I have returned from Korea, and before I go off the Japan in the new year I'm gonna post some models. Some new, some old, bleh. Let's lead with a Khornate cult against a soothing blue backdrop:
These guys are from a while ago; I've got some more recent models (and some which I've posted WIPs of but have now actually completed (not painted)), but I feel it would be bad form to post up a million images in one go.
Also, we played some games recently! More board pictures:
So apparently if I switch my phone to selfie mode, the photos come out much smaller. That's useful for board pictures. Unfortunately this is the only one of that type I have, and the bird's-eye view is not the best way of seeing it.
There were four of us, so we played a 1v1 game each and then finished with an epic battle featuring three house gangs against my brother's Scavvies (accompanied by a cool 8D6 zombies). I lost uhh four guys in two games I think? They bravely threw themselves upon the zombie menace, and wound up joining up. Especially unlucky was a juve named Fatty, who suffered multiple injuries and wound up completely deaf and with only a thumb on one hand. On the plus side, he got impressive scars to counteract the deafness(?). He was fourteen years old. I retired him and replaced him with The New Fatty, who was quickly 'convinced' to join the zombie horde (fortunately his efforts to 'convince' the rest of the gang failed). We'll be playing again later this month; I'm sure Fatty Three has a bright future ahead of him.