Necromunda MusingWarboss' Modelling and Painting log (Currently: Assembling Resin Escher. )

So, April is upon me and the weather had enough of a break for me to be able to get outside, shake up the rattle can Primer and get some things… primed!!

So I’ve based up the Escher I received from @Sobek and got some lovely white primer on them. Then some brown on the base.

The fifth member is having a luxurious bath in some Dettol to strip some remaining paint fragments and then I’ll get her done too.

Even though I’ve got Escher here, despite they fit my brightly coloured painting style I’ve not actually ever painted any!! 😱 I’ve always found the 90s metals daunting for some reason, super small sculpts and really nice - just don’t want to ruin them. So I’ve gotta get over that and tackle them - if I can get 10-12 done then maybe I can give them an outing at YakMeet later this year??

The next up is this selection of modern plastic Orlocks:
You saw a few above in my Chimera (which is mostly reassembled now) so I’ve got a few more primed and base textured too.

It’s a zenithal prime (ooh, fancy) of black, then hit at a 45° angle with Citadel Grey Seer. Then a little blast from directly above.

I’ve got the base texture on too - for these Ash Wastes dudes I’ve given them AW bases - saving the fancy ZM bases for future use elsewhere. It’s just AK Interactive Dark Earth with some ballast mixed in for added roughage. It’ll be given a drybrush of mid, then light grey. If you want to see it in action, I used it on the TV crew a few posts above.

I like doing bases first these days, much easier to tidy them up rather than feet/legs of models.

Will be Contrast painting on the Orlocks, with a quick highlight of regular paint after in an effort to get another basic Gang done. Did a test, worked fine.

And yes, I’ve used the Harpoon launcher. Mostly because the heavy Stubber is elsewhere. And I only had one sprue of them.
But I will be adding ‘signature’ weapons into the collection such as the Goliath Krumper and Escher Nightshade so this fits fine.
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I’ve not actually ever painted any!! 😱 I’ve always found the 90s metals daunting for some reason, super small sculpts and really nice - just don’t want to ruin them. So I’ve gotta get over that and tackle them

Just remember: it's easy to strip paint off metal models, so you're not going to ruin them.
So, I’ve been building up some new recruits for the Orlocks.

Not sure why I’m on such an Orlock binge at the moment - just seems like a fun Gang too whack together.

So apart from MC Hammer to the left who is a stock build (the two arms masters are good enough as they are to just use as-is) the rest are kitbashes and conversions.

Right: 90s Orlock body (one of few I have left - most were chopped up decades ago) and I’ve fitted spare Orlock head and autogun arms to, in an effort to add more guns to the gang. Bit of green stuffing there too. At this stage I’m not entirely convinced it works but I’ll probably tweak tonight and then once the primer goes on that’s when we’ll discover if it all ties in.

Centre three are the best kind of kitbash - using up the leftovers!!

Had three Catachan Jungle Fighter bodies from the command kit unused - so decided to pair them with the leftover arms from the Orlock sprue and the spare Orlock heads.
Remember - I only had one sprue of Orlocks (weird eBay purchase) and I’ve managed to stretch it out quite far. If I’d brought a whole box I’d still have tonnes of bits!!

Only done a bit of green stuffing so far need more on two of them to round the shoulders out. These three are to be the Greenhorns, so lack of shoulder pads should work well, plus the slightly smaller stature works. Even the bare chest ties in as the Arms Master also has a bare chest.

Only difference… unlike the main boys who have sleeveless jackets these fellas will have leather jackets with sleeves. This will make them different from the others a bit and also crucially make them a bit less Catachan.

My favourite is the one with his foot on the skull, which will probably get lost in the ashy dirt.

Now we come on to Mr Shiny Base front and centre. Whilst assembling last night I accidentally spilt my liquid polystyrene cement over the cutting mat!!! 😱😭

So of course the project I was working on was doused in melty chemicals. This is why he has an auto pistol rather than a Stubgun. That Stubgun was waiting to be fixed on and subsequently swimming in it and melted. It’ll now become some rusty base decoration elsewhere. Sadly this chap also was stood in that pool. I quickly ran him under the tap but the base and feet are a little messed up. I figure I can hide and fix most of that with texture and paint.

Don’t want to waste a model!! His left hand also got a splash and is a bit softened on detail but I think I can fix that.
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Minor update: got more Orlock stuff Zenithal Primed and base texture applied - also added a couple more because why not??

Group shot of all of them. Only got a dog and the wreckers to build left, but I’m gonna leave them for a while (he says).

My test Orlock is at the front there, he came out pretty well so I think these should look pretty nice once they’re done!!

Here’s a couple of photos of my assembled kitbashed Greenhorns:

And finally a height shot!!
I got this lovely fellow for Christmas last year, so as we’re approaching the middle of this one I thought he deserved some paint!!

So this totally-not-Arnie is now done and I shall use him as I see fit!! Murder Cyborg, Venator or if I can find a totally-not-Furlong then I have a pretty decent proxy for Kal and Scabs!!!

Can I class this as my FYSC for May?? Yeah, I can. Started him at the beginning on the month I think.
I got this lovely fellow for Christmas last year, so as we’re approaching the middle of this one I thought he deserved some paint!!

So this totally-not-Arnie is now done and I shall use him as I see fit!! Murder Cyborg, Venator or if I can find a totally-not-Furlong then I have a pretty decent proxy for Kal and Scabs!!!

Can I class this as my FYSC for May?? Yeah, I can. Started him at the beginning on the month I think.
So… it’s been since… March?? that I started reworking my 90s Chimera, I’ve been through its long history before but here’s a quick recap:

Brought when first came out in the 90s, assembled normally and painted yellow and black for my Space Marines (yep that’s right). Abandoned for years in a shed. Rescued around 2010 and converted into an open back for my Orks, added some side weapons. Abandoned project again. Returned to it this year, cleaned up the old conversion, de-Orked parts to make it usable in Ash Wastes and magnetised the weapons.

And now today… primed grey!! Yay!!

Just went over the old paint, this neutralises the overall colour. Next up: paint it all JCB yellow and make it look like an old well used tractor unit.

The turret is not on at the moment as I’m thinking it can have many depending on its usage, which also means I can make a specific one for Orks and for Necromunda.

Dual purpose models baby!!! Yeah!!!

Hoping to get it ready for TribeMeet ‘23.

It’s not been in a game since the late 90s.
Chimera Update:

I have new paint on it!! She’s fully yellow now and it’s both highlighted and shaded, even though the photography isn’t doing it Justice as always.

Now adding in the metallic areas with a nice base of Vallejo German Grey, then it’ll be into the brown wash and then a tickle of Leadbelcher - which is how I do it on the Goliaths.

A few red bits too.
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Chimera Update: one week to TribeMeet!!

Taken the opportunity to fix together the track unit to the hull of the Chimera, so here’s a little tank bondage for those of you that like that sort of thing!!

Those metal-less hair elastics are brilliant for this sort of thing, no scratching, sticking or rubbing paint off. Probably better to do your builds before you paint mind!!
If you’ve gotta build in sections, to paint things in a certain way, these certainly help.

So, that’s it for the painting. I’m calling it done enough. I can always add more stuff in future but I feel it’s time to seal in the progress.

To that end I’m taking advantage of the nice warm day today before the week of solid rain that is predicted arrives.

I’ve also sprayed up my five finished Orlocks. Only 18 more to go!!! 😁😖

Sadly as it’s commanded by the Law of Sods, I have run out of Matt - so I have a lovely Matt turret and a glossy tank and this may well be the state it arrives at TribeMeet. So be it. If we get a reasonable October I will Matt further otherwise it’s next year.

Same goes for those Orlocks, nice gloss finish so far.

As with many model projects, I’ve decided when they’re painted they’re staying painted - got too many projects to keep stripping the old ones to redo them. Plus it’s nice to see progress over the years.
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