Some beautiful terrain in this thread!
Posting about Infinity, the firing in that game is a lot more dangerous than in Necromunda; simply because the mechanics of reactive fire means you can shoot people as they run between buildings, and the units tend to be a lot less durable too (or firepower is more effective rather). Generally the melee effective guys in Infinity have some way of getting close to the enemy without being shot first (LoS blocking grenades, camouflage so they have to be spotted first etc.) The general advice with Infinity terrain is not to have too many 'fire corridors' across the board, where it is possible to see from one side to the other. If you do, the game can turn into static sniper battles between long range weaponry.
Although shooting in Necromunda is still very powerful, I would say that any terrain setup that is suitable for Infinity would de facto be fine for Necromunda. It's also why you see a lot of people using the same or similar terrain setups for both games.