FYSC October Submissions Thread

Whoz da best?

  • Pagumb

  • Punktaku

  • Tiny

  • Captain Brown

  • daveh

  • Stoof

  • Lord_Ikka

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.


Yak Comp 1st Place
Nov 10, 2014
Grumløse, Denmark
Welcome to the 'Finish Your Stuff Challenge' submissions thread for October 2023! The weather in most of the northern hemisphere may not seem like it, but fall is practically over and we're heading into an icy winter!

This thread is for submissions only so we would ask that you only make a single post once you are ready with your final submission for the month. You can add multiple photos to your post but please try not to add multiple photos of the same miniature, although you can edit multiple angles together into a single image if you need or feel so inclined. And please keep comments in the main FYSC thread! Just to keep this thread clean for voting purposes. Since this has been copy pasted several times, is anyone still reading these? Wubble wubble, flibb flibb, Ich bin eine Ente! Mich also as well tambien.

The deadline for getting your submissions in is on November 6th and then this thread will have a poll added to it with all this months entries. You will then have until the 20th of November to cast your votes for your favourites.

This challenge is open to everyone, you don't need to have 'signed up' anywhere to enter something for any given month so can join in any month you have something finished to share. The same goes for voting, anyone can vote once the poll is open.
Looking forward to seeing your submissions!
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