Rules suggestions - Weapons, Wargear and Traits

Don't know if this is still being looked at but a way to make certain weapons less auto take might be this thing that popped into my mind in a different thread...

I'd really like a weapon trait of ostentatious (#). Where the number is a cred cost every game or you start the (next) game "jammed". Give it to bolters and plasma at different values and then you could leave bolters at the 6+ ammo, plasma at scarce and a combi has more utility.

It would drive a need to advance for loot counters even losing cuz you might need some cash to just use those plasma or bolters in the next game win or lose.

Hmmmm this has some legs I need to possibly execute in my next campaign.
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All suggestions are being looked at, don't worry. At the moment our small committee is just going through all suggestions thus far and deciding which ones are good to add, and which ones need to be put back to the community for further discussion.

We've nearly finished the General Principles, as soon as this is done it will be released for people to have a look at, and for the playtesting group to have a go with.

By the way, if anyone is interested please consider dropping a hello in the playtest thread! The more heads the better, we need all the help we can get!
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This is definitely still be looked at, but there's a lot of discussion around each decision that gets made.

It's a good suggestion though, although I feel a little excessive.
Personally I'd rather just stick bolters in special weapons and perhaps adjust credits. There's nothing basic about them.
I think this is even more important now that Gangers lost trading post access - the advantage that gangs who get bolters feel is significant.
Bolters have never been a Special Weapon, that's why I don't like it. Special Weapons have always been reserved for Plasma-Melta-Flamer.
Depends on how you define special.
I count as something that's more powerful, a bolter definitely meets the power consideration of a special weapon.
If you wanted it to remain a basic weapon, then I'd propose making them damage 1.
I count special weapon as it was commonly applied to 40k (at least several previous editions). This also affected all Necromunda editions.
This is definitely still be looked at, but there's a lot of discussion around each decision that gets made.

It's a good suggestion though, although I feel a little excessive.
Personally I'd rather just stick bolters in special weapons and perhaps adjust credits. There's nothing basic about them.
I think this is even more important now that Gangers lost trading post access - the advantage that gangs who get bolters feel is significant.

The bolter is a weird one in that it is "common" enough to be basic but the stats are a little high. Initial cost alone isn't going manage its access and dropping the damage is going to have consequences with champions getting to run around with less fear.

With the increased access gangs have to champions moving it to special won't decrease it that much but it does remove viable gangers from a gang that needs them.

If the damage output is the real culprit I'd say remove rapid fire single bolter shot is good, multiple is overkill and what scrawny gang fighter can really use bolter rapid fire? That thing kicks hard!

Having a long term use tax on some weapons I think could be a great balancing factor and harkens back to ORB where all the money you brought in got referenced on a chart and what you put in the stash was far less than the creds your gang was seeing. I miss this mechanic as it really felt like they were eating and buying bullets rather than amassing riches that were hard to believe.
Bolters have never been a Special Weapon, that's why I don't like it. Special Weapons have always been reserved for Plasma-Melta-Flamer.
And also more mundain things like long las, long rifle or sniper rifle. I'd argue they are less 'special' than a weapon that fires self-propelled explosive rounds.

Maybe we could keep the boltgun Basic but make it less Common (remove from all ganger weapon lists (sorry Goliath and Orlock) and make it appropriately rare at the trading post for starter)
And also more mundain things like long las, long rifle or sniper rifle. I'd argue they are less 'special' than a weapon that fires self-propelled explosive rounds.

Maybe we could keep the boltgun Basic but make it less Common (remove from all ganger weapon lists (sorry Goliath and Orlock) and make it appropriately rare at the trading post for starter)

Moving everything anti champion to champion only (realistically specialists are rare) will open up an issue with gangers only being any good for pinning and dieing. I get that is pretty much the game as it is now but it would make it worse.

I'd actually go the other way and move some of those less special special weapons to basic to let gangers actually contribute.

With Escher schtick of toxin I'm disappointed they didn't get a basic toxin weapon.
Thoughts on everyones favourite items (or special rules if you will) Corpse Grinder Cult masks.

The ones that current force you to take a willpower check to carry out the shoot action at them could be changed to imposing a -1 to hit modifier on a failed check instead? Makes them much less punishing, but still provides some ranged protection.

The one that imposed this to a fight action could also just be changed to impose a -1 to hir modifier.

I think these still portray the horror/terror these are supposed to invoke in opposing fighters, spoiling there aim or concentration in a fight.
If I run a campaign I will make this a house rule, I like it.