N18 Malstrain Corrupted Goliaths starting gang


New Member
Mar 3, 2025
Hi all!
Me and a few friends are going to start playing Necromunda in the near future. I played to old version alot when i was younger and loved it, so i hope it kicks off!

Now, when i read the option to take a malstrain corrupted gang i was overjoyed, i can use an actuall genestealer in munda. This wont be my campaing gang when we fist start off but a gang i might use later on.

Disclaimer: Yes, the gang is weird and no, its far from optemized. But rule of cool is my jam and i wanted to try some stuff out.
Not really looking for tips on how to make the gang better (wont turn them down either to be fair) but i just want to make sure i havent gotten any rules/options wrong.

Forge Tyrant: 220c
Weap:2xStub Gun+2xDumdum Rounds,Catalyst(psyk.power)
Skill: Gunslinger,Un-sanctioned Psyker
Gear: Furnace Plate
Gen.Mod: Unborn-Shooting;Doc's Experiment +1W-1S),Scar Tissue
Forgeboss: 145c
Weap: Stub Gun
Gear: Furnace Plate,Smoke Grenade
Gen.Mod:Unborn-?;Malformed,Stimm Inplant
Stimmer: 160c
Weap: Spud-Jacker
Skill: Nerves of Steel
Gear: Furnace Plate
Gen.Mod: Vatborn;Dermal Hardening,Overdeveloped Musculature
Ganger(Specialist): 115c
Weap: Grenade Launcher+Smoke Grenade Ammo
Gen.Mod: Vatborn;Reduced Bone Density -1S
Broodscum: 45c
Weap: Autogun
Broodscum: 45c
Weap: Lasgun
Brute - Genestealer: 270c
Weap: Razor-sharp claws,Venomus bite
Gear:Mesh armour,Bio-booster
Skill: Dodge,Evade,Nerves of Steel,Rain of Blows
Total = 1000creds.

/cheers Numsis
I will check but I don't see mistake. You should try the gang manager on yak tribe to help you. It may not be up to date but you can always custom build a fighter card to make it compatible.

The only odd thing I see is that your list has a few individual that are redundant. Like your stimmer basically as the same CC goal than your stealer.

Could be wise to diversify the goal of your miniature.
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I will check but I don't see mistake. You should try the gang manager on yak tribe to help you. It may not be up to date but you can always custom build a fighter card to make it compatible.

The only odd thing I see is that your list has a few individual that are redundant. Like your stimmer basically as the same CC goal than your stealer.

Could be wise to diversify the goal of your miniature.
Tried to use the custom build, but couldnt get it to work. are there instructions on how to get it to work somewhere?

Aye, Stimmer, Genestealer and to some extent my forgeboss are built for meele. But is that so bad? The idea behind the forgeboss is to make him a grenade thrower, but i ran out of credits. could do some shuffeling to get him Blasting Charges..
But having two meele threats is not something i consider a bad thing, forces the opponent to split thier attention between them instead of focusing on just one.

/cheers Numsis
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It's not bad in itself but you will be lacking in crowd/terrain.

Your melée is useful only if you can reach your target.
It's not bad in itself but you will be lacking in crowd/terrain.

Your melée is useful only if you can reach your target.
By crowd you mean the number of members in the gang? Don't think i have actully seen a Goliath gang with more then 7 starting members, never played with more myself either (the few games i have played under the *new* rules ( i have a love for the heavy stubber....)

The terrain im not worried about, should be more then enough to make a meele gang viable.

Would you drop the stimmer for more gang members? i thought that the general rule was to always take as many champions you could.

/Cheers Numsis
By crowd you mean the number of members in the gang? Don't think i have actully seen a Goliath gang with more then 7 starting members, never played with more myself either (the few games i have played under the *new* rules ( i have a love for the heavy stubber....)

The terrain im not worried about, should be more then enough to make a meele gang viable.

Would you drop the stimmer for more gang members? i thought that the general rule was to always take as many champions you could.

/Cheers Numsis

No i meant to control (up to a point) the batllefield. Delaque are very good at it.
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Re: Crowd Control, it's a more general thought - the ability to pin or encourage folk to "steer clear", to stay in cover. Ranged threat, essentially.

Personally, I'd be content for a melee-focused gang to get by with the Grenade Launcher and a Scum w/Lasgun.

It's not a *big* threat with only the two, but let's you have a bit of meaningful force projected. The Grenade Launcher helps stop enemies clumping up, and is a very reasonable threat. The Lasgun gives a bit more effort to potshots, but won't seriously impede folks from coming towards you beyond the odd injury or pinning - but as a melee gang, that's desirable.

Still, the autogunners work nicely alongside that - they're closer-ranged and more aggressive than Lasgun, so reward more aggressive play, and work nicely getting closer.

I'd even consider swapping around the stub cannon and the Grenade Launcher - let the specialist gang back a bit, and allow the Boss to get more aggressively close-ranged where the specialist might not so much. Makes more use of the Boss's better skills too. Sortof.
Re: Crowd Control, it's a more general thought - the ability to pin or encourage folk to "steer clear", to stay in cover. Ranged threat, essentially.

Personally, I'd be content for a melee-focused gang to get by with the Grenade Launcher and a Scum w/Lasgun.

It's not a *big* threat with only the two, but let's you have a bit of meaningful force projected. The Grenade Launcher helps stop enemies clumping up, and is a very reasonable threat. The Lasgun gives a bit more effort to potshots, but won't seriously impede folks from coming towards you beyond the odd injury or pinning - but as a melee gang, that's desirable.

Still, the autogunners work nicely alongside that - they're closer-ranged and more aggressive than Lasgun, so reward more aggressive play, and work nicely getting closer.

I'd even consider swapping around the stub cannon and the Grenade Launcher - let the specialist gang back a bit, and allow the Boss to get more aggressively close-ranged where the specialist might not so much. Makes more use of the Boss's better skills too. Sortof.
gave me some ideas, thanks for that :)
will probebly rework the list again, since i managed to get the gunslinger into my more "standard" goliath gang.

/cheers Numsis
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