GW is planning new Specailist Games minis?

GW are apparently planning a 'Black Friday' sale.

What that equates to is if you bring a friend along to a GW store, and they buy a starter set like Dark Vengeance or AoS, you'll both get a £10 voucher to spend at GW. But you BOTH have to go along. This will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week.

There may also be limited numbers of 'Bundle deals' which the stores will find out about tomorrow.

Better than nothing I suppose, but as one commentator stated "Is this Games Workshop’s final push to get new folks into their stores, and pull out what some folks are calling a “rapid descent” of the company?"
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Personally I'd love it if they brought out some more necro models. I know there's the whole thing about GW scraping the barrel, etc, but I personally see it as a positive move.
I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to mixing manufacturers and some of the kitbashing alternatives just don't thrill me very much.
I'm not really interested in rules and suchlike, but I'd give it a bash to see how it works and see if there's anything worth cannibalising into our own rules. You never know, they might come up with some cool new skills or a better campaign system. If not, who cares?
But don't tell me you wouldn't get a bit of a thrill to see the mighty houses of hive primus making a return to the GW/forgeworld store!
...and beardy freak shows with ape drapes.
Yep. The plastic box set of 10 Gretchin plus herder is £10.


I'm after a set of these for turning into 'Elves' = )

It's also a good source of "stub guns" and mauls too!! ;)

I also (minorly) converted one to a ganger - was inspired by the midget-psychos in Borderlands!!

The herder has a good whip and holstered pistol as well and I'm sure the enterprising pit slave owner can make use of the electroprod and grabba parts! Assuming you don't want to use the Ork bits at all for Necromunda.

And at £10, it's probably on par or cheaper than ordering in a load of 3rd party resin bits. Oh and there's a stickbomb too! :D
Are you seeing this?

Unless this extract of German White Dwarf is a typo or an effort to catch out a leak, three miniatures for what works out at $100 US. I think that may be the point where 'GW are pricing themselves out of the market' becomes 'GW have priced themselves out of the market'. Don't foresee that kit recouping its mould price in a hurry.
These are big, detailed kits. They are far bigger and more detailed than, say, a space marine terminator hero (which is the same price i.e £20 a model) and about equal in size to a tau commander in battle suit (which has a 50% higher price).

I'm not "defending" the price (I really feel no need to) merely pointing out the inconsistency in saying this is crossing some sort of line when in fact the line appears to have been crossed ages ago.

These models are entirely in keeping with, and dare I say reasonable in the context of, GW's pricing policy for heroes (and they're certainly heroic by any reasonable measure - their battlefield function, the number you'd typically field, the effort that's gone into sculpting them, their size, the amount of time they'd demand to paint etc...)
It doesn't particularly matter how big or fancy they are; they're a box of three cavalry for SIXTY QUID and I've a feeling that's the first thing people are going to see. That full set of Escher I put together earlier this year? I paid less for them than the price of six of those knights.
Doghead you are right but also so is Fold, he was just saying that in the context of their current pricing this isn't anywhere out of the norm and that "line" of crazily priced models has already been crossed.

Also I'd like a link to the Escher (I'm assuming you have them painted?). Just want to see them in all their glory. Mine are still silver surfers :D
Have you ever read this now I know you'll say games workshop can easily fund this kind of thing but it gives you an idea of the shear skill and man hours required to manufacture the bigger kits.

Now look at this on this basis personally I don't think that £100 is expensive. (I don't like the model though BTW)

Yeah they make a lot more which will reduce the R&D per unit but they have other overheads like the shops that others don't.

Like you gentlemen for a long time I've been down on GW, but I think I've come out the other side now as a GW apologist.

They really seem to be trying at the moment, yeah there's lots of misses but the quantity of stuff released and the quality of the stuff is getting impressive.
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There are a lot of guys at my club that will be buying these models, even if they were a hundred and sixty pounds. They seem to think GW is THE best, and are willing to pay accordingly. If only they realised it's them thats keeping the prices GW charge so high. Oh well.
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@Azzabat sorry, I don't understand, what is wrong with a publicly limited company making a product and charging for it? What obligation do they have to charge less for a product when they can charge more?

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@RobStrachan, while you make a very solid point, I would pipe in to say that if they swallowed some of their profit margin by offering reduced rates on their products, they would have better luck growing their brand. There would be no guarantee, but a good chance that they would still net the same. What they would be doing by this is injecting growth into the gaming community. Win hearts and minds. With more gamers in localized areas, their customer base will have more chance to connect with others, a better chance of finding people who not only share their hobby but that they get along with really well.

Ima romanticize the shit out of this one and suggest that if GW had a friendlier and more affordable package, the miniatures hobby world would be a better place. And a bigger place. And based on the increase in representation in the world as a whole, it would make the whole world a better place. Other companies would admire the action and follow suit, the wage gap would get smaller, education access would be widespread, and everyone would be getting laid.