Necromunda The ballad of how I lost my mind and decided to paint a ton of stuff


Hive Guilder
Yak Comp 1st Place
Jan 19, 2019
Sectoris XII | Castrum Vindobona | Austria
Hello and welcome, have a seat, don't mind the servoskulls.

So, long story short: Friends and I started a Necromunda campaign early this year, I couldn't decide on a gang, had some money to burn and for some reason thought buying ALL OF THE GANGS was a good way to spend it. So I did. I eventually settled on Delaque, but now I had a pile of boxes staring at me accusingly (from the top of the pile of other, much older boxes, yes, of course). So what is an adept to do? Feel a reinvigoration of hobby zeal, apparently. And thus, esteemed Yak-members, I present to you:

The 2019+ Suboptimus Prime Gang Paintalooza (with a side of Enforcers)

As usual for these kinds of threads, at this point please accept apologies for the terrible photo, I snapped it with my Commiephone this morning before heading to work when I decided I wanted to created a thread for this. These are the test models for the gangs. From left to right:

Viridian Dawn
The fine young Hagiographers
Broforce (working title)
Chicks on Stims
Knights of the Iron Fist
The Arcana Coven (which I acutally decided to play in the Campaign)

And a finished Enforcer, the WIP of which was in another thread earlier. Because of course GW releases another gang by the time I'm done with my first. Meet Officer 0815 of Precinct 31337 (because I am from the 90s and also lame).

So, what's done? A 10-man Delaque gang with a dome runner and rogue doc, will add pics of these soon.
What's being worked on? An Enforcer Patrol needed for the running campaign, and an Ambot because I like Ambots.

Thanks for having a look-see, expect updates every now and again.

Edit: Turns out additional pictures will have to wait, because while I dug up and figured out my DSLR, made a light setup and took a bunch of pics, my cardreader has decided this is the perfect opportunity to go AWOL. Oh well. Soon.
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Yesss... paint all the gangssss. Its taking me more than a year so far since I paint so sporadically but I know I'll get it done someday :)

I like the Escher, Cawdor and Goliath the most out of the test models.
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This would be an awesome project to join in the Finish Your Stuff Challenge (FYSC) with!
If you havnt painted them all before then, I CaptainDangerous, personally challenge you to paint a gang a month starting from January! 😋😁
Really loving what you’ve done so far!
Oh hey, I found my card reader. And the reward is more pictures for you fine gentlemen/ladies/xenos/demons/abominable intelligences:

First off, the gang that's done, my Delaque gang, with a Tarot Card naming theme.

Their hangers-on, a dome runner I converted from an old Reaper ranger, and a kitbashed rogue doc who looks hilariously small next to my gangers.

Speaking of which, these are the gangers, currently one under strength because one ganger got shot in the face and off a high building before I even got around to building, let alone painting him.

And finally, what could have been. I originally wanted to play Orlocks, until I learned another guy in the campaign also wanted to do Orlocks, and no other gang. And then he didn't. Oh well, next time.

There's some better shots of the test minis in my gallery too, now all I need to figure out is how to properly operate my 10 year old camera.
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Is this a new challenger I see??
A gang a month, starting January!
Do you accept, Sir Cainex?
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In the interest of not arousing the ire of the Ordo Veritas, my memory has been jogged regarding my Orlocks: Somebody beat me to Goliaths, the Orlocks I actually played in a game but was beaten into the ground so badly I used our Mulligan rule and made a new gang (Three dudes were dead, among which were my leader and one of my champions, with another two gravely injured only to die on the Doc's table, and one ganger got captured. It was enough to make a grown man cry).

But the rest of the post is truth.
Another weekend over, and another first for this project, I got sidetracked the first time.
By an Ambot. And here he is!

He's, well, 80% done. Still debating with myself how much more dirt I want to paint on him, as I wanted to make a machine that looked like it was tough, enduring and has basically never been cleaned. The grime and weathering put on so far has also made him really hard to photograph. If ever I get around to the second one, I'll paint that one like it was stolen fresh out of the facotry.

Next up, carrying on with Enforcers. Since the new set contains a few blokes with enforcer grenade launchers, my grenade launcher conversion became redundant and I need the launcher elsewhere anyway. So I wonder, add a fourth shotgun or a fourth boltgun? Decisions, decisions...
Yes, well, that could have gone better. No two weeks in and already real life obligations have put me behind. I'll spare you the details of that, only important thing is that I only got very few intermittent painting session in on the Enforcers because of it and was starting to feel myself burn out with so little apparent progress.

So I used having so many half-finished gangs to my advantage, sidestepped to the Orlocks, and ran into a new problem. Since I want each of the gangs to be viable for a skirmish session, adjustments will have to be made to the Orlock models which were the first ones I assembled more than a year ago. Why? Because I want bolters on two gangers, and a heavy bolter (our campaign starts each gang with 1250 creds, so that works). And thus, I spent the weekend converting and thinking about conversions.

So, I came up with this. Tinkered around with a CSM heavy bolter for a while, but settled on this thing which I think is off an imperial army heavy weapon crew. I hacked at a spare harpoon launcher until I had a frame that worked, and then at the bolter until it fit. And this is the result, still needs gap-filling and a bit of detail (I salvaged the pintle-attachment thing from the harpoon launcher, not sure where to put it yet). I think I like it, but it does look positively MASSIVE on the Orlock, so I am thinking of maybe finding a smaller HB somewhere, since at this point the conversion took me about an hour and is only spot-glued together. Will ruminate on this.

And the rest of the WIPs for this weekend. Astute observers will notice weird white splotches on some minis. That is part of my RL problems, the city is so good as to change pipes in my street right now, meaning I get to listen to the choir of the hallowed jackhammers from about 6am to 10pm, and have dust periodically rain from my ceiling. Oh well, as long as they don't turn off the heating again. Oh look, they have.

EDIT: Also, in case anyone got paint anxiety after seeing the lid on the pot behind the heavy bolter guy open, I noticed. Rest assured, it's closed now.
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To prevent the thread from slipping to page 4, what little I have made for your perusal:

More updates once the powers that be quit conspiring to keep me from my painting table. (Voice from offstage: "You've been playing Stellaris for 5 days straight!") ...yes, well.