Necromunda The Sump: General hobby venting thread (Beware: old men shouting at clouds)

Yeah haha consistency is strong here. Cost, stats, skills - all the same :giggle: Curious to see how strong that Van Saar BS3+ crew will be. Must be top tier bonus for 5-10 credits, something everyone would always choose if they could.
It be like that though. Lascannons don't f**k around.
I know I just posted this same link in the Spire but now I'm ready to go full Sump. I think it's a great looking model and it makes perfect sense as a Palanite vehicle option, but dial back the clock a bit. Can you imagine how excited many of us would have been if this had been released as a generic vehicle available to any gang when Ash Wastes launched? To me that seems like just what Ash Wastes could and should have been. I'd love to do up gang variations based on this and I'd love to see gangs racing, smashing, and crashing these things all over the Wastes. That sounds like the Ash Wastes game I want to play.

Anyone here know Legion Imperalis has been released? No, me neither until I stumbled across a random youtube vid today, 10 days later, apparently...

I like the idea of Titans, I like the idea of massed armies at small scale, but back in the day I never got into Adeptus Titanicus ('89) or Space Marine or their subsequent editions, but earlier this year I started down the route of Epic Armageddon. I have a not-Steel Legion EA army, at 3000 pts, including tanks and 3 GW titans, a little more on that later.

I was interested to see GW were rebooting Epic Space Marine 1st edition as that is essentially what LI is, as Epic Space Marine was Horus Heresy, before Horus Heresy became a thing recently. Despite it being marine on marine with a bit of Guard (Solar Auxilia), I figured the models could be used in Epic Armageddon for a chaos army at least.

Then I saw the estimates internet commentators are making for a 3000 point army - £700+, probably nearer £800!!!! WTF!!! My not-Steel Legion 3000 point Epic Armageddon army, including lots of resin tanks, 1 Reaver and 2 Warhound titans from GW, cost me just about £200. So we're looking at 3 to 4 times the cost for a Legion Imperialis army!!

I don't know what the cost of a "normal scale" Horus Heresy army is but GW sure seem to be hoping the whales pony up for this game!!!

Starting to wonder if The Old World is going to go the same way!!!

Don't want GW to go under per se, but at the rate they're going I'd like to see gamers be honest, walk away, leave it to youtoobers and the Henry Cavills, and send GW a clear message!

O'course I know that won't happen and GW PLC wouldn't listen anyway.
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I've known, but mainly because I've been following it since initial release date in August (yep, it's been delayed for so long).
But the price... I guess the starter set is alright, but it's the only discounted box for LI, regular boxes are a bit ridiculous with the pricing for usually like 4-6 tiny tanks. So I'll probably finaly make the jump and buy 3d printer, it'll be better investment long term.
people are going to buy the core set for the rulebooks etc, then 3D print the actual models.
I'll wait until my Russian friends have a PDF version for me. Shiver me timbers me hearties!

(Actually I'll probably just try to actually play Epic 3rd Ed because I already have armies for it)
The consensus I've seen so far on LI is people are going to buy the core set for the rulebooks etc, then 3D print the actual models. Otherwise, as you say, it's prohibitively expensive. Sure they won't be able to play in GW tournaments, but really who gives a monkeys.

I get that they're expensive but the thought that the valuable bit is a modern GW ruleset......
When its the bit that usually needs the most kitbashing....
Then I saw the estimates internet commentators are making for a 3000 point army - £700+, probably nearer £800!!!! WTF!!! My not-Steel Legion 3000 point Epic Armageddon army, including lots of resin tanks, 1 Reaver and 2 Warhound titans from GW, cost me just about £200. So we're looking at 3 to 4 times the cost for a Legion Imperialis army!!
It's not £700.

It varies depending on what you buy, Knights are actually the cheapest per point but you can only bring 1000 of them in your 3k army (1k Knights will cost you ~£50) and if you take nothing but infantry for the remaining 2k (Around 10 boxes of infantry, a hilarious 220ish bases) that is ~£300. Rhinos are around twice as expensive as infantry per-point, flyers are around the same, things like Kratos are cheaper per-point but I'd estimate something around £400 if you bring 1k knights.

Some things are disgustingly expensive currently, you get a paltry 2 terminator bases for £30, so a massed terminator army is obscenely expensive, same for Assault marines. But I strongly suspect we'll see pure terminator and probably assault marine boxes at some point.
I’ve got an Elegoo but I’m not saying this is the best, and when you add on the wash machine and other misc equipment and some resin it’s probably nearer £400 HOWEVER you then have a good start on printing a full army AND a free printer 🤷‍♂️ becoming a no brainer for me.

I’ve got an Elegoo but I’m not saying this is the best, and when you add on the wash machine and other misc equipment and some resin it’s probably nearer £400 HOWEVER you then have a good start on printing a full army AND a free printer 🤷‍♂️ becoming a no brainer for me.

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I'll be dead honest, I've ordered my first 3d printer just yesterday. GW prices have gone completely nuts recently, and the new Legions imperialis was a final bit that threw me over the edge. I find it oddly amusing that I can print hundreds(if not thousands) of epic sized marines from one bottle of resin, for fraction of the cost.
It's not £700.

It varies depending on what you buy, Knights are actually the cheapest per point but you can only bring 1000 of them in your 3k army (1k Knights will cost you ~£50) and if you take nothing but infantry for the remaining 2k (Around 10 boxes of infantry, a hilarious 220ish bases) that is ~£300. Rhinos are around twice as expensive as infantry per-point, flyers are around the same, things like Kratos are cheaper per-point but I'd estimate something around £400 if you bring 1k knights.

Some things are disgustingly expensive currently, you get a paltry 2 terminator bases for £30, so a massed terminator army is obscenely expensive, same for Assault marines. But I strongly suspect we'll see pure terminator and probably assault marine boxes at some point.
Allies can be max 30% of the force, so for 3000 pts only 900 can be knights/titans, etc. Also, you still have to adhere to formation limits (so mandatory unit tax is a thing), and taking multiples of a model in same units make it cheaper. So while 700 pounds is probably stretching it a bit, it is definitely an expensive game if one wants to play at recommended 3000 pts. And to be frank, I've seen battle rep on YT of 1500 pts per side and game looked perfectly playable and enjoyable at that level.
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Yeah I don't think 3k points is really going to be what the community play, the AT guys I know are planning on ~2k (Until they can take more titans/knights than the 30% as hopefully at some point we'll have a Titan Legion force) as we've already got the tables and likely terrain for this size. 3k looks a bit 'full' on the reps I've seen.
There’s a good reason I don’t print Bolt Action infantry that’s available in plastic. Turns out, for me Bolt Action prices where you can get a fully playable army for under £100 are at the acceptable price point where the effort of printing them is outweighed by the convenience of just buying them. Same with their tanks. If I can buy a plastic kit I’d rather the kit. If not I’ll print them.
Absolutely. Even the force I've spent the most on for BA, my Italians, hasn't hit £200 total cost yet - and they're quite heavy on the more expensive metal miniatures.

I'd go so far as to say my Italians, DAK, British 8th army and US Airborne haven't hit £500 total for the whole lot.

That's the kind of price point I can get behind.
It's not £700.

It varies depending on what you buy, Knights are actually the cheapest per point but you can only bring 1000 of them in your 3k army (1k Knights will cost you ~£50) and if you take nothing but infantry for the remaining 2k (Around 10 boxes of infantry, a hilarious 220ish bases) that is ~£300. Rhinos are around twice as expensive as infantry per-point, flyers are around the same, things like Kratos are cheaper per-point but I'd estimate something around £400 if you bring 1k knights.

Some things are disgustingly expensive currently, you get a paltry 2 terminator bases for £30, so a massed terminator army is obscenely expensive, same for Assault marines. But I strongly suspect we'll see pure terminator and probably assault marine boxes at some point.

The internet commentators I was referring to were estimating based on the cost of what was seen in the White Dwarf battle report, which are supposed to be typical balanced forces.

Of course you're going to be able to min/max on stuff to reduce costs but if a typical balanced force is going to be near £700-£800, which according to internet commentators GW's batrep forces are likely to be, that's not a good advert to the gamer of average means in times of financial squeezes, no matter how you spin it, now is it...

I want a 3d printer myself, there's loads of stuff I'd like to print, alas I have nowhere to put one nor space for curing/cleanup etc. :(

Note - I've had people on the t'interwebz offer to print stuff for me, however there's usually a small fee and I'm not that trusting either, rather do it myself or not at all...
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Note - I've had people on the t'interwebz offer to print stuff for me, however there's usually a small fee and I'm not that trusting either, rather do it myself or not at all...
My group has kind of spread the burden around, so I have the most stls, one has a collection of FDM printers and two others have a resin printer each. With resin printers in particular the most expensive ongoing expense is replacing the screen, so it's better to always fill out the plate to get the most out of the lifespan.
I never got interested in Epic back in my childhood and haven't been following the modern LI stuff, but I can really sympathize with those who are interested but are facing GW sticker shock. I'll add to what @Tiny and @Stoof mentioned about the cost of Bolt Action - once one gets off the GW plantation, there are so many excellent, high quality-but-cheap options out there. A while back I picked up the SPQR starter box for around $40 and it comes with 70 plastic miniatures, enough for two full forces (and they're very good quality). More recently, I bought the Victrix pack of 60 Vikings to use with Saga - $55 and that's all I'll ever need for that army. If you're not into 3D printing, there are many excellent, affordable, non-GW options out there. And much of it can easily be proxied into older GW games like WFB or Mordheim (I'm sure there are sci-fi options too, just none come to mind at the moment).
The internet commentators I was referring to were estimating based on the cost of what was seen in the White Dwarf battle report, which are supposed to be typical balanced forces.

Of course you're going to be able to min/max on stuff to reduce costs but if a typical balanced force is going to be near £700-£800, which according to internet commentators GW's batrep forces are likely to be, that's not a good advert to the gamer of average means in times of financial squeezes, no matter how you spin it, now is it...

I want a 3d printer myself, there's loads of stuff I'd like to print, alas I have nowhere to put one nor space for curing/cleanup etc. :(

Note - I've had people on the t'interwebz offer to print stuff for me, however there's usually a small fee and I'm not that trusting either, rather do it myself or not at all...
It's not min-maxing, that's literally what it'll cost. The points values of everything (Minus the wave 2 stuff like bikes, drop-pods, basilisks, etc) is out, the physical cost of everything is out.

The White Dwarf Death Guard force people were costing out is a little tricky to cost as some of the boxes haven't been released yet, but my guestimate is:

1x Starter box (£120)
2x Astartes Legionary box (£60)
1x Kratos box (£30)
1x Xiphon box (£30)
1x Rhino box (£30)
1x Predator box (£30)
1x Sicaran box (£30)
1x Fire Support box (£30)
1x Fire Raptor box (£30)
1x Storm Eagle box (£30)
1x Reaver Titan (£35)

That doesn't use everything from all that; I think you'll have some extra Contemptors, Terminators, Assault Marines & Support marines, and maybe some extra Sicarans and/or Predators depending on how many end up in the box. Also doesn't use all your Auxilia from the starter box nor both Warhounds. That's pretty much what I said of £400 for a reasonably balanced force including transports for your footsloggers, aircraft, a Titan and plenty of tanks and support fires.

The Blood Angels list is almost impossible to cost out as around half the things on there aren't released yet so we don't know how many Drop pods or bikes are in a box. Though the Terminators alone would be £180 (lol) as you need to buy 6 Astartes Infantry boxes to get 12 bases of Terminators, so there surely has to be a Terminator-only box coming.

~£300 got me a 1.5k Astartes list and a 1.5k Solar Auxilia list, though that's because I've got something like 10k of Knights and Titans from AT so the 30% allies is 'free' for me.
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