Here's the build details for a little scratch built oven.
Here's a video:
The oven is made out of a food can.
- It has three timer settings (2.5 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes).
- Temperature is fixed at 100 degrees C (suitable for BeeS Putty, curing Green Suff, Brown Stuff, ProCreate and so on).
- Heating element is a pair of G4 halogen bulbs.
- Because the temperature is fixed, it won't over cook.
- The 12V supply that you use must be capable of the current drive needed. That will have to match the bulbs that you select. I've chosen a 4A power supply, after characterising my bulbs.
Be careful! Ovens get hot. Don't leave it unattended or near stuff that burns.
Use your own sense when building and using this thing
Here's a video:
The oven is made out of a food can.
- It has three timer settings (2.5 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes).
- Temperature is fixed at 100 degrees C (suitable for BeeS Putty, curing Green Suff, Brown Stuff, ProCreate and so on).
- Heating element is a pair of G4 halogen bulbs.
- Because the temperature is fixed, it won't over cook.
- The 12V supply that you use must be capable of the current drive needed. That will have to match the bulbs that you select. I've chosen a 4A power supply, after characterising my bulbs.
Be careful! Ovens get hot. Don't leave it unattended or near stuff that burns.
Use your own sense when building and using this thing