I’ve never seen that interpretation before!I haven't found a maximum gang size (including reserves)
but most people seemed to agree each Ganger/Juve could each trigger 1 ganger/d3 juves.
I believe TopsyKretts is correct and the rule is saying that you can get +1 Ganger at the Choose Crew step and up to D3 Juves. Only ones that have the Devout Masses rules though which are Cawdor Brethren or Bonepickers. That’s to stop you grabbing additional Redemptionists.
Don’t forget you have to actually own these fighters though. They’re not free.
If you want more than a potential extra four fighters then get the Apostates Tactic (page 134 of HoF) which gives you three free armed Bonepickers for that battle (with some restrictions).
So, with lucky rolls and a Tactic you could get +1 Ganger and +6 Juves joining you over whatever limit is for a scenario. Which isn’t too bad. You just need enough models on hand - which is why it’s good to make 10 Bonepickers up (get some Frostgrave cultists), some to be permanent members of the gang and then three to have as randoms that join in from time to time.
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