GW view themselves as the aston martin/rolyce of the model world (rightly or wrongly). Those companies don't operate in the same way as Skoda and Honda. They wont give offers (okay this might have been a bad analogy as BOGOF isn't really the car industry, but approved second hands, finance deals, free extras etc). They are such a premium product that their exclusivity is a selling point. Sales and offers detract from that image. The end times kits were perfect examples of GW aiming to cement that image and client base.
I've lost interest in GW and following their releases since then (it was waning then), but I gather there more recent kits have reigned that back a bit, showing that they realize they aren't that exclusive (nor should they be, that's forgeworlds game IMO). The kick towards their specialist games etc I think is good on the whole, as its steps towards what we think they should be, but more importantly, what they think they might need to do to stay in business and compete with other companies. They will never say they are matched on quality (no company ever will), but this is a passive admission that they aren't soo far ahead of the competition that they can blindy go on making collectors kits and no rules.
From what I've seen on BnC (only other forum I really go on), 40k is absurd, and its scale is more akin to old school epic now, but it is balanced, it is fun and it does work as a game. Note when I say balanced, I mean as much as it has been ever, but these new shindigs like knights, formations and other crap having made it unplayable. The scale of it means its not for me anymore, but that doenst mean it doesn't function. Its just that GW are realizing they need gateway games, and that while we wont have a sale or anything big like that in a year... over the next 5-10 if this trend continues, then they will have some. They tested the waters with hteir digital stuff on black Friday I believe (being a luddite I don't understand e dexs etc so might be wrong).
So while business 101 says lower prices increase sales and make more profit... they aren't playing by the basics of business, they are using different formulae to make their money, and I think they are realizing they need to tweak it a little, but by and large they still make money, just less than previously (hence the tweaking, trying different stuff etc).
Hope all that makes sense