N18 Racing in the Underhive


New Member
Mar 4, 2019
The SSG Deathraces V.1 (Slaaneshi Support Group)

The DeathRace is a bike race through the lower levels of the Hive cities of Necromunda, or around the various shanty towns in the ash wastes outside the city. Any faction of Necromunda can participate as the event is non exclusive, providing your wallet can handle to strain, even the local Astra Militarum garrison have been seen entering rough riders in the ash waste races.

Designers note: This is an evolving beta rule pack which me and my group are working on, to which I’m sure there will be many holes in the rules. Feedback is welcome and for any rules questions, just ask. During game, rule of cool and fairness apply when a gap in the rules is discovered, unless the race master or campaign arbitrator is present. Primary rule – Have fun!
Bike creation and weapon customisation are still WIP. All comments, queries and feedback more than welcome. :)

The Racers:
Each player must pick a champion from their gang roster to be their rider. Players must have both a model on bike and on foot, this is to represent the rider should he/she have a wipe out and be thrown from their bike. Each player may then spend a maximum of 150 on their bikes (See the Bike Design rules, later in this document.) A(champion may take along 75credits worth of their own warhead to a race per bike creation, providing it’s something that you could imagine is possible to do when racing through narrow corridors at high speeds-in time all legal equipment will be added to bike creation)
Race fees (campaigns): Each player has to spend 50credits (unless otherwise agreed upon) to enter a rider into the race, this money is held by local guilders or the Race Master, after their fee of course.
Campaign use: Be aware riders taken out of action during the race can be killed, bikes destroyed and money lost, this is a death race after all.

The Track:
The track can be anything from a closed circuit Underhive raceway to an open drag race in the ash wastes. The more turns and bends in your raceway the more exciting an event. Adding a few jumps and other obstacles are good fun as well. In addition to a clearly marked starting and finishing line you'll also need a 'safety zone' marker. This should be some distance after the starting line. The safety zone is an area where no combat can occur until both racers are out of the zone. Though with that said, it’s is Necromunda, and nobody really likes the rules... If any hostile maneuverers are made within the safe zone, and spectators from the targets gang that are within range can make a free shoot action against the rider that makes the illegal maneuverer.

Starting the Race:
Each racer should put his name on a scrap of papers and these should be placed in a hat, cup, or Josh’s pocket. If a player has more than one racer then his name should put a scrap of paper in for each racer. The names are then randomly pulled from the hat, and this determines the starting order behind the starting line, the pole position. In the first turn all players will move their bikes in order of their poll positions. After that play order will be determined as per who has the lead. Note that all racers start the race in Gear 1. (see below)

Finishing the Race:
The number of laps should be determined before the race (usually one is enough, depending on the size of the board). The first to pass the finish line gets first place , second gets second place and so on. At the end of the race, all bikes are repaired for a fee and racers can collect their prize money (or leaders pick up their dead champions)

All vehicles have access to gears 1-6. The current gear is indicated by placing a d6 next to the racer with the correct number up. Gears represent two factors: Top speed, and momentum. At the beginning of a movement phase a driver may go up or down one gear without any tests required.
In 1st gear the vehicle can move between 0-4 inches. In all other gears the number of inches moved is 4" x the gear. The racer MUST move this distance. No more, no less. Racers may 'slide' one inch left or right for each inch they move forward. Sliding does not change the facing of the vehicle. To change facing the racer must attempt a turn manoeuvre.
Vehicles with more than one rider are slower, but the passengers can fire weapons and attack in combat without making manoeuvre tests. To represent their decreased speed, these vehicles only move at 3" x Gear (rules in the making).

There are a variety of manoeuvres that can be performed. Many can be performed by any racer, some are vehicle and/or faction specific. Manoeuvres can be performed at any point in a vehicles movement but there must be at least a number of inches equal to their current gear of movement between manoeuvres. To perform a manoeuvre roll a D6; if the number equals or exceeds your current gear you pass. Note that some manoeuvres and conditions may add modifiers to this roll. If you fail a manoeuvre you must roll on the 'Loss of Control' chart. If a racer looses control he/she may not attempt any more manoeuvres that turn.

Driver Skill Points:
Driver Skill Points, or skill points (SP), are used to assist in performing difficult manoeuvres. If a manoeuvre is attempted, and failed, a racer can spend skill points to adjust the roll to the number needed to pass (assuming he/she has enough skill points to do so). Each skill point spent increases the die roll by one. So, if a driver needed a 6 to pass a difficult manoeuvre, and rolled a 4, he would need to expend 2 skill points to make the test successful. Once a skill point is spent it is gone for the remainder of the race. Additional skill points can be purchased at 5 credits a skill point.

Basic Manoeuvres:
Turn - Perform this manoeuvre at the moment you wish to turn. Success means the vehicle may be turned up to 45 degrees.
Hard Turn - Same as a Turn but subtract -1 from the manoeuvre roll. Success means the vehicle may turn up to 90 degrees.
Break - Performed at the beginning of movement when declaring your gear, it allows the racer to shift down two gears.
Landing - If a racer goes air born (via jumping, boosting, etc) this test must be performed to successfully land. If you are landing on a down ramp add +1 to your roll.
Shooting - Success means the vehicle may fire ONE weapon. Vehicle mounted weapons have a 45 degree front arc, while pistol weapons can fire 180 degrees forward. More than one weapon may be fired, but a test must be made for each. No weapon can be fired more than once. All weapons must fire at the same target. Pistol Weapons may shoot in the bikers rear arc, but at a -1 to the manoeuvre roll. Shooting follows the Necromunda rules but with a +1 modifiers to all ammo roles made for the bike mounted weapons.
Hand To Hand Attack - Success means a driver/passenger may make one attack at an enemy vehicle/rider within 1". More than one attack may be made, but a test must be made for each. No more than the maximum number of attacks that the model has may be made in a single turn.
Jink - This manoeuvre is performed when another racer declares he/she is shooting at you or attempting to swing at you in close combat. Before they roll their manoeuvre test to shoot/attack you can opt to Jink. If successful the enemy misses, but must still perform their own test (they did shoot, you just dodged). If you fail the enemy shoots as normal, and you must roll on the loss of control table.
Run over – This manoeuvre is performed against a dismounted rider. If the manoeuvre roll is successful, the target suffers D3 hits at a strength equal to the gear the bike is in. The target may attempt to Jink (dodge). In order to dodge, the target must roll equal to or higher than the gear the bike is in.
Pivot – While in 1st gear, the bike can pivot 45, 90 or 180 degrees with no manoeuvre check needed.
Special Manoeuvres:
Boosters – Only in gears 3 and above. Success adds D6 to movement. No turns or slipping allowed. This can be done once per turn for each gear you are in. For example, if you are in 4th gear you can attempt to boost 4 times.
Thrusting Up – Grav flux suspension. In gears 3 and above. Success means they have jumped up too 3” even if they have no ramp! No turns are allowed, but the vehicle may pass over any obstacles or racers. A Landing test is required at the end of movement.
Jumping - Any time a racer goes up a steep incline he/she can opt to jump when the end is reached. To jump you must roll UNDER your current gear. If successful the vehicle goes airborne for a distance equal to its current gear plus D3. This distance is added to there total movement for the turn. The Jumping vehicle can pass over intervening models while airborne. When it lands the driver must perform a landing manoeuvre as described above.

Loss of Control Table: (Roll D6)
1 Spin: Move in straight line for remainder of distance. Roll scatter die at end of movement to determine facing. Gear reduced to 1.
2-3 Swerve Left: Vehicle turns 45 degrees left then moves in a straight line for the rest of its remaining movement. The current gear is unaffected.
4-5 Swerve Right: Vehicle turns 45 degrees right then moves in a straight line for the rest of its remaining movement. The current gear is unaffected.
6 Wipe out: The vehicle spills and tumbles along the ground for half the remainder of its movement in straight line. The vehicle and rider take D6 Strength = Gear hits (distribute as impacts). The rider (and passengers) are all thrown D3" from the vehicle in random directions. The vehicle can only move again once the driver (at least) has climbed aboard. Once boarded the vehicle starts its next turn in gear 1.

Bike Armour: All bikes have 5+ front and back armour saves with a 6+ armour save on its sides.
Collisions & Impact: Whenever a vehicle collides with an obstacle, building, etc. the vehicle takes D3 hits at a strength equal to the gear it is in. Roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of a 6 the rider is struck. All other results mean the vehicle has been hit. When vehicles collide with each other, they both take D3 hits, but the strength is based on the gear difference. If they are traveling the same direction the strength equals the difference in gears. If they are traveling in opposite direction the strength equals the sum of the gears. Both Bikes must take a manoeuvre check, the target suffering a -1 modifier to the manoeuvre roll. The bike that is hit will also be moved half of the remaining distance to be travelled by the impacting bike (this applies to the Loss of Control result).
Shooting: All shots fired at a vehicle are randomized between the rider and vehicle. Roll a D6, on a 6 it hits the rider, otherwise the vehicle is struck.
Damage to riders: Use Necromunda damage rules using the chosen riders toughness and armour save. This is a race of death or glory, riders can not be pinned, and all serious injury rolls are treated as flesh wounds. An out of action role will cause the driver to cause the driver to be eliminated from the race.
Damage to vehicles: After rolling to wound and a failed armour save, work out how many wounds the bike has lost and roll on the damage Table using the following modifiers:
10-8 wounds remaining: -2
8-6 wounds remaining: -1
6-4 wounds remaining: None
4-2wounds remaining: +1
2-0wounds remaining: +2
Weapons with -4ap have a +4 modifier

Vehicle Damage Table:
Armour value beaten by Result
0 or less No Effect
1 Engine Damage: Vehicle is at -1 movement for all gears. Further results are cumulative.
2 Control Damage: Vehicle is at -1 for all future manoeuvre rolls. Further results are cumulative.
3 Clutch Stuck: Must roll a 4+ to change gears at start of turn, failure means can't change gears. Each additional result adds a 1 to the difficulty. Once you hit 7+ you cannot change gears (up or down, even when you hit obstacles).
4 Major Engine Damage: Gear multiplier for movement reduced by 1. ie. 4"*gear reduced to 3"*Gear. Further results are cumulative. If this falls to 0” the bike is destroyed, but the rider is not thrown.
5 Roll again twice to see results, re-rolling 5’s and 6’s.
6 Vehicle Destroyed: Rider is thrown D6" in a random direction. The champion takes a hit equal to which gear he/she was in, if they survive they must run of the course to pull out the race.

Prize Money and rewards (only used in campaigns)
Winning racers will be awarded prize money (credits) at the end of a race to use in Campaign, after the guilders and race master have taken their cut. The credits can be used to purchase war gear or driver skill points for the next race, or can be placed in the gangs stash for later use.
First: 40xthe number of riders worth of credits - 5xp for champion - 3 reputation
Second: 1st place loser 3xp for champion 2 reputation
Third: 2nd place loser 2xp for champion 1 reputation
Other placing: Nothing YOU LOST! 1xp for champion -1 reputation
For each rider killed: +1 xp for the rider
If a rider is killed: -1 reputation
I like this.

I’ve always wanted to do a Deathrace 40K ever since I saw some photos on the web-box a few years ago.
I’ll be really interested to see how this turns out.
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