N18 Question about ghast and force weapon


Gang Champion
Jul 1, 2023
I have a problem with the phrasing of Ghast.

Ghast-induced psykers lack any real mental strength, though for a brief time they are able to exhibit a single ability, albeit without any great skill.

When a fighter uses Ghast, they roll a D6. On a 1, they become subject to the Insane condition. On a 2-5, they gain a random psychic power from the table on page 156. On a 6, they both gain a
random psychic power and become subject to the Insane condition.

Does that make that fighter a psycker or not at least for the game?

If so if he is carry a sword does this sword become a force weapon?

In the hands of a non-psyker a Force Weapon has no additional effects. However, when wielded by a fighter with either the Sanctioned Psyker or Non-sanctioned Psyker special rule, the weapon gains both the Power and Sever traits.
in the book of the outcasts (p53) there is a bit referring to the psi-attune ritual (p127) that might have been a copy paste from another book.
because the info is not on page 127 in that book.

(I don't remember in what books I saw it)
if my memory is ain't blue Cheese you need to roll for rarity in the trading post to find a special craftsman before you could then attempt to upgrade a vanilla weapon to a force weapon. I can be completely wrong.

(you would likely need to feed your ganger a lot of ghast to make a force sword worth it under those rules as the moment you ganger sobers up his force weapon would become normal again)
Weapons don't automatically become Force Weapons - that is a purchased upgrade with additional rules.
Any weapon with the Melee trait can be upgraded into a Force Weapon by buying a Psi-amplifier from the Trading Post and performing the Psi Attune post-battle action (see page 127 of Book of the Outcast).
In order for a psi-amplifier to be fitted to a weapon, a specialist must be found. To attempt to find one, Leaders and Champions may make the Psi-Attune post-battle action. This is carried out the same way as a Trade action (see page 78), though its only benefit is if you roll a 15 or more you may fit the psi-amplifier to a iweapon. Once fitted, the weapon gains the Force trait.
In the hands of a non-psyker a Force Weapon has no additional effects. However, when wielded by a fighter with either the Sanctioned Psyker or Non-sanctioned Psyker special rule, the weapon gains both the Power and Sever traits.
When a fighter uses Ghast, they roll a D6. On a 1, they become subject to the Insane condition. On a 2-5, they gain a random psychic power fromthe table on page 156. On a 6, they both gain arandom psychic power and become subject to theInsane condition.

Weirdly, Ghast does not appear as written to give either the Sanctioned Psyker or Non-sanctioned Psyker rules, at least as of N'23 edition rules. So wouldn't empower a Force Weapon as written.

[Edit: Genestealer Cult Corruption, buy psyker for leader; buy Rotary Flensing Saw for leader; buy Psi-Amplifier; Rotary flensing saw with Power and Sever as well as Versatile 4"... madness! Also an obscenely high gang rating fighter....]
As Aulenback states it/the official rules mention 'force weapons' only work if your mini is a sanctioned or non-sanctioned psyker.
this would block ghast-users from being able to use them.

you/your arbitrator could house rule it differently if you both agree too...
narrative-whise I think a mad ghast-junky with a force weapon could be funny...
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It does not say either that it loses if it's not hold by a non psycker. Am i correct?
It does not appear to stop being a Force Weapon in the hands of a non-psyker (Sanctioned or Non-Sanctioned). But it does not have Sever or Power traits in the hands of said non-psyker. Non-psykers include Ghast users. It would regain those traits whenever wielded by a Psyker.
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