Psychic Powers in 2.1

Should we remove the major psychic powers to bring more balance ?

  • 1. Yes, just leave the minor powers

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • 2. Remove all psychic powers for a small table but more balanced

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • 3. No, Leave as it is but refine major powers

    Votes: 14 82.4%

  • Total voters
I would just add a note to the wyrd bit saying when they roll a 2 or a 12 they can choose to generate another power, if the leadership test if passed it can be a major power, if it is failed then it is a minor power. Then possibly add that a psyker can never have more major powers than minor but that's up to you guys.

I also like the idea of additionally being able to re-roll a single power at every level up rather than per game. Much more elegant solution that what we had :)
what kind of sense does it have?
- "john, today it's sunny, let's go biking!"
- "nope: I unlearned how to bike yesterday to learn how to repair kitchen sinks; maybe tomorrow?"

More like:

- "John, recite me the 2nd sentence from the tenth paragraph of chapter 5 of The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien"
- "Err, I can't quite remember that one as I haven't practiced reciting it in a while."

I would imagine that learning to perform psychic powers consistently requires a lot more concentration and memory than riding a bicycle.

Please can we try to keep this thread positive and constructive rather than just telling people their ideas are stupid. Why are they stupid? What would you change? By all means, write up a coherent document of Psychic rules and we'll all give them fair consideration.

spafe said:
I also like the idea of additionally being able to re-roll a single power at every level up rather than per game. Much more elegant solution that what we had :)


oGRE3 said:
do not write specific advancement tables: just use ONE organically organized advancement tables; it's necromunda, not rolemaster [thanksgiving the gods]!

Agreed, although we don't even need to change the normal advance table. Simply add the line to wyrd rules:

"On an advancement roll of a 12, instead of choosing a skill from any table, a Wyrd may choose to gain a Wyrd level (gaining additional powers as befits his level). If the Wyrd is already Level 3, they may gain an additional Minor or Major Power instead but may not have more Major powers than Minor."​

or something similar depending on what effect we require.
Do we modify existing OCE powers or re-do them from scratch using OCE casting rules as a base?
if modifying OCE powers, do we need to tone some of them back a bit?
Modify the existing ones. Some need to be toned down especially if you're going to allow multiple powers cast in one turn.

Should Wyrds be able to select powers from multiple Major tables or only one?
Only in extenuating circumstances (like a double 6 in advance table).
Here's where I am currently:


Wyrd is a catch-all term for the many different Psykers who inhabit the galaxy. Some are untrained, unsanctioned Psykers who have been overlooked by the Black Ships and are generally unaware of their true talents or have very limited control of their powers, whereas more powerful Wyrds have great control over a far greater array of powers. All Wyrds, however powerful, shine brightly as a beacon in the warp and as such are at great risk from attack by warp entities whenever they use their powers.

A fighter who has the option of becoming a Wyrd will be shown in the individual warband list. All Wyrds follow the same rules unless otherwise stated in their particular warband entry.

Unless otherwise stated, a fighter may only become a Wyrd at creation. The cost becoming a Wyrd depends on their chosen Wyrd Level:

Wyrd Level 1: +30TG

Wyrd Level 2: +55TG

Wyrd Level 3: +80TG

Psychic Powers: A Wyrd has a number of Major and Minor Powers equal to their Wyrd Level. These powers are determined randomly upon creation by rolling on the relevant Power Tables. Re-roll any duplicate powers.

Minor powers are rolled randomly on the Minor Powers table.

Major Powers are rolled randomly on any ONE Major Power table available to the Wyrd. Unless stated in a Warband List, a Wyrd has access to any Major Powers Table.

Psychic Study: Whenever a Wyrd gains a level, after rolling for his advancement as normal, he may choose to attempt to learn a new power. As a Wyrd only has a limited capacity for learning the intricacies of each power, if he already has a number of Major and Minor powers equal to or higher than his Wyrd Level, in order to learn a new power in this manner he must "forget" one of his current powers. Choose which power the Wyrd will "forget" if required and immediately roll a new power of the same type (i.e. Major or Minor) available to the Wyrd. A Wyrd who has less Major or Minor powers than his current Wyrd level does not have to "forget" a power to learn a new one.

When a Wyrd gains a level and rolls a 12 on his advancement roll, rather than choosing a skill from any skill table, he may instead choose to gain a Wyrd Level (to a maximum of Level 3). Note that the Wyrd does not gain additional powers as part of this Wyrd Level increase and must learn new powers as above. If the Wyrd is already Level 3, he may instead choose to learn a new minor power (roll for this as normal, re-rolling results of "no minor power") as above but without having to forget a current power.

Suffer Not The Witch To Live: Wyrds may never be taken in the following warbands: Ecclesiarchal Delegations, Puritan Imperial warbands, Expurgator Squads.

Manifesting Powers: In order to manifest a psychic power, the Wyrd must perform a Psychic Test. See OCE rulebook for details of performing Psychic Tests.

A Wyrd may manifest a number of Psychic Powers per turn equal to his Wyrd Level. Note that some powers state "instead of shooting" or "instead of moving". A Wyrd may only sacrifice each phase in this way once per turn. Also, some powers are "always active" and as such no attempt to manifest is required so they do not count towards the total number of powers a Wyrd may attempt per turn.

Psychic Fatigue: If a Wyrd attempts to manifest a Major Power and fails the Psychic test, he becomes fatigued and may not attempt to manifest any more powers this turn. Also any powers whose effects remain in play immediately end. Powers which are "always active" are unaffected.

Perils of the Warp: See OCE rulebook for details with the following modifications:

A higher level Wyrd learns to protect himself from un-necessary exposure to the Warp and how to fend off attacks from Warp entities. As such, a Wyrd gains the following modifications to the Perils of the Warp rules depending on his level:

Level 1 - No change
Level 2 - Wyrd only suffers Perils of the Warp when attempting to manifest Major powers.
Level 3 - As Level 2. May re-roll result on Perils of the Warp chart but must accept the new result even if it is worse.


That's it so far. Let me know your thoughts. Powers will be as OCE for time being, maybe with slight mods to suit the setting but mostly as-is. Working on Beastmaster powers next as they need most work for multi level wyrds.
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I think that looks ace man!

I would maybe add something for the trained wyrds (in their warband sections) saying that they count as one wyrd level higher when checking against the perils of the warp stuff. But that's just a random idea.

I really like how the leveling works and that they would then have to 'learn' a power the following exp after growing a level. Can you clarify if they should get 1 major or minor power when the level up their wyrd level? but then woulf have to wait for the next advance to get the other (major or minor, whichever they didn't take when becoming a high level wyrd on the advance before)
I would maybe add something for the trained wyrds ...

Can you clarify if they should get 1 major or minor power when the level up their wyrd level?

Thanks dude.

Good thinking on the trained Wyrds. Possibly having a trained guy only suffer Perils on a 2 as opposed to 2 and 12?

I will add a sentence clarifying that they can indeed learn a power as normal after gaining a Wyrd level. I worded it they way I did to curtail the "additional primary power" minor power a bit.

i.e. a Level 1 Wyrd who rolls 65-66 for minor power gets an extra primary instead. He goes up to Level 2 but as he already has 2 primary powers (and no minor ones), can only gain additional minor ones without having to forget one.

Same goes for "multiple minor powers" roll. On his advance to Level 2, he could gain an additional Major power but no more minor ones without swapping them.

Finally, this system makes the "No minor power" roll a lot less harsh given that they can most likely gain the missing power on their next level up.