Warhammer: The Old World

Hahaha, yeah! Oh I traded my old Magic cards for the Space Wolf Codex and some models froma dude.. he had actually played that Wolf Guard nonsense.. Most were proxied but I know he atleast once had a Wolf Lord on the board with the rest of the army being Wolf Guard Terminators with ass-cannons and Cyclone Missile Launchers... lol

I got that stuff and made an army out of it like the stuff in the battle report in the Codex. Felt very proud of it! (Almost never used the Terminators but the Grey Hunters, Blood Claws and Long Fangs along with Wolf Scouts!)

I had my time making hard lists too but could not bring myself to the worst nonsense. Kinda weird to be honest.. Like in 3rd Ed, I ran full Packs of 10 Grey Hunters, 10 Blood Claws (they could be 15 then but that was new "nonsense" ;) ). I felt following the background was, right.. But I also did not have to optimize more I think, I was pretty successful still. Being one of the few "vets" from 2nd Ed and did good. So not because I was an angel, hehe. But it felt good making "fluffy" lists that performed well (they did! Often running 20 grey hunters, 10 Blood Claws supported by other elements)

I did own part of an Ork army in 2nd Ed though, a smaller protion, and playing with that guy, we did some weird things.. Telescopic Legs, Kustom Shoot or Blasta on Meks. Popping up from behind cover and behind Gretchin screens..
then the buddy planned to buy 12 Pulsa Rokkits but thankfully I think all he ever had was one or two..

Good times and weird stuff.. I miss it.. :D