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  1. Pddrijver

    V3.0 Warband Creation Update

    Still a large drawback I think. When the the compensation is "you're able to buy other stuff", you still have to put resources to it, so you're still left with the imbalance. You only gain diversity. (A 1000tg warband with poisoned weapons is still equal to a 1000tg warband without poisoned...
  2. Pddrijver

    V3.0 Warband Creation Update

    Looks good! Though I'd hate to lose the versatility for the Eldar and Ork list. Nurgle Cult indeed needs a buff, having a 1/3rd chance of ammo rolls is a huge drawback that needs to be compensated. I experienced that the warband is already rather underpowered as it is. The -1 to hit sounds...
  3. Pddrijver

    2.1 Genestealer Covens Warband

    We had fun playtesting this warband. However, I have to say, the Purestrain is way too cheap. He literally owns the game from the beginning, where the purestrain picks off guys and the rest of the gang hangs back. I'm not sure if I like it. Right now, the playtest-warband has a genestealer...
  4. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Toxic Skirmish

    "as l" can be removed. Probably a leftover from an earlier idea that went something like: "as wel as.. blablabla (more rules)" Good catch!
  5. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Warp Artefact

    Alright, we had some fun playtesting this. Some thoughts: The "every model moves D6" is very tedious. I'm going to change this to: Roll a D6 for every model: - 1-3 nothing happens - 4-5 move D6" in a random direction - disappears for one turn Or roll a D6: 1-3 - every model moves D6"...
  6. Pddrijver

    Necromunda Chaos Coven

    Thanks! :)
  7. Pddrijver

    Borrowing money from loansharks

    No, you just have to send a ganger to find the item you want.
  8. Pddrijver

    Necromunda Chaos Coven

    The Blessed Pox, my Nurgle cult for Inquisimunda. Led by Magos Nazuhar, with the powerful Psycher Onaidas as his right hand. Only members showing an aptitude for using the powers of the warp are worthy of joining. Davthal and Burrothal are twins who have been with the cult since the beginning...
  9. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Warp Artefact

    Good catch, of course! I'll edit it. :) I'm curious to hear how it plays!
  10. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Toxic Skirmish

    Cool, let us know! :D
  11. Pddrijver

    Borrowing money from loansharks

    Exactly that, unforeseen and necessary purchases can be done in that way. I hope the bonus/malus of it balances out,. Normally you'd be more than able to repay small debts, as it's easy to make 30/40 TG per battle, payback is in 2 turns on average, and there is always the inv/subv to stretch...
  12. Pddrijver

    Borrowing money from loansharks

    Could be a good idea actually! Though I imagine the warband leader doing the negotiations. (now we know why he can't get any income, he's haggling with loansharks! :P ) What does the rest think?
  13. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Warp Artefact

    In this scenario, a strange artefact has been found and two warbands are fighting over control. However, the artefact shows quite a few weird and dangerous properties! This hasn't been playtested and I'm looking mainly for some feedback on the special battlefield conditions and the rewards.
  14. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Toxic Skirmish

    Hi everyone, recently I wrote up this scenario, involving toxic waste markers randomly appearing on the battlefield. (sprung pipes, leaking vents etc) I playtested it once and it was quite fun!
  15. Pddrijver

    Borrowing money from loansharks

    Hi everyone, our group had an interesting idea this week, borrowing money from shady loansharks. What if you REALLY need that extra set of armour of power weapon? I took the time to write up some fun rules for it. Of course.. borrowing money is not without risks, Moneylending in...
  16. Pddrijver

    Inquisimunda v2.1 Wyrds & Psychic Powers

    I've been busy with a Chaos Cultist warband. I fee lthe "chopping your head off" is a bit too much, maybe change it into: 1-3 - fight with random warband member 4-5 self injury (roll on injury table) 6 - chops own head off.
  17. Pddrijver

    Subversion and Investigation, use it much?

    Yup, we use the rerolls a lot, and in our group a player is allowed to make the reroll whenever they want, as long as it's their turn. Makes for some fun moments to use the roll at times it really counts. I've made an exploration chart, similar to Mordheim, where Investigation and Subversion...
  18. Pddrijver


    Ok, thinking about the grots some more: - buy runtherd - spend 50 gold on some runts, and enjoy a guaranteed income forever. Buy 15 grots, for 150 gold, give them grenades... Suggestion: Runtherder is still necessary to buy grots. 0-6 may be bought. They always need 3 grots for 1 territory...
  19. Pddrijver


    I love the rules for Gretchin! I hope they make it into the next version. Another addition: One of our players wanted to use Snakebites on boars. I wrote up some rules for using Boars and Cyboars. :) The cyboar impant thing can be simplified of course, but I thought this was fun. Simplified...
  20. Pddrijver

    Inquisimunda v2 - Reborn from ashes - Community Edition

    When exporting to idml files we will lose all the images though, background, pictures. We'll just have grey boxes with lots of text.