Ikka's junkyard

My FLGS has a 40k grow league coming up next month- 500 points week 1/2, 750 points week 3/4, 1000 points week 5, 1250 or 1500 week 6. Decided to run my Imperial Agents, which are based off of the mortal components of the codex, so Breachers/Arbites/Voidsmen along with the grab-bag of weirdos that are Agents themselves and Rogue Trader entourages. It is a fun army that I don't get to play often and one that should work well at introducing new/new-ish people to the game, as it is definitely not a competitive army and has relatively squishy baseline humans as the main force. I'll add an inquisitor, another agents squad, and a Warglaive to the 750 points list to make it a little tougher.

Inquisitor Draxus - Warlord (attached to Subductors)
Rogue Trader Entourage - Fleetmaster Enhancement (attached to Breachers)

Navy Breachers - meltagun, chainfist, demolition charge, power weapon, sarge w/powersword
Subductor squad - proctor w/nuncio-aquila
Exaction squad - grenade launcher, heavy stubber, medi-kit, excruciator maul, proctor w/nuncio-aquila
Imperial Agents - plasma pistol, eviserator, mystic stave, tome-skull, servitor w/multi-melta





I like the Imperial Agents, from a lore perspective. Should be fun, even if (or perhaps because of) they're not an optimal army. Looking forward to seeing more!
Also, how did you get a profile picture as a new member? ;) A lot of people really wants to know this hack!!:LOL:
I don't really think I'm a new member- I swear I was a Ganger a while back and maybe it was switched? I'm not sure what the process is to getting different status levels.
I don't really think I'm a new member- I swear I was a Ganger a while back and maybe it was switched? I'm not sure what the process is to getting different status levels.
Thats very odd. It hasn't been changed by a mod. I think Ganger is something like 100 posts (it goes New Member > Juve > Ganger then upwards).

Your post count it over 200 so you should at least be a Ganger. I'll check what you should be and update it.

It's something along these lines:

Under 10 - New Member
10 + Juve
50 + Ganger
250 + Gang Champion
500 + Gang Hero
1500 + Hive Guilder
5000 + Hive Lord

I've made you a Gang Champion since you aren't far off, enjoy your promotion!
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Thats very odd. It hasn't been changed by a mod. I think Ganger is something like 100 posts (it goes New Member > Juve > Ganger then upwards).

Your post count it over 200 so you should at least be a Ganger. I'll check what you should be and update it.

It's something along these lines:

Under 10 - New Member
10 + Juve
50 + Ganger
250 + Gang Champion
500 + Gang Hero
1500 + Hive Guilder
5000 + Hive Lord

I've made you a Gang Champion since you aren't far off, enjoy your promotion!
Isn’t it editable? Malo made me un-dis-honored, but I can see a box to change it. Or does that come at a certain level?
I don't really think I'm a new member- I swear I was a Ganger a while back and maybe it was switched? I'm not sure what the process is to getting different status levels.
I remember you from FYSC posts and scoring, so you've definitely been around for a while. Odd. Must've been a warp rift thingie, those happen a lot lately.
Citizens, The Troll has donned the big rubber gloves and @Lord_Ikka has been subjected to the full spread eagle rummage, all seems to be in order.

No idea how to fix the IT issues but the Troll had fun ;)

Move along.
  • Haha
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Yeah, they're Karnovs set up to transport some of my IS battle armor.

I've got a FLGS that has a large supply of Dark Age click boxes, so I've been using them to make up battle armor, proto mechs, and various vehicles for a while now. It's cheaper than etsy stuff, and aside from the actual Mechs the scale isn't too bad.
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Got a Knight done, a full Armiger (plus another's base that my dog had eaten), a thrid Armiger for my friend (as payment for my dog eating his), four Necron characters, Ser Hektor, and two ratlings for an Only War RPG.







Next month won't be nearly so much- just a couple of kill teams and maybe some Trench Crusade test paints. I hope...