N18 Medicae Kit, Servo-Medicae and assistance on the recovery role

Aug 9, 2015
Sunderland, UK

“When “making a Recovery test for a Prone and Seriously Injured fighter, one Standing and Active friendly fighter that is within 1" can offer assistance. If they do so, roll one extra Injury dice then pick one of the Injury dice to resolve and discard the other. In addition, a fighter that is being assisted does not suffer a Flesh Wound regardless of the result of the Injury dice. A fighter can only assist one Recovery test per End phase”

Medicae Kit

“When a fighter with a medicae kit assists a friendly fighter’s Recovery test, roll an extra Injury dice then choose one to discard”


“Medicate (Basic): Choose a Seriously Injured friendly fighter within 1” of this fighter. That fighter may make a recovery role as if it were the End Phase.This does not stop the fighter from making a Recovery test in the End Phase if they are still Seriously Injured.”


If a Bioteknist who is equipped with both of the above bits of wargear and is within 1” of a seriously injured friendly fighter:

- Does the Medicate (Basic) action (from the servo-Medicae) grant an assistance to the roll, and the benefit of the Medicae kit (e.g. seriously injured fighter roles 3x injury dice, and picks one to keep… and no flesh wounds are suffered whatever the result)? Or is it just a single normal recovery role without assistance and Medicae kit.

- If the seriously injured fighter remains seriously injured following the Medicate (Basic) action, does their normal recovery role in the end phase benefit from the assist and Medicae kit a second time (as it is technically the first test that end phase).
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Medicate triggers a Recovery roll and does not rule out the benefits to recovery rolls you get from an assist, so three Injury dice and no flesh wounds sounds like the go - kit working as intended.

Normal recovery at the end of the round can still happen with assistance benefits - Medicae kits don't have a single use per round restriction, the "can only assist once per end phase" part doesn't get triggered by the Medicate action, as the Medicate-initiated recovery isn't happening during the end phase.
Makes sense for the Secundus campaign when you really don't want fighters staying SI for long due to the swarm nature of the enemy.