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  1. chef0death

    Cawdor gang- Thoughts? Comments? My first run at a Cawdor gang list. MY first draft included a hand flamer for the leader and one less ganger. Im still considering it just for rule of cool! I want to run him as a Lead from the front style character, preaching...
  2. chef0death

    Inquisitor- Martyr. Anybody had a go yet?

    Just bought this game on steam. Expensive but the temptation was too great. Anybody else had a crack at it? Its full release is June 5th. Im really enjoying it, its a bit grindy atm but the devs are really attentive. Its Grimdark AF, and one of the map environments is based in Hive Cities! The...
  3. chef0death

    WTT for bitz: epic 40k, necro, old warzone, judge dredd, heroclix etc.

    Hey yakkers, Putting up photos of a selection of my stash. Lots of old metal. Wanting to Trade mostly for bitz and misc stuff for projects I have lined up. I have more stuff in my personal stash not shown here that I may be willing to let go of for the right trade or price: a 10 or 11 man Van...
  4. chef0death

    Findings on campaign XP gains?

    Just want to collate some opinions and findings on the rate of XP gains overall during a turf war? Do you find the Xp rates too slow? Too fast? Just right? How many cycles and games/cycle are you playing in a turf war? Would it be unbalancing to add for example a D3 XP for models that survive a...
  5. chef0death

    Card Drawing/Hand system for Campaigns House Rule

    Hey guys, Stumbled upon a bit of a cool idea for using the tactics cards in a way that should help level the playing field in Campaigns. Tactics Cards- Campaign- gangs start with X number of cards chosen from among players collection for that campaigns "deck", at random, and can replace up to...
  6. chef0death

    Quick reference sheets?

    Hey lads, just wondering it anybody has made up some quick reference sheets for the n17 and gang war rules? The books are bloody terrible to navigate if there is a rules query during a game. I found some reference lists on reddit, they are pretty raw. cheers
  7. chef0death

    Necromunda Chefs workshop UPDATE 28TH MAY- Escher finally, Mordheim, Van Saar.

    Hey fellow Necromundans, Long time stalker, once upon a time member, (sinisterbutt). Thought id start a small gallery. Photo quality may not be great, using a crappy image hoster for now. Anyways heres some photos of where the Chef spends all his free time... Cool story, most of the necromunda...
  8. chef0death

    My Goliath gang loadout. Thoughts?

    Hey fellas, trying to get a 1000cred gang roster nailed down so I can assemble my new models. Heres what im currently planning to use, comments critiques? any ideas or thoughts? Leader 250 Combat shotty, Power Hammer, Nerves of Steel Champion 175 Grenade launcher, Fighting Knife Unstoppable...