Offal Inc.

Offal Inc.

Gang Information
Gang Type Corpse Grinder Cult
Dominion Type Corpse Grinder Cult
Gang Color
Campaign Down and Out in Stagger’s Fjord
Credits 12
Meat 0
Rating/Cost 3315
Reputation 10
Wealth 3132
Alignment Outlaw
Allegiance Chaos
Alliance None
Gang Status Active
Owner Malfic
Fighter Types
Butcher x1
Skinner x3
Cutter x1
Initiate x4
Scum Racer x2
Total 11
Gang Territories
No special territories
Campaign Territories
Corpse Farm
Refuse Drift Cawdor: The gang adds +1 to its Reputation and earns 2D6x5 credits from this Territory when collecting income. A Cawdor gang has no risk of encountering a waste-lurker. Other: The gang earns 2D6x5 credits from this Territory when collecting income. However, if a double is rolled, a randomly determined fighter has a nasty encounter with a waste-lurker and must miss the next battle whilst they recover. No income is lost.
Settlement The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income. Whilst it controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation. The gang may choose to roll two D6 after every battle. on a roll of 6 on either dice, the gang may recruit a single Juve from their House List for free. If both dice come up as a 6, then the gang may recruit a Ganger for free.
Slag Furnace
Campaign Rackets
No campaign rackets
Equipment Cost
Boning Sword 20
Vehicle Type Cost Crew
Food Truck Cargo-8 Ridgehauler 230 Grim Ace

Down and Out in Stagger’s Fjord

Scenario vs. Rating Result Territory
Cawdor champion Madam pobelle rescued.
Cawdor Bonepicker captured and sent to labour in mines for shared income with Squats.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 2+ 4+ 4 5 4 3+ 2 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ 1
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Paired Heavy Chain Cleavers* - E - +1 S+2 2 -2 - Melee,Paired,Sever
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Bio-booster, Stimm-slug stash, Industrial Respirator, Ablative Overlay, Plate Mail, Butcher's Mask
SKILLS Commanding Presence, Crushing Blow, Nerves of Steel, Overseer
RULES First to the Fray

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
6" 4+ 6+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 7+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 8
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Butcher's Chain Cleaver - E - - S+1 2 -2 - Melee,Shred
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Ablative Overlay, Corpse Grinder Cult Icon, Plate Mail, Skinner's Mask
SKILLS Killing Blow
RULES Berserk Charge

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 2+ 5+ 4 4 2 3+ 2 6+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 4
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Rotary Flensing Saw* E 4 - -1 S+1 2 -2 - Melee,Knockback,Shred,Versatile
WARGEAR Respirator, Armored undersuit, Stimm-slug stash, Ablative Overlay, Plate Mail, Cutter's Mask
SKILLS Slaughterborn, Unstoppable
RULES Dervish

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
4" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 8+ 6+ 9+ 8+ 8
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Stub Gun 6 12 +2 - 3 1 - 4+ Sidearm,Plentiful
Harpoon Launcher 6 18 +2 - 5 1 -3 5+ Drag,Impale,Scarce
Boning Sword - E - - S 2 -2 - Melee,Parry,Rending
WARGEAR Flak Armor, Initiate's Mask
SKILLS Infiltrate
RULES Infiltration

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 3+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 5
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Smoke Grenade - Sx3 - - - - - 4+ Grenade,Smoke,Blast (*)
Boning Sword x2 - E - - S 2 -2 - Melee,Parry,Rending
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Ablative Overlay, Frenzon Collar, Plate Mail, Skinner's Mask
SKILLS Counter-attack
RULES Berserk Charge

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
6" 3+ 5+ 3 4 1 4+ 1 7+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 7
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Paired Butcher's Chain Cleavers* - E - - S+1 2 -2 - Melee,Shred,Paired
WARGEAR Stimm-slug stash, Ablative Overlay, Frenzon Collar, Plate Mail, Skinner's Mask
RULES Berserk Charge

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 6+ 9+ 9+ 4
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Hand Flamer - T - - 3 1 - 5+ Blaze,Template
Boning Sword - E - - S 2 -2 - Melee,Parry,Rending
WARGEAR Respirator, Flak Armor, Initiate's Mask
SKILLS Infiltrate
RULES Infiltration

Hired Gun
M Front Side Rear HP HND SV BS Ld Cl Wil Int XP
7" 10 9 9 6 5+ 3+ 4+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 5
Food Truck
Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Harpoon Launcher 6 18 +2 - 5 1 -3 5+ Drag,Impale,Scarce
WARGEAR Flak Armor, Extra armor, Transport cage small, Turtle back, Cargo - Armored Container, Boarding Ramp, Ridgehauler Trailer
WARGEAR Ablative Armor, Crash Cage, All-wheel steering, Tyre claws, Engine shell, Nitro burner, Smoke vents, Cargo - Armored Container, Smoke Launchers,
SKILLS Running Repairs
RULES Vehicle Crew

Hired Gun
M Front Side Rear HP HND SV BS Ld Cl Wil Int XP
-" - - - - - - 4+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 1
No Vehicle
RULES Vehicle Crew

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
8" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 5
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Smoke Grenade - Sx3 - - - - - 4+ Grenade,Smoke,Blast (*)
Shard Grenades - Sx3 - - 2 1 -2 4+ Blast (5),Cursed,Grenade,Rending
Butcher's Chain Cleaver - E - - S+1 2 -2 - Melee,Shred
WARGEAR Plate Mail, Cutter's Mask, Dirt bike
SKILLS Infiltrate
RULES Infiltration

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int XP
5" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 2
Weapon Range Acc
S L S L Str D Ap Am Traits
Flamer - T - - 4 1 -1 5+ Blaze,Template
Meltabomb - Sx3 - -1 8 3 -4 6+ Demolition,Grenade,Melta,Scarce
Butcher's Chain Cleaver - E - - S+1 2 -2 - Melee,Shred
WARGEAR Armored undersuit, Flak Armor, Ablative Overlay, Initiate's Mask, Dirt bike
SKILLS Infiltrate
RULES Infiltration