N18 Rule clarification (for listbuilding)

also it could seriously mess up alpha strike builds with infiltrators... (if your opponent charges)
Interesting potential to resolve the entire game within the first round.

Seems like the obvious counter is to include infiltrators with overwatch...
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Interesting potential to resolve the entire game within the first round.

Seems like the obvious counter is to include infiltrators with overwatch...
True - because Threat Response Activates the fighter, they would then trigger an opposing Overwatch fighter in turn, which itself would interrupt THEIR Activation, before coming back to the rest of that first fighter’s Charge (Double) action and its Fight action. Phew!
Is there an infiltrator countermeasure, like in 40k or 30k, where they flatly can't set up infiltrators within a certain number of inches of the model/item?

I can't think of one...
Yes. With Infiltrate, in Necromunda, "set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is not visible to any enemy fighters, and not within 6" of any of them" is the rule. So not just a distance (six inches) away, but also must be entirely out of line of sight of any and all opposing fighters. During the regular deployment, before infiltrate, I tend to set up fighters in groups, watching widely around each other, to cut off infiltration access (I played a lot against Delaque).
I did know that...I was wondering about like an item that prevents infiltrators with a larger distance than the base 6"

Like how in 30k, you have a pretty standard "Augury Scanner" that denies infiltrators within 18".
I think the new Van Saar specialists may have one? Hmm.


Enemy fighters may not be set up within 12" of a fighter
with an augurspex as either Reinforcements or using
the Infiltrate skill.

A piece of equipment available only to the Book of Desolation Van Saar Tek-Hunter specialist.
Frag traps and such stay in your stash until you choose to use them. Does that happen during Deploymemt? If so, yes, you could stash some until fighting someone with a lot of infiltrate, then use them to lock down infiltrators. If it happens after deployment, then they wouldn’t help against infiltrators.

BEFORE deployment, eh? That could still be useful to lock out infiltrators from various areas. Frag traps are 20 credits common,
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Frag traps and such stay in your stash until you choose to use them. Does that happen during Deploymemt? If so, yes, you could stash some until fighting someone with a lot of infiltrate, then use them to lock down infiltrators. If it happens after deployment, then they wouldn’t help against infiltrators.

BEFORE deployment, eh? That could still be useful to lock out infiltrators from various areas. Frag traps are 20 credits common,
It says...

"A booby trap is represented by a marker placed upon the battlefield at the start of the battle, after the battlefield has been set up but before deploying any fighters. If both gangs possess and wish to use booby traps, the defender or the winner of a roll-off (if there is no defender) places theirs first."

So, yes, they could be used as an anti-infiltrator countermeasure. The traps are friend or foe, so...yeah, you could box yourself in....I guess it could work as like a really expensive countermeasure, or an affordable one if the terrain gave you some obvious choke point.

Hmm...though it does look useful against roaming horrors...
I'm not sure where I read it, but there's a scenario or an equipement option somewhere where you hide your real traps amongst a bunch of dud-ones...
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The 2018 edition rules (GotU) placed multiple tokens for each booby trap? N23 appears to have changed that in the Core Rule Book?

Edit: correction, GotU used the same rules as the N23 Core Rule Book. But I too read the “multiple tokens per booby trap” somewhere. Now to figure out where.
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The 2018 edition rules (GotU) placed multiple tokens for each booby trap? N23 appears to have changed that in the Core Rule Book?

Edit: correction, GotU used the same rules as the N23 Core Rule Book. But I too read the “multiple tokens per booby trap” somewhere. Now to figure out where.
and the delaque sight blind traps (HOS) p 103
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Aha! Maybe THAT is the one! Thank you!

Edit: Aha! House of Shadows. "Hidden Traps" rule. Some traps are designated "Hidden Traps," and use that rule.

Some traps are cunningly hidden among the gloom and debris of the
underhive, fighters not knowing if a pile of rubble is just more rubbish or a
deadly surprise. If a trap uses the Hidden Traps rule then it is represented
on the battlefield by not one but six markers. These markers can be tokens, or appropriate terrain elements on 25mm bases. When preparing these
markers, one out of the six is the real trap (mark its underside, or secretly
make a note to determine which one is real), the others are false traps. When a fighter triggers a trap, as detailed in the trap’s description, it is
revealed. False traps are discarded while the real trap remains on the
battlefield. Note that even when the real trap is revealed, other false traps
remain on the battlefield until they have been interacted with – this is
important if more than one trap is in play, as it will keep the enemy guessing
as to just how many traps remain to be discovered.
HOS p. 101.

That rule is not reproduced in the N23 Core Rule Book. Or the N18 Core Rulebook. But it does appear in each of the N20 House Of X books. I just checked Escher, and it is there too, applied to each of the "house only" trap types. Web and Sightblind for Delaque. Blade Cage and Decapitator for Escher, etc.

So those could also definitely help affect Infiltrators.
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Yeah, though this traps stuffs all assumes that the infiltrators are all one trick ponies. If I see the mines or the threat response, my infiltrators might just take up sniper positions with lasguns, even if they also have melee. I guess my point is that it doesn't seem like you'd really solve the "infiltrator problem" by blocking their path or preparing to charge them when they charge, they'll just appear somewhere else if you block them.

Could be useful if you have like 1 character that absolutely cannot be charged turn 1.

Hmm...one of the bounty hunters I recall reading had something like this...ah Ortruum 8-8, one of his abilities, "soul hound" flatly denies the use of infiltrate vs one enemy fighter.

"Soul Hound: A unique ability possessed by Ortruum 8-8, and one that makes its services particularly valuable to Bounty Hunters, Enforcers and Guilders, is the ability to hunt down individuals based on their psychic spoor. Before a game begins, nominate one fighter (Leader, Champion, Juve, Specialist or equivalent) from your opponent's gang. This fighter is the one that Ortruum 8-8 has been sent to track down. This fighter must be deployed on the table at the start of the game, and must therefore be included in your opponent's crew, however that is selected.

For the duration of this game, the nominated fighter is haloed by a ghostly illumination, marking them out to their enemies as Ortruum 8-8 constantly focuses upon their location. All shooting attacks made against the nominated fighter gain a +1 modifier on hit rolls. Additionally, the nominated fighter may not use the Infiltrate or Lie Low skills for the duration of this game."