My very own kickstarter :)

Can anyone recommend any forums worth dropping a link it?

Also, I've noticed a lot of the rpg forums have a separate location for plugging kickstarters. Do we have that, can we have that?
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Hey Azzabat, do you know anyone over at the Lead Adventure Forum? I've registered for an account but I'm still waiting on a mod to approve me.
@gubbinz Just out of curiosity, would the wall and floor designs be able to be more futuristic as a stretch goal? Just looking at the slime filled rooms, if they were more futuristic looking they would be great for tunnels and sewers for Necromunda :)

Your Kickstarter would be a very good replacement for the zone mortalis that GW will inevitably try to sell for Necromunda, and making a futuristic version would be a nice touch.

Not that people can't just use what you've made and have a bit of imagination, though :)
Also, would coloured corridors be a stretch goal? While it's good to have coloured rooms for objectives and such (thought of a nice variant of king of the spire from this) the coloured rooms could be used just as the lighting in the area, so could be nice for corridors to get the same colour treatment.
I've got some sci-fi /steam punk tiles in the works but I'm planning to release them undera a separate kickstarter.

I like the idea for corridor colour varients. I'll put it to the backers and see what they think. Thanks ardavion.
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Hey Azzabat, do you know anyone over at the Lead Adventure Forum? I've registered for an account but I'm still waiting on a mod to approve me.

I don't I'm afraid. It took me a few days to get modded as well. I think they don't 'work' weekends.
Look like 12" x 12" - ties in with Zone Mortalis and the other tile based GW games.
