Suggestion This gang builder is painful to use as a new player.

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New Member
Jan 23, 2024
1. There is no control z function and this could really benefit from one.

2. There is no easy way to undo a thing. Selling is not undoing.

3. Selling fighters and equipment sucks because it always messes up my starting credits and I have to wipe the team and start over.

4. To delete a team I have to type DELETE.

6. I can't manually adjust my credits to correct for any mistakes.

7. Having to clone teams to 'save' them at any point in time sucks.

8. If I could rewind to a point in history with the team I wouldn't have to clone the team at all and this one feature would save me and a lot of us a lot lot of time and trouble.

9. It would make a night and day difference if when I scrolled over an item before buying it there was any kind of stat block or explanation of what exactly it does and I hate how this is forcing me to look up every fucking thing before even touching it, messing up my starting credits, having to type DELETE again, and starting a new gods damned team. I'm a newb, I don't wanna do more than is necessary to learn this game and get started and I thought I could do it all here but clearly not.

10. I get that Necromunda is an older game and most of the people playing it are not that young but it's 2024, update your UI. This website looks like it should be running on windows xp and for the forums it's fine but for the gang builder it's not. This could be so much better and if it was then maybe this community would have more than 30,000 followers on reddit while Killteam is close to triple that and some individual 40k army subs run circles around you.
Some good points but some are quite a good thing.

Undo could be good but as you can add multiple items at once could prove more of a pain in the ass if you wanted to just remove one.

not sure how your credits are messed up if your buying and selling items it fully refunds you but there is an option to just add / delete items without affecting credits if that's what your looking for.

typing delete is 100% a good thing its implemented on a lot of sites and games so you don't accidently delete a gang as some people could take hours customizing (or updating during a campaign)

100% agree hovering over an item and seeing stats would be amazing and a needed upgrade.

I didn't have any issues saving my gang but also new to the site so I've only made then tweaked the one so far.

you also need to remember its a 3rd party site not official GW.
I suspect holding a log of changes for every gang list created this site has server capacity connotations as that's a lot more information to have to retain.

My main comment here would be this is a free tool, which you don't have to pay money for, which is run and maintained by one person in their spare time. Necromunda isn't a simple game and GWs constant tinkering with the formula makes updating things a waking nightmare, the tool was built for a specific format of the game which has now mutated like an overblessed chaos champion.

That's not to say that suggestions aren't welcome (presumably...) However presenting these in the spirit of constructive feedback rather than stating how it'll never be as cool as X forum unless someone gives their (free!) time and effort to make the changes you want comes across as a little.. petulant, and I'm sure that's not what you intended.
9. It would make a night and day difference if when I scrolled over an item before buying it there was any kind of stat block or explanation of what exactly it does and I hate how this is forcing me to look up every fucking thing before even touching it, messing up my starting credits, having to type DELETE again, and starting a new gods damned team. I'm a newb, I don't wanna do more than is necessary to learn this game and get started and I thought I could do it all here but clearly not.
Just to specifically pick this point, that YakTribe does not provide this is likely the reason why the gang builder has not been hit with a C&D by GW because it is merely a gang builder and isn't a complete replacement for the rules. Complete rule supplements can and will be hit with C&Ds because they are absolutely ignoring IP law.

Wahapedia gets away with being a complete rules replacement by being hosted in a country that has a 'somewhat lax' approach to IP theft...
"Your nice dinner party for friends and family could have been a global multi-aspect mega franchise restaurant, if only you weren't so small-minded."

(Also put in mind of "I don't recall saying 'please' 'good luck'".)

What I would say, generally, is: is there anything we can usefully be doing to *help* with what's on the existing to-do list? Like preparing data files or sketching reference things ahead of getting them translated into what's needed for going into the site's backend?
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Just to specifically pick this point, that YakTribe does not provide this is likely the reason why the gang builder has not been hit with a C&D by GW because it is merely a gang builder and isn't a complete replacement for the rules. Complete rule supplements can and will be hit with C&Ds because they are absolutely ignoring IP law.

Wahapedia gets away with being a complete rules replacement by being hosted in a country that has a 'somewhat lax' approach to IP theft...
That is a very fair point consider how zealous GW is about that kind of crap. As far as I'm concerned their monetization of rules is the biggest thing holding their games back in general.
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A lot of people seem to favour online tools for list building and such. It's hard to find any such tool without shortcomings. Remember with dread GW's attempt at a blood bowl app to manage teams. It was useless from launch and luckily died not too long after. I started with pen & paper and intend to continue so.
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You first need to remember that this is a fan-created application, maintained by a single person on their free time. If you don't like it, don't use it- and try to find something better, or make it yourself. You want a slick UI, make it- I'd rather have something functional over something that looks good any day, which is the main reason I use BattleScribe/New Recruit list builders than GW's official 40k list builder. Yaktribe works, which is the main reason that people use it.

As for some of your issues: you can manually change your gang's credits, you simply use the edit button on the gang information section. This will allow you to easily delete a fighter and then refund the fighter's credit cost (you have to remember their cost) during creation and adjust the credits that the gang has made during a campaign. You save your credit/rep/whatever gang info change and then just refresh the page, the change will be logged and updated.

Selling equipment should not effect your gang's credits because it refunds the full amount of the equipment (unlike in the rulebook, where selling equipment comes with a d6 x 10 credit penalty), so any purchase you make can be instantly refunded without penalty.
I remember Malo saying something about how Book of the Outcast would be incredibly difficult to bring into the tools because of all the options that it allows. Literally anybody can be a gang leader for an outcast gang.
I remember Malo saying something about how Book of the Outcast would be incredibly difficult to bring into the tools because of all the options that it allows. Literally anybody can be a gang leader for an outcast gang.
I’ve been looking at that book over Christmas. It’s phenomenally complex when you take into account all the different build options. It’s a great place to custom craft a gang that’s tailored to how you want but I can totally see how it would be a v massive undertaking to do it in the gang builder on here.

Honestly, sometimes it’s just quicker and easier to write the stuff out on some paper and then, if you need it to exist on here for a campaign or the like, just transcribe it over as a custom build.
I’m going to close this thread so it doesn’t end up with fireworks.

To the OP, suggestions are always welcome but I’d like to suggest perhaps phrasing them in a less ‘entitled’ way. I mean, I’m as ‘give me convenience or give me death’ as the next guy, but seeing as this toolset is provided for free, and coded single-handedly by the mighty tech priest Malo, I tend to see the overwhelmingly positive side of things rather than nit picking.

Some of what you ask for is already available, like changing the gangs stash or rolling back changes to gangers (it’s in the changelog for each fighter), so maybe have a play around a bit more and you’ll get used to some of the more unique idiosyncrasies of the tools.

This site isn’t competing with other systems for subs either man, dude this place was running waaaaaaay before any of those games were even things or in their current format, Necromunda included. It started as a guy who is great at coding sharing a toolset he created for his campaign mates, for a long dead game system which had zero support for years. The community gathered here around the tools and populated the forum and the site has gone from strength to strength since then. But it is all done by one man, so chill eh? 😂

Edit- also, once upon a time there were tooltips but the site received a C&D from GW to take them down. It was deemed wiser to do it than fight GW in court, hiring lawyers with non-existent money to fight it also wasnt going to fly, so they were taken down so as not to have the whole site C&D’d to death 😂

Edit edit- also, ‘entitled’ is probably a bit strong; the site is very slick and professional looking and you likely have certain user interface expectations, but hopefully now that you know that it is all provided for free by one person, you may be more tolerant of any quirks the tools have, so I apologise.
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