ntw3001's Necromunda Inquisitor Whatevers

I've put it in the competition thread, but I've started a small project. So small, in fact, that I will likely even finish it! The project is to paint six models:


They're for the Tales of the Arabian Nights board game, or alternatively they're a courtesan from Araby and her hangers-on. I'm enjoying dealing with the colours, although the white character (the advisor with the book) is going to be tricky. Still, this set are using a different-to-usual way of painting eyes and the shield there is my first significant attempt at freehand, so it's all a big lesson. And Middle Eastern skin tones are new to me as well; I'm not sure they've come out quite right, but they're passable.
Aladdin, forty years later:


I'm happy with the skin tone and lovely deep reds on the jacket and turban, not so content with the other garments. But overall it was a pretty squanky sculpt so I'm pleased with him. Those deep, irregular folds in the breeches are not something I like to paint.
Better to be the urchin on the street selling the "artifacts" than the ones in the factory making them P:

He turned out really well. I've made note to do eyes first now, thanks for that! :)
Ali Baba is done:


I didn't enjoy painting this model much, and I'm not really happy with him. I spent ages thinking about how I was going to do OSL with the lantern, but I couldn't figure out how to deal with the shading on the rest of the figure. I'm very picky about OSL, and if he's supposed to be exploring a cave he should look like the lantern is the only source of light; I don't like models that are painted as though they're in broad daylight and then have extra light spilling over them (there are some very overdone ones where screens/weapons/spells/whatever manage to stain the entire front of the minis blue. The rest of the model is painted and shaded normally, so... how bright actually is this light? ). So yeah, I guess I could have tried OSL, but... I have RL stuff right now. I just want to get my guys done, no time to try out new tricks.

One other irritation: How many layers is this guy wearing? He appears to have a short-sleeved tunic, some manner of long-sleeved undershirt, a fancy fur-trimmed waistcoat and a cloak. This was a pain. I decided the long sleeves could be part of the main shirt, which has an additional, decorative set of sleeves.
He looks good with the coat/etc all being the same material. Nice touch with the big red x :)
Okay right. I've done the last two figures and the contest entry is finished! I'm off to work in South Korea in two days, so I guess this plog is gonna be put on ice. It will perhaps return when/if I come back. I might take a few more photos before I go and put them up at some point, but there's not gonna be anything new. So, here's the final batch:


I guess they came out alright. Ali Baba (Black) is the most glaring problem with his lantern, and Sindbad (Blue) and Zumurrud (Yellow) look sort of doofy from above because their eyes don't really show. I promise they have eyes. I'm actually fairly pleased with the other three, although the yellow on Scheherazade (Green) is actually fairly slapdash when you look closely. I feel like the palettes for each colour came out well though. They'll make decent board game pieces, for a board game I most likely won't have time to play before leaving.

And since I haven't namedropped the other two, Red is Aladdin and White is Ma'aruf.
I have returned from Korea, and before I go off the Japan in the new year I'm gonna post some models. Some new, some old, bleh. Let's lead with a Khornate cult against a soothing blue backdrop:





These guys are from a while ago; I've got some more recent models (and some which I've posted WIPs of but have now actually completed (not painted)), but I feel it would be bad form to post up a million images in one go.

Also, we played some games recently! More board pictures:


So apparently if I switch my phone to selfie mode, the photos come out much smaller. That's useful for board pictures. Unfortunately this is the only one of that type I have, and the bird's-eye view is not the best way of seeing it.

There were four of us, so we played a 1v1 game each and then finished with an epic battle featuring three house gangs against my brother's Scavvies (accompanied by a cool 8D6 zombies). I lost uhh four guys in two games I think? They bravely threw themselves upon the zombie menace, and wound up joining up. Especially unlucky was a juve named Fatty, who suffered multiple injuries and wound up completely deaf and with only a thumb on one hand. On the plus side, he got impressive scars to counteract the deafness(?). He was fourteen years old. I retired him and replaced him with The New Fatty, who was quickly 'convinced' to join the zombie horde (fortunately his efforts to 'convince' the rest of the gang failed). We'll be playing again later this month; I'm sure Fatty Three has a bright future ahead of him.
I (partially) painted a guy I got back in the olden days from Mad Puppet Miniatures. The lighting isn't the best ever, but I made him pretty vibrant:



As you can see, a fair proportion of the chap still needs paint. But yeah, thanks to Vallejo for the colours. I can't seem to achieve that kind of saturation with GW paints.
Ha well hopefully Japan will be good! I'm trying to figure out whether I'll be able to pack some minis in my luggage anyway :p

Anyways, I finished the guy I was painting. He took about three times longer than I usually spend on a mini; I'm not sure why. The right foot was part of it, but not that much. He's very blue and orange, and I'm wondering whether I should have used red instead of yellow as the third colour. Oh well.


@RobStrachan My brother is allegedly planning to get me a little air pistol case for my birthday, which should be a suitable way to transport a few minis. Just got to see how many it can manage!

So I've got hold of a box of Frostgrave Cultistsand have been playing around with them to make what will (probably) be a Tzeentch cult. I've got six done, and they look like this:

(the shotgunner is pinned to the base)

Featuring weapons from Anvil Industry, Zinge, Victoria Miniatures and Hasslefree. I guess I'll have to convert some 2h rifle guys, but I'm not looking forward to it. It's always a huge hassle.
@RobStrachan My brother is allegedly planning to get me a little air pistol case for my birthday, which should be a suitable way to transport a few minis. Just got to see how many it can manage!

Sounds good - just take the air pistol out first. You can't take that on a plane.

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The cultists are up to 11 strong now, with three more CC guys and two more ranged ones. And here they are:



Most of them need a little GS to smooth over joins and such. The autogunner needs his entire right shoulder, and potentially his whole upper arm, reconstructed. But that's just how it be. I don't want every basic weapon user to be holding their gun in a single hand.
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