Some traps are cunningly hidden among the gloom and debris of the
underhive, fighters not knowing if a pile of rubble is just more rubbish or a
deadly surprise. If a trap uses the Hidden Traps rule then it is represented
on the battlefield by not one but six markers. These markers can be tokens, or appropriate terrain elements on 25mm bases. When preparing these
markers, one out of the six is the real trap (mark its underside, or secretly
make a note to determine which one is real), the others are false traps. When a fighter triggers a trap, as detailed in the trap’s description, it is
revealed. False traps are discarded while the real trap remains on the
battlefield. Note that even when the real trap is revealed, other false traps
remain on the battlefield until they have been interacted with – this is
important if more than one trap is in play, as it will keep the enemy guessing
as to just how many traps remain to be discovered.