Search results

  1. Underhiver

    In search of a fantasy skirmish ruleset *help*

    I heard of that into modelers group, I take a deep look asap :)
  2. Underhiver

    In search of a fantasy skirmish ruleset *help*

    Hi folks, don't know if this section is still much active or not. I am in search of a skirmish ruleset that can meet certain conditions. i.e. small group of fighters ofc, fast gameplay, but not fast as Warhammer Underworld. With a heavy customization of characters. Would be ideal if it also...
  3. Underhiver

    Mordheim Alternative Mordheim Miniatures (lots of pics)

    Hey folks, just throwing you some stuff that require attention, if already don't mentioned, if so forgive me ;) Durgin paint forge, produced the BEST design for dwarves around, imo (and few other bizzarre individuals). Artisan Guild's stuff, that seems...
  4. Underhiver

    The Great Bits trade topic

    Hi folks, I have a quick need list, please help 🙌 NEEDED: Squig hoppers leftover (ie boingrot champion armoured body, all the armoured heads, and any part that have armour coverage included one or two hands that hold the spears) Two new blood bowl goblins Squig herd handlers (latest plastic...
  5. Underhiver

    The Great Bits trade topic

    Still looking? I've 10 chainrasp unneeded... My provisory need list: Cawdor 5 men sprue (half of a box, don't mind if few weapons are missing, but need bodies/arms) Kharadron Overlords spare weapons (mostly ranged ones) and belt/backpacks small accessories flagellants bodies and heads (few of...
  6. Underhiver

    Necromunda Alternative Necromunda Miniature Sources (image heavy)

    Sure, this is a preview from the next White Dwarf, probably assembled by using multiple kits of the terrain contained in the Armageddon box. As people are arguing about, that kit will probably be part of a new range of modular scenery... I hope so ;)
  7. Underhiver

    The Great Bits trade topic

    Good, you are in need of something I have? ;)
  8. Underhiver

    The Great Bits trade topic

    Greetings! I am in search of: Skitarii rangers body+legs set 1x Cataphron left arms with weapons (up to 3, at least one different for each type) Cataphron armor plates Sicarian arms with claw, and arms with pistols (both type) Tech priest arm with gun Deathwatch shield Deathwatch small symbol...
  9. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    I know that stretching the legs and add a base with small scenery will compensate a lot, but it is not definitely the overall style I am looking for. After all, I wasted 5€ on that model but it was worth to check it in my hands, and to have an idea of how much that Mantic range was usable for...
  10. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Thank you :) I am lazy on the paint side (and I need new brushes because mine are almost gone...), but I won't slack on this warband. I planned to paint them with the oroginal vintage scheme <o/
  11. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Dead end on the Malcadon, the Dreadball model is a midget compared to the two others... he appear small for the 28mm scale... comparison picture soon, then you can check it yourself :( uff...
  12. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Thanks everyone for your support :) I am evaluating various options... still have some dark eldar spikes and blades myself ;) ... I am waiting for the model from TheTrollTrader, until I have it in my hand I can't effectively make any try... About bitz, slightly off topic: there is a trading...
  13. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    This is a Ninja with Tactical Bow, from the game box: Operation Red Veil. Infinity is the game, by corvus belli. This model is not sold as single blister, you can get it only from that box. I just found it single from a spanish seller on the bay...
  14. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    I was shaping some necron cables today, along with the model... but I preferred to show the model "clear", for now. Btw both weapons should be cabled to her back, but I must find a really thin one, and maybe poseable. It must be really thin, to not draw the attention from the arms and the pose...
  15. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Thanks everyone for comments :) ... the jakara probably will receive some device on the shield, a cable too, to make the feeling of the presence of the reflecting mechanism. Also, I planned to cut the top of her head, and adding short straight hairs that comes out of the helmet, like the...
  16. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Thanks man :) ... heads are from here I am pleased with the quality, it was my first order on PW. They added 2 more heads in the pack, of different designs, for free ;)
  17. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Jakara assembled :)
  18. Underhiver

    Necromunda Spyrers :)

    Wow, you are perfectly right about wideness! This have a completely different look, that melt perfectly with the top part of the model. I may plan to replace the legs, but only when I have the full gang assembled. At that point I pass them under a small revision, and for that time I may have...