N18 Necrodamus/Bookromunda (rules compilations)

Thanks! Struggling with scenarios at the moment, it is almost impossible to organize in a good way. Because it looks like GW is slowly running out of new names, so there are increasing amount of duplicates in all psosible combinations:
  • Same(ish) name, same(ish) content
  • Different name, same(ish) content
  • Same(ish) name, different content
So what to do?
  • Keep all variants separate (too late for that now, and it would mean huge amount of duplicate content)
  • Keep only the latest (could break older content like campaigns, alliances ++)
  • Merge all variants of the same(ish) scenario together, and adding notes where they differ
I've mostly stuck to merging variants with notes previously, but that get's more and more difficult now, with for example 6 versions of rescue scenario?!?
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Yeah I like that but it's the most amount of work and it makes the scenario messy. To showcase one example, we have the Ambush scenario (aka Wasteland Ambush). First (stable) release in N17 (Gang War 1) as Sector Mechanicus (3d). Then released in N18, defender has 12" deployment circle in center of the battlefield. Then N22 as 2d/3d/AW and regardless of type, vehicles can't be used (at this point rules failed to consistently apply the same limitation to vehicles and mounts, so mounts can strictly speaking be used here). Then N23, vehicles & mounts can be used, circle reduced to 6". And haven't even touched crew sizes here yet.

Also take into account Trap is a very similar scenario, also in multiple versions... I fear all these different details will forever be lost in Necrodamus.
I’ve only just now discovered @servo_scribe has branched out from your Necrodamus doc.

So it’s now Necro-Vox and a 1:1 transcribe of the official books.
That's the idea. Forgot to mention that. The thing was we started to drift apart and people commented on the shared name even if it only affected one source, so it got confusing for all parts. The ambition for Necro-Vox is to be 1:1, I think there will even be citation for sources. I have my doubts any rules compilation can be 1:1 at this stage, so perhaps it's something to aim for. My goal was/is a lot simpler, I just wanted an easy reference to look up rules. There's also way more possibilities to do fancy stuff on web pages, so looking forward to see if Necro-Vox can get even better than it already is.
Hey everyone, Just found this page and wanted to check out the Bookromunda rule set as my group as a new campaign coming up and we are always down to see new systems for that. However I'm not seeing a link to download/read the Bookromunda rule set? Am i just blind and dumb and missing something?
Hey everyone, Just found this page and wanted to check out the Bookromunda rule set as my group as a new campaign coming up and we are always down to see new systems for that. However I'm not seeing a link to download/read the Bookromunda rule set? Am i just blind and dumb and missing something?
before Topsy would share his pdf version with you. you can chek the web one.
its called Necro-vox!
Ooops, looks like I lost the distribution when parting ways with Necro-vox... and I don't have a good alternative at the moment. Suggestions?

I found that Urson Grimjarl (p224 of necrodamus) is listed with a "Fractal Pulse Beamer" which is Orrin Grimjarl's weapon instead of his "Jardan 'longshot' hunting rifle".
I haven't found the sniper rifle profile in the book too.

Jardlan profile :
rng : 18" - 48" | Acc : +0 - +1
Str 5 | AP -2 | D 2 | am 4+ | Traits : Rapid Fire (1), Rending