Second week of the campaign and three stretch goals unlocked! Here you can see them! And below, the 10K stretch goal, THE HIGHWAY!
And a preview of our massive 10K stretch goal, the Highway!
Hello everyone! Here we are with our third Kickstarter project! Thunder Chrome 3 Highway to Castle Painskull is a full modular range of scenery that allows you to build whatever you need. Here is the link...
We enter the last 48 hours of the campaign with more than 26 stretch goals unlocked!
Here are some samples
Second week of our campaign is already over and we have unlocked 16 stretch goals!
Thunder Chrome 2 is a huge range of fully modular Sci-Fi scenery developed to be 3D printed. For the first time you can use breakable scenery! Also, you can open doors! You can back now in the link below...
Hi everyone! Our second kickstarter is LIVE! Full modular Sci Fi scenery for 3D printers. Build any city you need for your futuristic wargames! Infinity, Warhammer 40K or any other miniature game set in a science fiction setting. Even for role-playing games!
Here's the link...
Hello everyone! Here is a sample of our modular system. You can 3D print our models as many times as you wish to combine them in different ways. In this series of pictures you can see how adding supports, changing the layout and using some catwalks you can create multiple structures for each...
Yeah, it could be easily adapted, the thing is you loose the opportunity to play inside. But as we sell the models for printing, you could print one for a DT and the other as regular scenery, your call ;)
Hi there! One more of our models, this time an old boat used as a lookout tower. You can order it printed at or you can buy the model right here to print it in your own 3D
Good gaming everyone!
Hi! We have an ongoing contest in Facebook! Check it out if you want to win one of our printed models!
Hi there! We have an ongoing contest in Facebook! Take a look here if you want to win one of our models printed!
Hi again everybody. Are you in urgent need of a Thunderdome where you can pitch your models one against the other? Worry not, here is our own Thunderdome with the Thunder Chrome logo in the floor, and catwalks to make it miniature friendly. This is one of our models, remember you can buy it in...
Hi there! we have officially opened our webstore! There you can create an account and buy all our models. We will keep expanding our range with new models every month so stay tuned! The payment method is through paypal (you need an account) but we are working to offer different payment methods...
Hello Andrew, here you have our own post apocalyptic shack. It's a free model we did at the beginning to test tolerances and other stuff, but painted looks pretty well in any table. Glad to hear you are interested in the project! We are working hard to create unique scenery and we will show you...
This is the final result of our modular system. The bodies, roofs and floors of the containers are printed independently so you can create 16 possible combinations. Together with the support model that you can see below the container you can create multi level structures linked by catwalks to an...
Hi there! Here is another 3D printed model, the toxic pond painted and ready for playing!
You can find us in ThunderChrome and keep track of our progress. Any ideas and comments are welcome!
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