Miniatures that don't exist (comedy thread playing with AI images)

How do you get it to know what you want? I tried typing "warhammer 40k landspeeder" and it came up with some kinda surfborad made of melted plastic... with wheels.

How do you get it to know what you want? I tried typing "warhammer 40k landspeeder" and it came up with some kinda surfborad made of melted plastic... with wheels.
Trial and error. WIthout sliders or options it's more art than science.
The more obscure or vague the term, the more it will struggle.

I tried:"photo of hovering space marine landspeeder miniature "
That would be my favourite mini, to go in my box of 'minis never to be converted ever'. I want to grab some goblins and dwarves and the green stuff.

If it wasn't for the hands melting into the knees and the fact that I was the one using the program, I would have looked at it and thought it was a real mini. There's tons of details that I really like about it.
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Hey no worries about gaps between posts or timing issues. This is a good thread for other AI art to be posted as long as it is halfway relevant to Necromunda or miniatures. Awesome images, @Tiktaalik

I will be back with more funny ones eventually.