scratch building

  1. Yakcomp #33 wip

    Yakcomp #33 wip

    Hobb and Nobb base coloured and washed
  2. Yakcomp #33 wip

    Yakcomp #33 wip

    Nobb and Hobb primed
  3. Pit Slaves, back

    Pit Slaves, back

    That bendy straw is not a pipe!
  4. Currently active projects

    Currently active projects

    All the wip together now...
  5. Toxic water refinery

    Toxic water refinery

    The water effects surface hasn't fully dried here... Entry for the Yakcomp 31: Hazardous times!
  6. Toxic water refinery

    Toxic water refinery

    The water effects surface hasn't fully dried here... Entry for the Yakcomp 31: Hazardous times!
  7. Toxic water refinery

    Toxic water refinery

    The water effects surface hasn't fully dried here... Entry for the Yakcomp 31: Hazardous times!
  8. WIP modular board tile 1/5

    WIP modular board tile 1/5

    Started making tiles for a modular board. Try to get it somewhat suitable for both Necromunda & 40k.
  9. Boyz, Big Mek & Weirdboy painted

    Boyz, Big Mek & Weirdboy painted

    Painted at the beginning of November.
  10. Buggies & Gretchin painted

    Buggies & Gretchin painted

  11. Buggies painted!

    Buggies painted!

  12. Buggies painted!

    Buggies painted!

  13. Buggies painted!

    Buggies painted!

  14. Buggies painted!

    Buggies painted!

  15. Buggies painted!

    Buggies painted!

  16. Buggies painting WIP

    Buggies painting WIP

  17. Buggies painting WIP

    Buggies painting WIP

  18. Buggies painting WIP

    Buggies painting WIP

  19. Buggies painting WIP

    Buggies painting WIP

  20. Buggies painting WIP

    Buggies painting WIP