Our newest gang enters the campaign and bags a victory with their legsome juves. Shout out to the Hive Noon fighter Brood Cassidy, who came up against Laird Plentivous and received a double head injury from the Cawdor Leader's greatsword. He wasn't using it anyway.
Battle The Big Score
Steel Mongrels 1,425Luna Wardens 1,740
A victory to the mongrels, and not by default this time! It took place on precarious walkways over an unstable dome, and despite an early salvo of gunfire from both parties, they largely remained unscathed. Special shout out to the patrolman with penetrator rounds, who cranked his boltgun up so hard he blew away his target and his own hand.
Battle Gunk Tank
The Ashhole Soldiers 1,910Henschel's Renegades 2,520
A solid draw with 2 lots of gunk each!
Battle Gunk Tank
Laboratory X 1,680The Hollow Mountain Incinerators 1,120
A victory by default to Laboratory X. The Hollow Mountain faithful were the only side to claim any gunk, but with Lab X having the last gangers on the board, they got their D3 Gunk and snatched victory in the post-game wrap up.
Battle Gunk Tank
Hornblowers 1,445The Ashhole Soldiers 1,910
A victory for the Ashholes!
Battle The Big Score
Aerial Systems 1,940The Rowdy Rough Boys 1,210
A victory for the Aerial Systems!

Week 3: No Guts, No Glory

Glittering domes blister the surface of Helicon, bursting with impossible things. Frozen jungles, abandoned cities, sleeping manufactorum, all ripe for plunder… if you can survive them.

If both players agree, you may play your scenario in a Badzone Environment. If you do, the winner also receives a strange piece of technology in addition to any other scenario rewards:

  • Ancient Manufactorum environment – Archeotech Device (Personal Equipment – Trading Post)
  • Dome jungle environment – Xenoculum (Personal Equipment – Black Market)
  • Unstable dome environment – Malefic artifact (Personal Equipment – Black Market)

More details on the blog post.

by robskib, 1y
Battle The Big Score
Roxxon Radicals 1,470The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,270
Battle Mining Expedition
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,115The White Noise Boyz 1,285
The mining expedition was a bit more action packed with his leaders plasma pistol exploding and taking him ooa, and missing the shot too!
Battle Big Score
Roxxon Radicals 1,315Henschel's Renegades 2,240
The first time these gangs have crossed! With a barrage of lasers and shotgun blasts, the Van Saar managed to steal away 3 caskets full of loot before the Orlocks got off their 3rd, securing a victory for the Roxxon Radicals. The Renegades newly aquired cursed Bolter proving why such weapons are to be feared and a leader duel left unanswered, both leaders walking away, shaking servo claws, until the next time they fight.
Battle Mining Expedition
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,565The Rowdy Rough Boys 1,210
Hive Noon scooped 3 mining sites from under the nose of the Rowdy Rough Boys, who had a hard time navigating the tall ledges of the complex. The lasguns of Hive Noon couldn't penetrate the goliath's tough outer shell, but their real enemy was the ground.
Battle Gunk Tank
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,115The Hollow Mountain Incinerators 1,120
Battle The Big Score
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,115The White Noise Boyz 1,285
The big score was a tame event with the only bad thing - a ganger ran out of ammo
Battle Mining Expedition
Roxxon Radicals 1,315Henschel's Renegades 2,240
And in such short order, these gangs come to blows again, seeking treasures and scrap from the the huge piles hidden deep in the moons crust. The Roxxon Radicals managed to secure 2 sites to the Orlock Renegades 1 however, after a brutal series of hand to hand combats leave the Van Saar bloodied and battered, they leave the field, a moral defeat but a financial victory. The Renegades taking a "victory" but walking away with less loot, and an Ogryn with a poorly hand.
Battle Big Score
Deadly Nightshades - Magos 1,430Henschel's Renegades 2,240
Another brutal match off between the Renegades and the Deadly Nightshades, another deep delve into the crust of the moon, seeking out treasures and resources. Both sides moving into positions, an Escher juve being nailed from cover by an Orlock plasma gun but the Nightshades returned it in kind, with krak grenades and a barrage of las fire. However it wasn't enough to hold off the Renegades fast assault (Mostly due to Wrecker jump packs), and after losing their Deathmaiden, their leader was killed outright, the Renegades newly acquired mutated monstrosity cracking the Nightshades leader open like a sumpcroc egg. A victory for the Renegades, securing 5 crates in total.
Battle The Big Score
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,565Luna Wardens 1,740
Luna Wardens romped to victory with 3 caskets to 2. Hive Noon couldn't find any shelter from the withering boltgun fire of the Luna Wardens, and their little leggies weren't fast enough to propel them across the 4x4 board to get into melee range. Some upgrades are in store for Hive Noon...
Battle Big Score
Laboratory X 1,380Henschel's Renegades 2,240
The Renegade coming across the clicking, skittering noises of dark mechanical forces as they plunge deep into the moons labyrinthine surface. As the 2 gangs clashed, pulling crates piled with loot to either side of the battlefield. The Renegades mutated ogyrn threw itself into combat, killed outside an enemy champion before taking another out of action. However the evil Nact-Ghul managed to prevent one of the Renegades from getting off a 3rd crate, narrowly securing a dark mechanicum (Delaque) victory!
Battle Mining Expedition
The Crépuscule du soir 1,770Deadly Nightshades - Magos 1,650
The clock ran out on this game, resulting in one mining site and a draw between the two gangs. The one-eyed nacht-ghul managed to remove an eye on the death maiden, so all was fair in the world.
Battle Shootout
The Ashhole Soldiers 1,420The Hollow Mountain Incinerators 925
Battle The Big Score
The Ashhole Soldiers 1,420Steel Mongrels 1,255
Finally, a win for the mongrels! Victory by default is still a victory. They managed to push the Ashhole Soldiers from the board with a series of unlucky cool checks, and the arc welder proving just as deadly to both sides once again. Both forces managed to claim at least one loot token, so all was not lost.
Battle Mining Expedition
Hornblowers 1,465Henschel's Renegades 2,240
The Hornblowers come across the Renegades whilst searching for vital scrap and salvage for their rapidly expanding settlement. Accompanied by representatives of House Ulanti, the magnificence, the Rebel Lady herself, Lady Credo demanded to take the field. After outclassing the Escher on Numbers, the Renegades were subject to a series of unfortunate events, about 5 of them in total. Including a surprise Wlydrunner, which proceeded to throw out a horrific Necromundan horror, hoping to buy some time for her gang and hold off the Renegades advance, and the stop the advance it did. Lady Credo falling to the beast, a Wrecker being taken out by trapped boxes, a lasgun shot taking out a shotgunner and a small poisoned cat/rat taking out a champion, the Renegades were down 4 fighters by the end of the second round! After a series of terrible searching rolls, the Renegades managed to squeak out of 3-1 victory against the Escher's best efforts, and tricks, and poisons, and monsters. Another grueling face off, and it won't be the last between these two gangs.
Battle Gunk Tank
Aerial Systems 1,445Hornblowers 1,415
A bloody second game for the Hornblowers, the dice gods were not with them. The rad cannon rained hell down from afar, reducing most of their gang to glowing mush over several turns. Any attempts to shoot back ended up in failed ammo checks and broken weapons. The only consolation was ending the game fast enough to prevent the Aerial Systems from securing any gunk!
Battle Mining Expedition
The Crépuscule du soir 1,770The Hollow Mountain Incinerators 925
Battle Mining Expedition
Steel house smashers 980Luna Wardens 1,735
Disregard the establishment the Steel House Smashers exclaimed! The Luna wardens and SHS pressed forward to attempt to grab as much salvage as possible! However after a withering hail of gun fire, including heavy bolters and grenade launchers, and a power hammer... the Luna wardens bottled out and retreated in good order, both gangs grabbing some loot, but the SHS establishing themselves in their first gang with a victory!
Battle The Big Score
Aerial Systems 1,445Steel Mongrels 1,255
The shortest game of Necromunda in history? After a brutal onslaught from the Mongrels' arc welder taking a juve out of action on both teams, the Aerial Systems were bottling after the first turn. By turn three there was only their champion left on the board and didn't fancy their chances with the rest of the Goliath gang! Neither party managed to grab any loot caskets in such a short space of time, but the Aerial Systems found a servo-harness in a treasure casket, so all was not lost.


Ancient machines begin to wake deep beneath the surface. Slumbering mountains become exhausts, belching their fumes into the sky and revealing strange treasures in the rubble.

Each scenario must also include D3 Smokestacks and replace the normal 2 Loot Caskets with Treasure Caskets.

Full details are on the blog post.

by robskib, 1y
Battle Gunk Tank
The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,270The Rowdy Rough Boys 1,010
The inaugural battle for our greenest Goliath gang. The dice were unfavourable from the very first roll, as the Rough Boys leader was picked to stay at home to fulfil the Random (7) crew size. With all the extra Cawdor gangers brought on with tactics cards, the Boys were outnumbered almost 2:1. It was a grinding match, with the Cawdor juves showing you what 6" move can really do. One rookie, aka Juve Wick, survived two direct hits from a Strength 6 great hammer, and went on to dish out wounds to a goliath Champion and another fighter with only his reclaimed autopistols. Baba Yaga!
The Blessed Order eventually scored five gunk tokens, with the Rowdy Boys playing the long game and trying to stay on the board for that sweet +d3 gunk, which turned out to only be one token in the end. Victory to Cawdor.
Battle Mining Expedition
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,100The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,270
A swing match, the upper hand lurching wildly between both gangs. Hive Noon started poorly, losing one of their members to the scrap heap on Turn 1, and the others failing to score any salvage for almost six turns straight. The Cawdor gang couldn't capitalise on their advantage however, the dice refusing to let them put down any of Hive Noon's fighters. With the Blessed Order's numbers dwindling and their leader held in a deadlock melee against a chainsword and a familiar, it was called a draw with one mined site each.
Battle Gunk Tank
THREAT LEVEL: MIDNIGHT 2,115Deadly Nightshades - Magos 1,430
Battle Gunk Tank
The Crépuscule du soir 1,455Laboratory X 1,465
Battle Mining Expedition
Aerial Systems 1,035Luna Wardens 1,055
A phyrric victory for the Luna Wardens. Despite their sniper taking down two of Aerial Systems juves single-handedly, they lost their leader to a memorable death at the hands of the Arkeotek spider-rig. A new hero rises from the violence - 'Lucky' Harken - who survived three plasma rounds, two point-blank melta shots and a rad cannon. Can his luck keep him going for the remainder of the campaign?
Battle The Big Score
The Crépuscule du soir 1,435Henschel's Renegades 1,160
Battle Gunk Tank
Hornblowers 1,065Steel Mongrels 1,145
An extremely lucrative haul for the Hornblowers, who zipped off the board with no less than 7 gunk tokens. The Steel Mongrels made up for it with a powerful blast from a storm welder, knocking their leader into the pit with an Initiative roll of 1!
Battle Gunk Tank
Laboratory X 1,010Luna Wardens 1,010
A bloody skirmish opening with Laboratory X's nacht ghul cutting a swathe through half of the Luna Wardens. Despite this, the Wardens' leader still managed to take out Laboratory X's leader with a roundhouse kick. The remaining Luna Wardens managed to limp off the table with some gunk, denying the Delaque gang an even bigger score.
Battle Mining Expedition
The Crépuscule du soir 1,050Henschel's Renegades 1,140
Battle Mining Expedition
The Ashhole Soldiers 1,910Laboratory X 2,260
The Ashhole Soldiers managed to mine out two sites, earning 130 credits and (18 doubled!) 36 salvage. Unfortunately, one of his gangers was sent to the Doc, and left with a hobbled leg after paying 70 credits for the trouble. Laboratory X only mined out one site, earning 90 credits and 12 salvage. Drone B-D93 proved his worth, however, by mining out one site and giving two soldiers a good stabbing! The Parasyte also spent the entire game moving around the flank, getting to melt a man before running off as soon as the going got tough. Also, the leader led a Chaos ritual which resulted in favour being granted and the fortunate Juve leading it gaining a whopping 12 xp.
Battle Gunk Tank
The Crépuscule du soir 1,930The Ashhole Soldiers 1,910
A victory for the Crep!
Battle Gunk Tank
Hive Noon - Gauntwood 1,030The Blessed Order of His Purifying Hands 1,000
A closely fought game with plenty of surprise skulling. A juve given a memorable death by a lasgun, for the lasgunner to have his head caved in by a Blessed Order chainaxe and requiring a trip to the doc. The Blessed Order captured one of the Hive Noon scoundrels, but it's reported they sold him straight on to guilders as Hive Noon "never liked him that much anyway."

Week 1: One Small Step

The void is no place for hivers – the terrifying expanse that stretches in every direction, the howling nothingness, no roof over your heads but the one you make. Our gangers will have to learn quickly if they want to survive.

All experience gains are doubled. This includes scenario rewards and weekly XP gain, as well as usual XP gains.


  • Directly taking an enemy Leader or Champion out of action by any means: +4 XP (usually +2)
  • Directly taking any other kind of enemy fighter out of action by any means: +2 XP (usually +1)
  • Successfully rallying after being Broken: +2 XP (usually +1)
  • Campaign House Rule: +2 XP per fighter per week (usually +1)

by robskib, 2y