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  1. Pddrijver

    Necromunda Chaos Coven

    The Blessed Pox, my Nurgle cult for Inquisimunda. Led by Magos Nazuhar, with the powerful Psycher Onaidas as his right hand. Only members showing an aptitude for using the powers of the warp are worthy of joining. Davthal and Burrothal are twins who have been with the cult since the beginning...
  2. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Warp Artefact

    In this scenario, a strange artefact has been found and two warbands are fighting over control. However, the artefact shows quite a few weird and dangerous properties! This hasn't been playtested and I'm looking mainly for some feedback on the special battlefield conditions and the rewards.
  3. Pddrijver

    Scenario: Toxic Skirmish

    Hi everyone, recently I wrote up this scenario, involving toxic waste markers randomly appearing on the battlefield. (sprung pipes, leaking vents etc) I playtested it once and it was quite fun!
  4. Pddrijver

    Borrowing money from loansharks

    Hi everyone, our group had an interesting idea this week, borrowing money from shady loansharks. What if you REALLY need that extra set of armour of power weapon? I took the time to write up some fun rules for it. Of course.. borrowing money is not without risks, Moneylending in...
  5. Pddrijver

    Ideas for an addition to territories - Exploration

    Hi everyone, I like the mechanics for income in Inquisimunda, however, I think that they're a bit bland. After each battle, you send your guys to the same territories and collect your money. Mordheim uses a fun system where you search the city to find all kinds of fun stuff. I've been working...
  6. Pddrijver

    Tau Strike Force

    I have been busy sketching a possible list to include Tau in inquisimunda. Feedback is very welcome! I divided them in 4 different castes, each with a different bonus/malus. I also fleshed out some Tau-specific drones with different roles. Options to include either Kroot or Vespids and some...
  7. Pddrijver


    another thing our group came across: The rules for silencers apply to autopistosl, stub guns, autoguns, hunting rifles or autosluggers, as per the Nec rules. However, these weapons rarely (with us, never) see the light of day, making them a forgotten item in Imunda. How about changing the...
  8. Pddrijver

    nobilist hunter rig

    Our group is currently testing the Nobilist hunter rig in Necromunda. They of course follow the Necromunda Spyrer rules, which are a lot of fun. So far we've come across some things, and we'd appreciate the input: We have the feeling that the weapon meta in necromunda is different than Imunda...
  9. Pddrijver

    Inquisimunda Eldar and Ork painting log

    Together with a few other gamers, we're very much enjoying the game of Inquisimunda. I'm playing orks using the void pirate list (since there was no ork list when I started), and an Eldar Strike Force. Pictures! The only finished Eldar so far: Almost done: Getting there, someday...
  10. Pddrijver

    Mordheim Mordheim/fantasy city terrain (with lots of pics!)

    Hi everyone. My girlfriend and I enjoy making terrainpieces together (among other things). Here are the fruits of our labour so far: Yet to be painted: