N17 Goliath Gang WIP Log

Hmm I wish all these new members with their awesome painting skills would do one, it’s making us old soaks look bad!

Great work mate, keep it up!
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Do you mind explaining how you chopped the slug cannons down to pistols? I mistook the one the Juve is using for an actual plastic right hand pistol as I can't actually see any cuts or join lines!
@Yemeshi I'm afraid it is just as simple as it seems... Just cutted the stub cannon, trimmed the hand and tried to cover the defects resulting of the hand removal with a bit of cardboard (It should be even easier with green stuff). You can see it here:

By the way the ones on the juves are indeed right hand stub pistols, I just cut them from the right hand and glued them to a left one :whistle:
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By the way the ones on the juves are indeed right hand stub pistols, I just cut them from the right hand and glued them to a left one :whistle:
Thanks, I missed noticing that the Juve's hand was still the original - I'd assumed you'd taken the stub cannons and trimmed down. That makes me feel a little more confident about my ability to try the same thing at least!
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Just some advice, first of all don't try to do it with a single cut. Try first cutting the wrist then use some not deep cuts as guide and remove the hand with several cuts if necessary.
And second, try to remove the hand without removing the trigger guard and when putting the pistol in the new one try to fit it to the appropriate finger.
Other than that it is simpler than it looks and if it doesn't fit perfectly just a bit of green stuff to fill any gap should be enough ;)
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Well, I haven't been painting anything for the last few months... I don't know why but I'm do not feel much like painting during summer.

Besides, lately I've been enjoying more kitbashing than painting, and I've started converting an Escher gang (will start a new thread on that soon). So until I decide to finish painting the last 4 goliaths there won't be more updates here. However, as it doesn't look like it is going to be anytime soon I wanted to share the final stage of the Goliath Ogryn conversion. I was doubting about adding a mohawk but I love the ogryn head as it is, so I decided to keep it unmodified just in case I could mess it up adding something. I also wasn't sure about the weapon so it is magnetized just in case I find something I like more...



I like that Ogryn a lot! Thought about adding a mohawk and came to the same conclusion: Would maybe suit House Goliath better, but the head looks just fine as it is - would look great with stubby hair/beard. I think the spiked shoulder pad reminiscent of a mohawk works well!
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NICE, very nice camera...or photographer as the case may be.
It's the mobile camera and has the problem that takes better pictures when the model is unpainted than once it's finished... :cry:

I like that Ogryn a lot! Thought about adding a mohawk and came to the same conclusion: Would maybe suit House Goliath better, but the head looks just fine as it is - would look great with stubby hair/beard. I think the spiked shoulder pad reminiscent of a mohawk works well!
In fact I wanted to make clear that though he is trying to imitate the goliaths look (with the pectoral armor and so) he is not a goliath, so in any case I would have added some kind of metal mohawk, however this way I think it makes clear that it is a hanger on and not a proper gang member.

I went for Troll hair - it’s a great model
@ClockworkOrange, yours HAD to have hair, that's for sure, what kind of ogryn-troll would it be without troll hair? (y)
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Thats really nice, conveys a lot of character. I would like a closer look at your take on the cyber hand/fist.
I just look at the strap on the back of that boot and I NEED to carve it out... (don't mind me, I get a little anal with my plastic work)
Everybody carves out the overhang and cuts away the extra stuff on every single mini, right?? Thats totally not only me... right?
I'll just rock in a corner and carve plastic for a few hours now.
I just look at the strap on the back of that boot and I NEED to carve it out...
Did not realize about that strap and I even had to look the picture twice to know what you were talking about, but now I HATE you... :cry:

I think however that it's less noticeable when you are not looking an oversized picture and that I could disguise it when painting, so maybe I hate you a bit less :cautious:

By the way this is the best (or the least bad) picture I have just now of the power fist.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. now you too know the pain of my madness! (and you can always dab some black on the back and call it shadows)
Seriously though, really dig your take on the fist-thingie.
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