WarHammer 40k Stoof Goes Rogue

Almost a year to the day since this was last updated and I've been reminded that it exists.

The orks of Smashnekz crew have gained reinforcements in the guise of an evvy weapon squad and two dredz/kans and a looted tank on top of the trio of bikes shown earlier. A reasonable force, if a bit vehicle-heavy... Not that Rogue Trader gave a galloping hoot whether your force was vehicle heavy - no such thing as a force organisation chart in them days! Got a new tank? Sweet, get 'er on the table!

I need to just convince myself to do a little touch more painting and I can do another battle report!
I've just discovered this thread and really enjoy it. I picked up the softcover reprint of RT a few years ago because both hardcovers I had in my youth completely fell apart. If I were to ever return to 40k it would be small skirmish games using these old rules. I think I even have a pdf scan of the old Chapter Approved book hiding somewhere on my hard drive.