Alternate enforcers, or advice on house rules.


Gang Hero
Yak Comp 2nd Place
Jul 23, 2013
Hamar, Norway
I am gathering up a few Necromunda gangs as a part of a little family project .

The Eschers, Scavvies and Enforcers have been chosen as the starting gangs..

And of course, I was tasked with playing the Enforcers. :p
But I don't really like the that everything from the enforcers are free. I think it is more fun to gradually build up the gang, like the others do.

But what would be a good way to give the Enforcers money? Their free equipment would be removed, and they would use the starting guns and such as normal. Maybe you could see it as the cleared territories generate more income because crime free areas increase budget allowances?

Is there a gang template that would be better to use than any of the others?

I just think it would be more interesting to run a hard-case precinct with rookies, sergeants and captains who have their hands full with keeping the law, while still balancing the politics (funding).

Edit: Going to add the .pdf here, too.. I guess no replies could be a good thing. Nothing to point out, really? :p But I imagine some rule-mongers must be able to find one reason to call me an r-tard, and give me something to fix? :D


  • Jaws Enforcers.pdf
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I was thinking about using something like this equipment list:

Enforcers, weapon list: Cost:

Leader only weapons:
Plasma gun 80

Hand to hand weapons:
Knife 5 (First free)
Power maul 35+3d6
Sup. Shield 50

Bolt pistol 20
Las pistol 15

Basic weapons:
Combat Shotgun 30

Heavy weapons:
Heavy stubber 120

Special Weapons:
Flamer 40
Plasma gun 70
Grenade Launcher 120

Melta Bombs 40+3d6
Photon Flash Flares 20+2d6
Carapace Armour** 70+3d6

** This is standard uniform, and all members of the police department must have
one of these, or they are not allowed into the field until they do.

This means that even if the gangers are free (sent from some academy) , there are maintenance costs in taking care of and upgrading equipment. And a new ganger would cost a minimum of 73. Because they need the uniform.
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Well, I haven't played for at least 15 years. So lets just say things are more than a bit blurry.

Just started up with my old hobby now that I have retired. And trying to brainwash the kids into starting, too. ;)

I'd like some feedback/input from people who have a better understanding of the deeper mechanics.. or maybe someone has already done this and posted somewhere? Never know.
cardyfreak said:
This thread has PDFs for an alternate way of running enforcers as a normal gang. Might be useful to you.

This was exactly what I wanted. Thank you. Very much.

Usually someone has thought of an idea before. :D
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I have been using the sisters of battle models to represent my enforcers, and using AC rules to run them, so far they are running better than the LRB enforcers but you still will always feel the anxiety of not being able to arm your dudes and what not.
jimjimjimmyjim said:
I have been using the sisters of battle models to represent my enforcers, and using AC rules to run them, so far they are running better than the LRB enforcers but you still will always feel the anxiety of not being able to arm your dudes and what not.

This anxiety was exactly what I wanted. Because getting the top/best loadout for free right off the bat is not fun. And neither is carefully gimping yourself because of a ruleset that's too open. Plasma pistol and full squad executioner shotguns/silencers for free with all over 4+ saves, it is just ludicrous.

At least when you have to pay for it, it is a little more balanced.
Here are the rules I've come up with for play testing. I think I might have been a little hard on myself, but I do like a challenge. :)

Afterall, keeping the peace in Necromunda hives can't really be very easy either I suppose. :p

Please give feedback. Good and bad.

Basically they work more like a normal gang, only with free members and a seven man scenario limit, but with an extended house weapon list with some rare armour and grenades. Oh, and a serious base on rescue missions.

I've used Unknown Warriors, and the two existing Enforcer .pdf's as inspiration.

These rules are definitely not complete, and contain holes. I merely post to get some initial feedback, and get help in finding glaring errors.


  • Jaws Enforcers (1).pdf
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Still a few holes here and there.. Like I am not sure how much, or if, I should add gang rating for mastiffs. But I've tried to pick out the rules that appealed to me the most from different sources. And now they are playable.

Edit: Wanted to add that during play testing, I've found it's pretty hard to keep the budget up. Especially if you loose any of the initial equipment. They bottle really easily, so without any hired help, you have to be extremely careful with your members. Every single enforcer is vital to keep on their feet. They don't go down as easily as other gang members, but with seven members, only two have to roll badly before you have to test for bottling out.

This can be resolved by bringing along bounty hunters and other hirelings, but then the other gang is usually flush with underdog bonuses, and of course, the budget suffers greatly. One judge, and one bounty-hunter gives the gang a significant boost. Although experience gain is slowed if you allow the judge to maul his way through the other gang too much.


  • Jaws Enforcers v2.pdf
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Fixed a glaring error.
Adjusted equipment costs to be average, rather than randomized.
And added gang rating for the mastiffs.

This is the final draft we'll use after the initial play-testing.


  • Jaws Enforcers v3.pdf
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This might seem a little late but your reinforcements, based on overtime pay, have to roll new stats each game. I feel the likelihood of Enforcer players (myself included) have more than 6 or 7 Enforcer characters, reserves that can be rotated through and advance on their own during a campaign. Would there be a way of setting the price of hiring backup to reflect calling in one of these Enforcers for an additional shift? Maybe 50 creds + their ganger rating? This would let a player develop some XP across the entire precinct and eventually the Squad wouldn't be underdogged so often.
Oh, and so far things look awesome! The operational budget is great, makes them more playable in a campaign. But why no bolt pistols on the weapons list??

Also, side note, I can't figure out how to edit my posts. This might lead to a lot of double posting.
This might seem a little late but your reinforcements, based on overtime pay, have to roll new stats each game. I feel the likelihood of Enforcer players (myself included) have more than 6 or 7 Enforcer characters, reserves that can be rotated through and advance on their own during a campaign. Would there be a way of setting the price of hiring backup to reflect calling in one of these Enforcers for an additional shift? Maybe 50 creds + their ganger rating? This would let a player develop some XP across the entire precinct and eventually the Squad wouldn't be underdogged so often.

I might misunderstand you here, but it's in the draft that enforcer gangs can have more than 7 members, but they will be put on rotation.

"If the precinct should include more enforcers, they will start a
shift rotation. No model, except for the Sergeant (who lives
for the job), may be on more than two successive missions
in a row as long as there is a valid replacement in the same
category. However, this is not the case if the upcoming
scenario fight would warrant asking for reinforcements, as
explained below."

I should maybe make it clear that the entire enforcer precinct, and the current judge is mustered out before overtime enforcers are rolled..?

Oh, and so far things look awesome! The operational budget is great, makes them more playable in a campaign. But why no bolt pistols on the weapons list??

Also, side note, I can't figure out how to edit my posts. This might lead to a lot of double posting.

Thank you. I used the Unknown warrior rules to generate a balanced weapons list, and they have already had a lot of extra stuff added to it. (which again are balanced by the other limitations. I can see that the Bolt Pistol should probably be there lore-wise at least.. I'd make that a leader only weapon if I were to add it. But I'd rather see them have to forgo some rare trades to obtain upgrades later.

I can't edit my posts either.. it's pretty horrible.. since I feel I always type something wrong. :p
Why don't you submit this onto the vault and post updates there
I hadn't thought about that. It was mostly a thing for myself. As there are other rules for the enforcers out there, and this is a lot of copy paste from those documents. I'll look into how I am to do this.

After checking up on the overtime, again:
"You may authorize overtime for one Enforcer per 250 points (or part thereof) of gap you are trying to close (after you've added all the Enforcers from your own Precinct) at the cost of 20 credits each. "
I have been testing the Anthony case enforcers.

I have been reasonably satisfied with them so far, but I reformatted them a little as there were things that weren't very clear. Also the rules seem to be written for the LRB so I brought them more in line to the nce