N18 Versatile Clarification Question


Sep 16, 2020
Greetings. I am fairly new to Necromunda and had a little discussion with my friend about Versatile trait when his Subj Captain with Shield and Greatsword charged my ganger. So, my question is if he charges into Versatile range of Greatsword and assault shield is ranged E, then he can use only Greatsword(2 attacks + 1 for dual wield +1 on the charge)? Or because he is out of range for the shield he gets only 2 attacks with his Greatsword?
The rules are not wholly clear on the issue, but the interpretation that causes the fewest problems is that a versatile weapon makes you count as engaged for the purpose of attacks with that weapon only.
Thank you very much. So, model still gets +1 attack for 2 weapons and +1 for the charge but only with Greatsword? 4 attacks with Greatsword and I can't hit back. That's bullying haha
Also worth noting that Greatsword is Unwieldly, and therefore no second weapon can be used with it unless the wielder has the skill Bulging Biceps. (That second weapon would include the shield, in this case, I believe.) So no +1A for second weapon in this example, whether versatile or not.
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Also worth noting that Greatsword is Unwieldly, and therefore no second weapon can be used with it unless the wielder has the skill Bulging Biceps. (That second weapon would include the shield, in this case, I believe.)
Thank you. That how we played it. He charged with Subj Captn and attacked me 4 times with a Greatsword since shield wasn't in range. So, I was wondering if +1 for charge and +1 for 2 weapons still apply to the his Subj Captn even if the shield isn't in range. I though it will be only 2 attacks, well maybe 3 because of +1 to charge. Also, thanks for reiminding, yeah he had bulging biceps.
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If you wield two weapons you split your attacks between the two. (I saw the Bulging Biceps)
Captain A2
Plus 1A for charging.
If you are Base to base you are in Engagement range so can use the shield to gain an additional attack but that boosts your total attacks to 4A. You now split the attacks do 2 are with the Greatsword and 2 with the shield.

If you charge and end up within versatile range but not bases to base then your Greatsword is within range but your shield is not.
There is a little gray area on if duel weapons can be used via versatile. (If it was two separate versatile weapons there is no problem).
If you rule that they do get the duel weapons bonus attack then yes they "get" 4. However the attack sequence is described as using two weapons (swords and shield) then you must split the attacks betwixt the two weapons. (The attack uses two weapons to get the Duel weapons bonus).
Therefore two of the captains attacks must be assigned to the shield. The shield is out of range (not within Engagement range). So it can't hit anything. The versatile trait is assigned to the Greatsword, it does not lend it to the other weapon.
If the captain is duel wielding in this case they can only get 2A when charging with the sword as it is the only weapon in range.

If the captain charged, got into Versatile range and attacked with the sword in two hands and did not use the shield in the other, then that's 2A base and +1A for charging for a total of 3A.
No 4A.
Duel wield versatile builds can work but with Two versatile weapons with the same range. It's an expensive way of getting one more bonus attack.
Take the Unwieldy Greatsword which requires 2/3 weapon slots. (Great Sever rule though). To get a second one you need a skill, Bulging Biceps, to sidestep the two-handed requirement or a suspensor on both weapons to wield both in one hand each (120 credits). Then you need a suspensor harness to give you a 4th weapon slot (40 credits).
Then the extra sword.(40 credits).
With Bulging Biceps that's 120 credits, without it's 240 credits.
That's a Heavy Rock Saw (120). Or a Suspensor Multimelta (240).
Is four Greatsword attacks only on charging worth a move and shoot always Multimelta?

(Of course it's cheaper to duel wield shock staves (50 credits) but a single power sword costs that and is arguably better. Duel las cutters cost 180 and with two of them will fall foul of the 6+ ammo Scarce roll pretty quick. Whips and digi lasers are just meh).