Law-Abiding Dramatis Personae

Law-Abiding Dramatis Personae

Gang Information
Gang Type Venators
Dominion Type Venators
Gang Color
Campaign Prospect Uprising Campaign
Credits 0
Meat 0
Rating/Cost 6095
Reputation 1
Wealth 30
Alignment Law Abiding
Allegiance Order
Alliance None
Gang Status Active
Owner Petitioner's CityArb
Fighter Types
Aramista Dae Catallus x1
Apollus Kage x1
Arbbelesta Raen Catallus x1
Baertrum Arturos x1
Belladonna Noble Bounty Huntress x1
Eyros Slagmyst Enhanced Bounter Hunter x1
Freikstorn Strix x1
Gor Half-Horn x1
Grendl Grendlsen Squat Bounty Hunter x1
Grub Targeson Hive Scum x1
Kal Jericho x1
Scabs x1
Kria Kytoro Escher Bounty Hunter x1
Krotos Hark x1
Mortanna Shroud Sanctioned Psyker x1
Ortruum 8-8 x1
Rex Spires x1
Slate Merdena Orlock Boss x1
Macula Orlock Cyber-Mastiff x1
The Deserter Human Bounty Hunter x1
Vorgen Gunner Mortz x1
Yar Umbra x1
Yolanda Skorn x1
Mad Dog Mono Hive Scum x1
The Headsman x1
Total 25
Gang Territories
No special territories
Campaign Territories
Campaign Rackets
No campaign rackets
Equipment Cost
Stimm-slug stash 30
Vehicle Type Cost Crew
No vehicles found

Prospect Uprising Campaign

Scenario vs. Rating Result Territory

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 2+ 6+ 3 3 2 3+ 3 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stiletto Knife - E - - - - - - Melee,Toxin
Stiletto Sword - E - - - - -1 - Melee,Parry,Toxin
WARGEAR Respirator, Photo-goggles, Chem-synth, Mesh Armor, Displacer Field
SKILLS Counter-attack, Impetuous, Rain of Blows

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 4+ 3+ 3 3 3 2+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Shotgun - Scatter 4 8 +2 - 2 1 - 4+ Scattershot
Shotgun - Solid 8 16 +1 - 4 2 - 4+ Knockback
Boltgun 12 24 +1 - 4 2 -1 6+ Rapid Fire (1)
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
Shotgun - Executioner 4 16 -1 +1 4 2 -2 6+ Knockback,Limited
WARGEAR Respirator, Photo-goggles, Mesh Armor,
SKILLS Hip Shooting, True Grit

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 6+ 2+ 3 3 2 3+ 1 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Needle Pistol 4 9 +2 - - - -1 6+ Sidearm,Scarce,Toxin,Silent
Needle Long Rifle 24 48 - +1 - - -2 6+ Scarce,Silent,Toxin
WARGEAR Respirator, Photo-goggles, Infra-sight, Chem-synth, Mesh Armor,
SKILLS Infiltrate, Precision Shot, Trick Shot

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 6+ 5+ 6+ 5+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stiletto Knife - E - - - - - - Melee,Toxin
Artisan Needle Pistol with Auto-loader 4 9 +2 - - - -1 4+ Silent,Sidearm,Toxin
WARGEAR Infra-sight, Carapace Armor - Light,
SKILLS Disarm, Escape Artist, Nerves of Steel

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
6" 2+ 5+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Stiletto Knife - E - - - - - - Melee,Toxin
Plasma Pistol - Low 6 12 +2 - 5 2 -1 5+ Sidearm,Scarce
Plasma Pistol - Max 6 12 +1 - 7 3 -2 5+ Sidearm,Scarce,Unstable
Power Axe - E - - S+2 1 -2 - Melee,Disarm,Power
WARGEAR Carapace Armor - Light
SKILLS Berserker, Combat Master, True Grit

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 3+ 4+ 3 4 2 5+ 1 5+ 7+ 5+ 5+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Laspistol 8 12 +1 - 3 1 - 2+ Sidearm,Plentiful
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Medicae Kit, Photo-goggles, Bio-booster
SKILLS Iron Jaw, Nerves of Steel, True Grit

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
6" 5+ 4+ 3 3 2 4+ 2 8+ 7+ 8+ 10+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Autopistol 4 12 +1 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Rapid Fire (1)
Harpoon Launcher 6 18 +2 - 5 1 -3 5+ Drag,Impale,Scarce
WARGEAR Flak Armor,
SKILLS Catfall, Clamber, Mighty Leap, Sprint

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 3+ 4+ 4 4 2 4+ 1 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Plasma Pistol - Low 6 12 +2 - 5 2 -1 5+ Sidearm,Scarce
Plasma Pistol - Max 6 12 +1 - 7 3 -2 5+ Sidearm,Scarce,Unstable
Shotgun - Scatter 4 8 +2 - 2 1 - 4+ Scattershot
Shotgun - Solid 8 16 +1 - 4 2 - 4+ Knockback
Chainsword - E - +1 S 1 -1 - Parry,Rending,Melee
WARGEAR Flak Armor,
SKILLS Berserker, Bull Charge, Fearsome

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
3" 3+ 4+ 3 4 3 5+ 1 5+ 7+ 5+ 5+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Power Hammer - E - - S+1 2 -1 - Melee,Power
Boltgun 12 24 +1 - 4 2 -1 6+ Rapid Fire (1)
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Flak Armor
SKILLS Combat Master, Iron Jaw, Nerves of Steel

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 8+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
Shotgun - Executioner 4 16 -1 +1 4 2 -2 6+ Knockback,Limited
Shotgun - Scatter 4 8 +2 - 2 1 - 4+ Scattershot
WARGEAR Flak Armor,
SKILLS Backstab, Evade, Infiltrate

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2+ 3 7+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Kals Master-Crafted Hotshot Laspistols x2 8 12 +1 - 4 1 -1 2+ Plentiful,Sidearm
WARGEAR Filter plugs, Strip Kit, Flak Armor,
SKILLS Counter-attack, Gunfighter, Inspirational, Spring up, Step Aside

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 5+ 3+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 7+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stub Gun 6 12 +2 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Plentiful
Plasma Gun - Low 12 24 +2 5 2 -1 5+ Rapid Fire (1),Scarce
Plasma Gun - Max 12 24 +1 - 7 3 -2 5+ Scarce,Unstable
WARGEAR Filter plugs, Flak Armor
SKILLS Clamber, Escape Artist, Infiltrate

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3+ 2 6+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stiletto Knife - E - - - - - - Melee,Toxin
Autopistol 4 12 +1 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Rapid Fire (1)
Long Las 18 36 - +1 4 1 - 2+ Plentiful
Throwing Knives Sx2 Sx4 - -1 - - -1 5+ Scarce,Silent,Toxin
WARGEAR Infra-sight, Chem-synth, Mesh Armor,
SKILLS Infiltrate, Precision Shot, Step Aside

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 3+ 4+ 3 4 2 4+ 2 7+ 4+ 7+ 4+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Stub Cannon 9 18 - - 5 1 - 3+ Knockback
WARGEAR Armored undersuit,
SKILLS Headbutt, Inspirational, Munitioneer

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 4+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 2 7+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Laspistol 8 12 +1 - 3 1 - 2+ Sidearm,Plentiful
WARGEAR Flak Armor, Refractor Field
SKILLS Assail, Escape Artist, Hammerhand, Sanctioned Psyker, Scouring

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 5+ 5+ 3 3 2 4+ 1 6+ 7+ 5+ 5+ 0
SKILLS Fearsome, Force Blast, Mindlock, Premonition, Sanctioned Psyker

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 4+ 5+ 3 3 2 4+ 1 7+ 7+ 8+ 7+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Demolition Charge - Sx2 - - 6 3 -3 * Grenade,Blast (5),Single Shot
Booby Trap Frag - - - - 3 1 - - Blast (5),Knockback,Single Shot
Booby Trap Melta - - - - 8 3 -4 - Blast (5),Melta,Single Shot
Blasting Charges - Sx2 - - 5 2 -1 5+ Grenade,Knockback,Blast (5)
WARGEAR Flak Armor,
SKILLS Evade, Lie Low

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 2+ 3+ 3 4 3 3+ 3 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Power Hammer - E - - S+1 2 -1 - Melee,Power
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
Slates Custom Plasma Pistol - Low 12 24 +2 - 5 2 -1 5+ Scarce,Sidearm
Slates Custom Plasma Pistol - Maximal 12 24 +1 - 7 3 -2 5+ Sidearm,Scarce,Unstable
WARGEAR Photo-goggles, Mesh Armor, Macula Cyber Mastiff
SKILLS Fearsome, Iron Will, Nerves of Steel

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 0+ 3 3 2 4+ 2 7+ 6+ 8+ 9+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Savage Bite - E - - S 1 -2 - Disarm,Melee
SKILLS Combat Master

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 3+ 4+ 3 4 2 4+ 2 7+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Shotgun - Scatter 4 8 +2 - 2 1 - 4+ Scattershot
Shotgun - Solid 8 16 +1 - 4 2 - 4+ Knockback
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Flak Armor
SKILLS Medicae, Mentor, Overseer

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
3" 5+ 3+ 7 5 2 5+ 2 7+ 7+ 8+ 8+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Assault Stubber 20 40 - -1 4 1 -1 4+ Rapid Fire (2),Unwieldy
Assault Stubber - Tracer Ammo 20 40 - -2 4 2 -2 5+ Rapid Fire (2),Unstable,Unwieldy
WARGEAR Flak Armor, Servo harness - Partial,
SKILLS Marksman, Regroup

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 4+ 2+ 3 4 2 3+ 1 7+ 5+ 7+ 7+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Long Las 18 36 - +1 4 1 - 2+ Plentiful
WARGEAR Respirator, Photo-goggles, Infra-sight, Flak Armor,
SKILLS Infiltrate, Marksman, Overwatch

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Fighting Knife - E - - S 1 -1 - Melee,Backstab
Stiletto Knife - E - - - - - - Melee,Toxin
Stub Gun 6 12 +2 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Plentiful
Frag Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 1 - 4+ Grenade,Blast (3),Knockback
WARGEAR Respirator, Photo-goggles, Flak Armor
SKILLS Counter-attack, Fearsome, Parry

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 8+ 7+ 8+ 8+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stub Gun 6 12 +2 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Plentiful
Grabhook E 2 - - S 1 - - Versatile,Disarm,Melee
WARGEAR Respirator,
SKILLS Dodge, Escape Artist

Hired Gun
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 6+ 4 3 3 3+ 3 7+ 7+ 6+ 9+ 0
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Two-Handed Axe - Prospect Edition E 2 -1 - S+2 2 - - Melee,Versatile,Unwieldy
WARGEAR Stimm-slug stash, Carapace Armor - Light,
SKILLS Counter-attack, Fearsome, Inspirational, Rain of Blows