Necromunda Alternative Necromunda Miniature Sources (image heavy)

Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Ok guys, I finally got around to putting together the delaque guys I got from Heresy Miniatures and taking some pics. Enjoy =)

All up I spent somewhere between 4 and 6 hours tidying them up and gluing them together. If you're used to doing it then you could probably do it much faster than I did though.

Here's a shot of the huge amount of metal I filed off from the places where they joined the sprue, removing moulding lines etc.

I'll put up a couple of pictures for each model along with the pros/cons I see with them.

---Ganger/sentry lighting a smoke:---

*Pros: Lots of character. Great as a sentry. The gun is quite hard to see in that shot, but it looks like a cross between a shotgun, an AK 47 and a boltgun. You could easily use it as a boltgun or a shotgun, could probably use it as an autogun too if you wanted.
*Cons: There was quite a large line across his head, I tidied it up a bit, but still need to do a little more work on it.

---Ganger sliding to a stop with 2 pistols:---

*Pros: Looks quite cool =P Easy to change weapons as the hands come seperately and you get 2 sets of hands with pistols. You can cut one set of hands off the pistols to use with other weapons and still have another set as a backup if you screw them up ;)
*Cons: In the second picture you can see that the joins between the head and neck and also the waist are quite large. I'm hoping that when painted the join will not be quite as noticable. I probably should have used a bit more glue to reduce the size of the gap, but oh well.

---Heavy with minigun (heavy stubber):---

*Pros: I'm really pleased with how this guy looks =) Seems to be more the kind of heavy I'd imagine in a Delaque gang. The GW heavy stubber model seems a bit frantic for my liking. Would be quite easy to change the weapon he's using as it comes seperately.
*Cons: The join on his right hand has quite a large gap, it was actually quite difficult to get in there. There is also a gap between the left wrist bracer thing and his arm. The backpack had a line the entire way around that needed filing, what little detail the backpack had was lost in the process. (see picture)

I'm thinking I'll add some extra stuff to the pack to add some interest, possibly a water canteen, shovel and some pouches or something. The rock he's standing on looks kinda cool, but it was a pain to glue on properly. Build time was quite high as it came in 5 parts, body, leg, gun, ammo feed and backpack.

---Ganger running with shotgun:---

*Pros: Looks great
*Cons: Quite a large gap in his waist, once again, could have probably been fixed with more glue. The Shotgun had a little shell ejection port or whatever on the side facing out, unfortunately it had some excess metal sticking out of it and despite my best efforts to save it, I could not do so. I ended up filing it flat so it didn't look too rediculous.

---Ganger/Juve running with pistols:---

*Pros: Looks super cool, great for matrix themed gangs. As with the other pistol guy, you get 2 sets of hands with pistols, allowing easy customisation.
*Cons: Probably not all that practical for actual game use, haven't tried yet, but I'm guessing with the guns sticking out that far it may be difficult to hide him to any real extent.

---Here's a picture of a size comparison with a GW Delaque:---

They are almost identical in height. On their own they look like they are really well preportioned, however next to the GW ones they look rather skinny, not that I think that's a huge issue. I think the real problem is that the GW ones are too fat =P

---Finally, here's a picture of all the models together:---

I realise that I've included way more cons than pros in the above text, however, please don't consider this a negative review. The fact is, regardless of all the cons, the overall feel of the models outbalances any cons that I've found. I just wanted to make it clear that you will need to put some work into these models to get them looking nice, but I definately think it's worth it!
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Infinity is linked in the first post. I don't think most of the line is appropriate, as the "bright future" aesthetic is so opposed to that of Necromunda, but of course it's your prerogative.

Thanks for the review, Xeptance. I was thinking of buying those, but perhaps I'll move them to the bottom of my list for now.
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

No problem =)

I probably need a few more Delaque juves. Has anyone got any models from the link below that CarpeMortis posted?

CarpeMortis said:

They look like they'd be a good source to get them from. I'm especially looking at JBS1, JBS5 and JBS7.

The other alternative is using the juves from heresy

CarpeMortis said:
Some Amazing Delaque Gangers: (at the bottom)(can you believe GW laid this guy off?)

in which case I'd get:


and possibly


The heresy models would tie in better with the current models, but they're also like 3 times the price. It also wouldn't be a bad thing if the juves have a different feel to the rest of the gang. My only concern is if they are slightly larger than the heresy ones I already have, smaller wouldn't be an issue, but larger juves would look odd =P
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

I recently bought the Heresy gang set, and while I can't deny the cons xceptance posted, I'd like to point out that the flaws are nothing that even a novice modeler can't overcome. Just make sure you have a set of files and some green stuff. I did some weapon swaps while i was at it, to fit my gang's current load-out, and i'm VERY happy with the results. I'll post pictures ASAP.

As far as the "slicks" and their use as juves, The reviews I've read say they are noticablly smaller then the GW minis, and specifically stated they would make good juves. Then again so are the Heresy minis... I've ordered some today and we'll see if they fit. for that price i'll take the chance, and let everyone know.
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Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Juves seem to be an issue for Delaque, so they might be a good solution. We have 2 members of our group with a lot of Delaque but seem to be very few juves.
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

The Urban Mammoth "Militia with Pistols" set of 5, has one model that makes a particularly good Delaque Juve. he's bald, wears goggles, has a trench coat and packs a pistol.
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

CarpeMortis said:
the flaws are nothing that even a novice modeler can't overcome.
Yeah, I'm a total novice and I didn't have too much trouble. I hope my review didn't come across too negatively. I don't want to stop people from picking up a few of these models for their Delaque gangs. =)

CarpeMortis said:
I've ordered some today and we'll see if they fit. for that price i'll take the chance, and let everyone know.
Sweet, look forward to your thoughts on them =)

Spehktre said:
The Urban Mammoth "Militia with Pistols" set of 5, has one model that makes a particularly good Delaque Juve. he's bald, wears goggles, has a trench coat and packs a pistol.

I didn't notice that one when I had a look through the urban mammoth site. That's a pretty amazing looking Delaque juve!
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Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Just noticed that there is another model that could be used for a delaque gang on the east riding minis site.
In the picture of the enforcers set has his hair painted grey. Looks like it could be a cool model for an old vet or something =)

The 3rd one along in the picture at the top of this page: ... s-90-c.asp
The second one along one probably make a nice hired gun too.

Their prices are so cheap!

Edit: I ended up getting the slicks pack along with the shotgunner (JBC6) and an extra of the 3 slicks that I thought would be easiest to customise (JBS 1,4 and 5). Total cost including shipping for 11 minis was £16 or $26.16US. I'm still finding it hard to believe they are so cheap!
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Got my Slicks. They are taller than i expected. Since they are standing erect, they tend to be a bit taller than the GW minis. They have thick metal bases, and that might be part of it. I'll have to remove that and place them on proper bases, but even tall, they do still look less "Mature".
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Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

jporter1978 said:
Found some other good minis that can be used. ... mm&sort=1a

There are some amazing alternatives on that site. Stacks of van saar possibilities, some nice escher and even a few goliath (future savage with gunn) possibilities. Don't have time to check through them all now, but I'll definately do so when I have time =)

Thanks for the link!
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

My slicks arrived today. Almost exactly 3 weeks after I ordered them... I really don't understand why it takes so long since I've got things from other places in europe in roughly 1 week. Anyway, enough complaining. Initial impression is that they are very good and DEFINITELY worth the price. I'll post up a more complete review when I've had a better look at them and tidied up any imperfections.

CarpeMortis said:
Got my Slicks. They are taller than i expected. Since they are standing erect, they tend to be a bit taller than the GW minis. They have thick metal bases, and that might be part of it. I'll have to remove that and place them on proper bases, but even tall, they do still look less "Mature".

They are taller than I expected too, as you mentioned that's probably at least partially due to the thick bases. I'll probably remove those bases as well as at least part of the thick bottom layer of their boots/shoes. I might end up removing that layer entirely.

I'm very impressed by their overall "feel". Expect a more complete review in the near future.
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Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

I got the Heresy Delaque style gang just after Christmas and they scale very well with the rest of the GW stuff (well I think so anyway).

I have also got a couple of miniaturist from
Got 2 that just fit into my Pit Slave gang just nice.

There is also some nice miniaturist hidden amongst the
Though they are noticeably smaller but exultant for making up juves (I have noticed that they have bumped up the price a good bit over the last couple of months though).
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

There are some great models on the Scotia Grendel site. ... Path=60_73

They bought up the old molds from Urban Mammoth so there are all of the factions and some are very cool.
I've bought a couple of the Triad boxed sets (the Strtike force and the Retainers) to make up my next gang, and with a few small conversions they look the part (will post some pics once they've got some paint on them).

The quality is excellent and the scale is perfect next to standard GW Necro minis.
Re: Alternative Miniature Sources

Thanks nooker, a few good finds there. I've edited the sticky post to add a few selections from Trollforged and links to their site. Some good Scavvy alternatives there, possibly enforcers too.